Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: An Apology.
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I would like to send an apology out to everyone that I've spoken to lately. I've been taking things a wee bit too seriously, and have gone far off the deep end with some things. I've jumped into some things in a confrontational manner, and have only brought stupid little arguments up when I did so. So, in this light, I would also like to say that this is not a quit-the-server post, or anything of that sort. I'm not taking any break at the moment. But I am going to cool down.

For some odd reason, the point of this server had slipped my mind, and I had started to get miffed about things more often. Honestly, I've seen this happen most of the steps of the way and have realized my errors each time, but I suppose not enough effort was put into making sure it hadn't happened again.

This is why I'm making this post. I'm letting you know that I am sorry for what confrontations may have occurred, and that I will make an effort to avoid it happening again. If you guys see me on any of my characters acting a bit angry, I want you to let me know so that I can cool down, or just change the tone of my so I don't portray anger accidentally.

Good day, and happy CotHing!
It's mature of you to apologize. Remember: It is just a game. Hope to see you nice and cooled off and having fun again soon.