Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Mobile Browsing Pains
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This has been a consistent issue for the past few days. No matter what. When I try to access the forums from my phone, I get faced with this lovely little screen.

[Image: 3316EF5A-FD9E-4010-A44D-2A326EA5EF2F-186...3A39-1.jpg]

The forums are forever offline on my phone.
Phone: iPhone 3GS
OS: iOS 6.0.1 (10A523)

I've done everything I can on my phone to correct this issue, but it's only the CotH forums that show as offline. I think this may be an issue on CloudFire's side (so help me if this is their idea of trying to make me download their app).
I'm browsing CoTH forumz on a HTC and I had no problems like this yet.>.> Dunno what do do.<.< Sorry.
Cloudflare doesn't have an app (unless you're thinking of the forum browser app, Tapatalk). Have you tried using another browser?
That looks like you were using Safari. I absolutely hate Safari.

I just download the Chrome app and use that for internet browsing on my phone. Less of a headache, and far more reliable for browsing forums in general.

I use the iPhone 5.
Tapatalk is most certainly the app I'm thinking of.

And I haven't tried another browser just yet. I've always been one to avoid Chrome and other Google products due to my own dislike for Google. I'll see if I can get the Firefox app functional on my phone and see what happens.

Okay. So Mozilla doesn't have a full Firefox app for iPhone. Instead, I'll be trying with Yahoo! Axis. Loading the forums and...

[Image: 729CC5D9-F9E4-4F7E-A84B-00E9C1A3067C-904...ff9b0a.jpg]

Seems... Everything's functional. A minor inconvenience having to use an entirely different app just for CotH. Me being me will have to look further into why Safari doesn't cooperate.
Look on the bright side - CotH is so speshul that you use an app -just- for it! :D
That is quite true! YOU HEAR THAT, GAIS?
So, just as I think I'm safe...

[Image: F4FFB23B-A1B1-4B6B-A702-A0F833349DCF-119...fb5122.jpg]

Yahoo! Axis is doing it also!
poor sachi.
I advised earlier that you should give another browser a try in an attempt to isolate the problem. I would also suggest running some form of mobile mal-ware scanner just to be on the safe side.
And suddenly...

[Image: 64748775-6175-4EF3-B8E7-5E305E1C4085-169...d483ea.jpg]

... Everything's working!
Apparently my phone is temperamental. Not long after I posted that it was working, it stopped. I don't know what could possibly be causing this. (Even Google Chrome does it).
Use opera. Works best for me.
AT&T 3G is probably your problem here. Hell, their 4G doesn't work well half the time.
I only have 3G available in my area. If there's 4G, I can't use it due to my iPhone 3GS.
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