Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: "Buy" Usertitle
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I only just now noticed this, but why? Whyyyyyyyyyyy? It's my favorite thing to change QQ
Probably because Kretol wanted to have an actual use for the gold system. Collecting gold for usertitles seems like a solid winner!

*drains all the gold out of Sachiko*
Probably also to encourage forum activity. No use having a fancy title if you never use it!
I'm not a major fan of the system. Not quite fair to thos of us who don't have much to say anymore. Seems like it could encourage junky posts that aren't very productive.

I still don't understand this system or why it was put in.

Simply put:
I don't like change
I really don't see anything wrong or right with it. It's just there for fun, not like it's taking away any special or needed permission. It's just a little counter that lets you buy penguins and hugs from Kretol.
I don't like it. It's a pain to have to get that gold up just so that my title makes sense when I change it.
Can I buy Kretol hugs and still have my usertitles for free?
I'd like free usertitles back, myself. Seems like a silly thing to charge for.
Huh. I was wondering where that option went.

Thank you, thread, for making me not feel like I was slowly going crazy.

I mean, even more so than usual.


I see no harm in them being buyable. I thought it pretty nifty myself. It's not that hard to earn gold.
I don't really change my user-title enough for this to bug me much. It's 100g - a handful of posts.
I wouldn't change my user title for the world. The message is something I think everyone can relate to.
I think the whole gold system is silly.

In truth I don't really care much for the feature being a buy thing either, heh.

But I don't earnestly care for the gold system actually effecting anything!
Bring free user titles back? Because I'm not going to spam just for a fancy title. There's no harm in it, but there's even less harm in keeping the old FREE system.
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