Conquest of the Horde

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Renown0 Wrote:I believe this topic would have stopped being discussed if there wasn't a huge burst of Lore information that came out recently.

UPDATE: Information on the Goblins and Worgen straight from the Blizzard panel! Moody Alliance and comic relief for the Horde, as well as other Blizzard Lore!

Yeah, the Blizzard panel which is a week old. They haven't really released anything new since then. Give it a month or few.
*shrug* Here goes nuffin'.

Troll Druids: Meh, I don't like it. No reason. Simply don't like it.

Human Hunters: Now this is something good!

Gnome Priests: Heh, the image of a lil' fella shouting "Do not give up! The Light is with you!" makes me... laugh?

Tauren Paladins: Kill, shred, rip, destroy. I hate it.

Dwarf Mages: Oh yes, this makes sense. Pretty kewl.

Night Elf Mages: Highborne. *shrug* May be fun, may be a disaster.

Orc Mages: . . .

Dwarf Shamans: Oh yes, Wildhammers! Awesomesauce.

Blood Elf Warriors: I don't really care.

Undead Hunters: Heh. Dunno. :|

Tauren Priests: Moo. Hate.

Worgen can be anything but Paladins and Shamans: Worgen are pretty cool! Heh, I don't see them as Priests and Druids. Oh right, there are also Death Knights. >.>

Goblins can be anything but Paladins and Druids: Meh, I don't care about Goblins.

I don't like the whole nuking thing. Because they'll make holes in Ashenvale. We'll miss the old world. Though it would form some interesting RP material.
Troll Druids: I dont forsee this being a good idea at all.
Human Hunters: Finally, I always thought it was stupid that they never
Gnome Priests: I forsee this to be a problem. But its a slippery slope (no, gnome Paladins)
Tauren Paladins: You have got to be kidding. Can you say broken
Dwarf Mages: I am not a mage player but I am happy they have access to this should be god rp.
Night Elf Mages: Many oppertunaties.
Orc Mages: Another spell class.
Dwarf Shamans: All I can say is KUDOS TO WILDHAMMERS
Blood Elf Warriors: Finally.
Undead Hunters: Sounds fun.
Tauren Priests: (See Tauren Paladin)
Worgen can be anything but Paladins and Shamans: I think Blizz said "We gave Horde Goblins, hmmmm. I know we give Alliance a random Monster class." *chooses ticket out of a hat.
Goblins can be anything but Paladins and Druids: It was obvious.
Troll Druids: This seems to be explained by Shatterspear being opened up. In a SS you can see what is clearly Shatterspear (we've been in the place for like two years) with an Ancient in it. I'm thinking they finally got some lore there, and being situated right next to moonglade/darkshore would open them up to some form of Druidism.
You do have a point with the last statment, the Druidism chould have easaly rubbed off onto the trolls. Kinda like in the comics when Zabra Kexx read that books on the light and became blessed.

I'm not sure why everyone is so adverse to Taurens being paladins and priests. It's already been explained as a form of An'she worship, which isn't that bad a cop-out excuse in my opinion.
I just can't see a Tauren in the Lightbringer Raiment, using the Ashbringer. Like ever. With the given game mechanics for Paladins, it just seems weird. Same with priests. A Tauren shadow priest?

Other than that, I don't care as much as I think I should. Or, rather, I care that they're expending resources on ANOTHER expansion for WoW while ignoring the important new games. WHAR ALL THE D3 AT?
MrBubbles Wrote:Other than that, I don't care as much as I think I should. Or, rather, I care that they're expending resources on ANOTHER expansion for WoW while ignoring the important new games. WHAR ALL THE D3 AT?

... There are different Blizzard sections working on all three games.

REGARDLESS; if Shatterspear is bonked as our new vacation spot, perhaps an Island off the coast of Dustwallow or Durotar, assuming they aren't omgwtfbbqpwnd with his sundering? More of we'll see whenever we get there, but still just a thought.
I know, that I'm not welcome here, but I still want to state my oppinion here:

Troll Druids: I think it is not a bad idea, because trolls are a race, that worships nature and spirits.

Human Hunters: I totally agree with this one!

Gnome Priests: I don't really care about gnomes.

Tauren Paladins: What the? Tauren paladin?! But they are a race that worships nature ("We tauren have allways respected every creation of the mother nature..." C. Bloodhoof words), and I don't think it would be a good idea to make them worshipers of light

Dwarf Mages: This isn't bad idea.

Night Elf Mages: I don't like it...

Orc Mages: I agree with it, becouse if orcs can be warlocs, why they can't be mages?

Dwarf Shamans: Shamans really fit their fatness :D

Blood Elf Warriors: This would make sence.

