Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Pew-Pew. (Benches for the SW Cathedral.)
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I would like to suggest the addition of benches to the cathedral in SW, so we can hold more realistic events involving the light within it. Discuss.
Seconded. Sermons look odd if everyone is standing or kneeling.
Agreed. It's a decent idea.
I suggest you edit the topic title to something that more acurately describes the the topic´s contents.
I thought it was a funny name. And do you have any input for the idea? Or you just here to pick on me. :(
Relin don't take it just helps better if you title it more appropriately. He wasn't picking on you.
Yes, it was funny, but it doesn't get the point across.
This is the suggestions forum, not a place for jokes, if that makes sense.

So you should title it something like "Pews for the Cathedral"

It's also a good idea. Having a place to sit and listen to someone talk would be a fun and more immersive experience.
Especially if someone wanted to hold a wedding there.
What wedding guest wants to stand through that experience? :P
No, I´m totally only here to pick on you.

I mean, there´s absolutely no other reason to why I asked you to change the title.


Anyway, I didn´t really have anything to add, I can´t place objects and neither can the other Content GMs so it would depend on Kretol if he likes it and wants to spend his time on it.