Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Arathi Mobs
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I'm requesting the mobs in Arathi be turned Neutral Passive rather than Neutral Hostile, so people can complete quests and whatnot while lower level players can still roleplay in the area without aggro'ing every raptor and his dog. Please take this into consideration.
I think we'd have to change their rep individually, running through the entire area to catch them all.

Would be pretty much work.
Do it, Nostra! Gotta catch 'em all, after all!

Be the Factiomon Master!
If it's too much work, I can live with being killed every once in awhile. It just means I'll have to stick close to the path.
"Easiest" method would be to change their data of the creature, delete all of the spawns then respawn them all.

Yarr! not be happnin' matey. yarr....