Undead Hunters: Look, what i think about them

Tauren Priests: Same as the paladins

And about the shatered world, i think it will affect the RP of wow, it would be like post acopolyptic RP(just imagine, medieval Fallout 3, LOL!)
enkas Wrote:Tauren Paladins: What the? Tauren paladin?! But they are a race that worships nature ("We tauren have allways respected every creation of the mother nature..." C. Bloodhoof words), and I don't think it would be a good idea to make them worshipers of light

I think this is why people might not like it. Some see it as a Light worshipping class, but in the Tauren case it isn't. If they had called it something other than paladin (the actual name is probably Sunwalkers, ala Blood Knights), and introduced the exact same sun-linked ideas, I don't think it would have hit the same resistance.
Mikain Wrote:
enkas Wrote:Tauren Paladins: What the? Tauren paladin?! But they are a race that worships nature ("We tauren have allways respected every creation of the mother nature..." C. Bloodhoof words), and I don't think it would be a good idea to make them worshipers of light

I think this is why people might not like it. Some see it as a Light worshipping class, but in the Tauren case it isn't. If they had called it something other than paladin (the actual name is probably Sunwalkers, ala Blood Knights), and introduced the exact same sun-linked ideas, I don't think it would have hit the same resistance.

Would we call them Sunwalkers ICly, however?

Not a question of 'ARE we going to' but rather is it viable to call them Sunwalkers instead of Paladins 24/7?
Mikain Wrote:
enkas Wrote:Tauren Paladins: What the? Tauren paladin?! But they are a race that worships nature ("We tauren have allways respected every creation of the mother nature..." C. Bloodhoof words), and I don't think it would be a good idea to make them worshipers of light

I think this is why people might not like it. Some see it as a Light worshipping class, but in the Tauren case it isn't. If they had called it something other than paladin (the actual name is probably Sunwalkers, ala Blood Knights), and introduced the exact same sun-linked ideas, I don't think it would have hit the same resistance.
Yay verily. Night Elves can be Priests, but they ICly don't worship the Light. Every time you get healed by a NElf priest, that's the power of Elune pounding on you, not the Light.

So if NElves and BElves have little things like that, maybe Blizzard is pulling the same with the Tauren and Gnomes.

Do I sense a whole new fourth talent tree?! Probably not...

Unless you're talking about the GUILD ADVANCEMENT SYSTEM! They haven't revealed exactly what the advancement will be like, but they did say that it will include guild talent trees... wait, what?
Troll Druids: I think it makes plenty of sense, especially with the Shatterspear stuff that Mikain mentioned (although I'll hate to lose the spot, damn flying mounts!)

Human Hunters: I know a lot of people say they love it, but personally I just don't care.

Gnome Priests: I guess it makes sense, since they've been living in Human/Dwarf society for so long now (probably 10 years or so by Cataclysm?)

Tauren Paladins/Priests: I love that they are making it a form of Sun/Earthmother worship rather than the Light, but it still seems off to me.

Dwarf Mages: They already exist in lore, and we even have one on the server now. Pretty sweet in my opinion.

Night Elf Mages: I can't see Night Elves just accepting Highborne back into their society after 10,000 years of banishment. But that's what CotH lore filtering is for! Still, they could have had Elune-paladins or Shamans instead. Would have made more sense to me.

Orc Mages: Again, they could have added different classes that would make more sense like druids. Honestly, this is the only one I am really against. Still, I have yet to see what explanation Blizzard will come up with, and I would have raged against Tauren Priests/Paladins a lot more if they hadn't already explained that. Give them some time.

Dwarf Shamans: Wildhammers! We've needed this for a long time.

Blood Elf Warriors: Female Blood Elf with Titan's Grip will make me laugh SO hard... As far as RP, I see no problem with it.

Undead Hunters: Same reaction as Human Hunters. Don't care.

Worgen can be anything but Paladins and Shamans/Goblins can be anything but Paladins and Druids: I really think they shouldn't have given the new races as many classes as this. Both of these have more than other races even with their new ones, so really, only about half these classes make sense.

World changes: I am not sure about this. It could provide for some excellent, EXCELLENT RP in the half-destroyed world, especially some events right after the server upgrades to Cataclysm. The main problem I foresee in this is PHASING. Blizzard has already announced that they're using it even more than they did in WotLK, except this time it will be affecting the entire world. I have a feeling that this will cause a ton of bugs on private servers, and basically make certain areas almost unplayable because of the scenery contradictions. A few questing places in Northrend (Argent Vanguard to Crusaders' Pinnacle mostly) are already completely messed up, and if all of Azeroth becomes like that then I don't know how we're going to play at all. So hopefully there will be some way to fix all that.

From an RP standpoint, I agree that the world changes are awesome. Especially because we're on CotH and we don't have to go by whatever Blizzard says. :D
Elune-paladins... *Gigglesticks*

Ah, yes. The Phasing might make RP a little odd. IF it's going to work the way I think it is, people might need to be on the same part of the same quest line to RP with each other. ._.
Renown0 Wrote:Elune-paladins... *Gigglesticks*

Ah, yes. The Phasing might make RP a little odd. IF it's going to work the way I think it is, people might need to be on the same part of the same quest line to RP with each other. ._.
Hehe, I knew you'd like Elune-paladins.

And that's the way Phasing works on retail, but on here it's basically every single phase at the same time, which causes a lot of visual problems, to say the least. Not to mention enemies that can kill you inside of a town became a player town in a quest that you haven't done yet. Just look at Crusaders' Pinnacle and Shadow Vault in Icecrown here on CotH and you'll see what I mean.
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