Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A Quest for Undead Superiority
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I would make a nice IC post, but right now, my brain's a little on the fried side. What with work making my grumpy and always being tired... I think I'll make this short, sweet, and right to the point.

I've got a storyline in mind for Gabril. He's going to (eventually) make a cult that pretty much has the ideals of undead superiority. "But Gabril's alive!" Yeah, I know. He's psychotic like that. He'll end up preaching to the living eventually. But what I need of people are undead to follow him that agree, "yeah, undead are pretty darn awesome" and living that for whatever reason go "that Gabril guy is pretty smart. I think I'll listen to him". If I can get people on this boat, then I'll try to make events. If not? Well, I'll probably have more time to be grumpy.

Like right now as I type this. Grumpy level? Pretty high. Yeah. And so what I want:
Cultists, living and undead
Input on what events would be fun
Input on how to make things better
Mostly cultists and input.

Especially cultists. I really do not want to NPC this.
* muhaha8 thinks we spoke on this already! He is quite down.