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Lok'Tar! Conquest of the Horde was originally a private World of Warcraft RP community that focused primarily on roleplay within the WoW setting. Originally established in September of 2007, CotH enjoyed a healthy reign of over seven years focused on WoW roleplay. On January 22nd of 2015, a DMCA notice was issued, resulting in a halt of the WoW RP focus. Now, the community has expanded to encompass multiple worlds in various games and settings. This community will serve as a hub for members to join like-minded individuals in any game or environment. The community itself will also host a few game worlds of its own after development progresses enough.
While the dust is settling after the revelation of the WoW server closure, feel free to hang out and see how development goes!

  Forum Reorganization
Posted by: Kretol - 02-01-2015, 11:34 PM - Forum: Community News - Replies (17)


With the focus of CotH shifting to encompass a presence in various game mediums, we will need to reorganize the forums to accommodate!  Currently the forum structure (of fairly active forums/subforums) is something like the following:

- Main
--- GenDisc
----- Absences
----- Feedback Requests
----- Lore
--- Intros (and it's related subforums)
--- GM Req/Sug
----- Mentor Apps
----- FH Apps
--- Bug Reports
--- Tech Support
- RP
--- Profiles (and allllll it's subforums)
--- Workshop
--- IC Forum
--- Event Planning
--- Storylines
--- Guilds
- Other
--- O/T
----- Art Gallery
----- Literary Library
----- Other Games
--- Downloads

Whew, there's actually a lot of forums.  Obviously, going into several games, we'll probably need to provide each game or server with its own copy of the RP forum (and most of its subforums, if appropriate).  We'll probably also be able to move the Lore subforum into whatever the Warcraft forum will be.

So!  This is actually going to be a somewhat large endeavor.  Obviously, not everyone is going to be interested in every category/game that pops up.  However, once we can get a bit organized, it may be ideal to consider how we want to welcome new members of the community (whether they find us via CotH members in a particular game or simply still via web searches).  Do we wish to retain the current Intro process?  Do we still want to require an intro but not require approval (like we used to be long ago), somewhat like a soft introduction?  I do intend on retaining our general ruleset for the community, as I believe it has helped restrict caustic behavior.  Naturally, we'll need to put forth extra effort in being welcoming, but we shouldn't have to worry so much about the whole clique thing (aside from folks focused on a single particular game, but even in that case I would hope they would welcome any new folks that may wish to join them in playing said particular game).  Note that this will potentially help interest folks with similar mindsets (e.g., an interest in RP), even from other WoW RP communities (was going to put other WoW RP servers, but that's... not quite applicable anymore -_-).

Thoughts and comments?

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  CotH - The Next Chapter
Posted by: Kretol - 01-27-2015, 02:51 PM - Forum: Community News - Replies (37)

Alright, I am home now. Time to discuss options.

Something that has already been talked about has been to expand CotH's scope to be a general RP/gaming community. I would presume that a decent amount of folks enjoy the community, including the friendships they may have nurtured over the years. I would also hope that folks appreciate the rules for the community as well. Therefore, I will continue with my previous intention that I had for the server - so long as people remain interested, I will do what I can to keep the venue available. Obviously, I can't really apply that towards a WoW server, but I can apply that towards other venues, such as forum RP or other game servers.

I realize that the WoW server was the main draw for many folks and now that it is gone they will likely move on to another server. I cannot blame them and I hope they find a sufficient replacement. However, for those that may wish to stick around, we will need to decide on what we may want to do next.

  • Do we wish to move on to forum RP?
  • Do we want to have some sort of live chat RP?
  • Do we want to continue RP in other mediums, such as NWN/NWN2, GW2, etc?
  • Do we just want to have some game servers running so when the inclination hits, we have something to play with friends (regardless of RP)?

What ideas do you all have?

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  DMCA Notice
Posted by: Kretol - 01-22-2015, 12:03 PM - Forum: Community News - Replies (152)

So! A couple hours ago, I received an email from Cloudflare informing me that they received a DMCA infringement notice.

Quote:CloudFlare received a DMCA copyright infringement complaint regarding:


Below is the complaint we received:

Reporter's Name: Laura Realpe
Copyright Holder's Name: Blizzard Entertainment Inc
Reporter's Email Address: [email protected]
Reporter's Title: DMCA Takedown Notice/ Copyright Claim - Emulated server to illegally play the game World of Warcraft through the website conquestofthehorde.com (IP: -
Reporter's Company Name: Easy Solutions
Reporter's Telephone Number: 8665244782
Reporter's Address: Cra. 13A No. 98-21 Of. 401 Bogota, Cundinamarca CO
Reported URLs:
Original Work: We need your cooperation in removing an emulated server site which is using unauthorized use of art assets for the game "World of Warcraft", where you are providing hosting services. Below you will find the information needed for this copyright claim:

1. An electronic signature of the copyright owner, or a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive copyright that has allegedly been infringed.
Laura Relape| DMS Agent
Main: +57 1- 7425570 Ext. 118
[email protected] | www.easysol.net
2. The copyrighted material infringed is the word mark of the game "World of Warcraft" also their design marks as logos and trademark signs, developed by Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
Legitimate site: http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/games/
3. The infringing material is located in the following URL:

which is giving access to an unauthorized server and use of art assets for the game " World of Warcraft.”

4. You can contact us through:

Email Address: [email protected]

Physical Address:
Headquarters - 1401 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Sunrise, FL 33323, United States
Latin America - K 13 A 98 21 OF 401, Bogotá, Colombia

Phone numbers:
USA: Tel/Fax. +1-866-524-4782
Colombia: Tel. +57-1-7425570 Ext. 191 / Fax +57-1-6018950

5. We state that we have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

6. We state that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that Blizzard Entertainment is the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Laura Realpe | DMS Agent
USA: +1-866-524-4782
Latin America: +57-1-7425570 Ext. 118
[email protected] | www.easysol.net

We have provided the name of your hosting provider to the reporter. Additionally, we have forwarded this complaint to your hosting provider as well.


CloudFlare Abuse

I've since emailed the agent in question just to confirm, in addition to shutting off the server and removing access to links that could be viewed as infringing (such as links to download WoW folders, patches, etc).

If you are not already, I would suggest to join the Skype channel, accessible from the sticky in the Off-Topic forum.

This may very well end up being the end of the CotH private WoW server. If anything, I think we've had a pretty good run. Going for over seven years now, I remember when it all started during BC, and most of the activity occurred in Eversong (As Fairbreeze Turns). Before I turn this into some sort of farewell post (I mostly intended to just advise re: the DMCA notice), I'll just say that I will reply with further updates whenever I may happen to get a response or call regarding the email reply I sent.

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  Character Workshops
Posted by: Geoni - 01-16-2015, 07:28 AM - Forum: Community News - Replies (2)

Have a character that you don't know what to do with? One that you have some ideas for but hasn't been fully realized? Or perhaps an old character that needs something fresh or new? Then look no further than

...In-Game Character Workshops!

[Image: 18dbd0fa4bc55de3536d8c13effc7819.png]
itt: a terrible screenshot of the workshop. Umbrellas not provided.

What are they?

In-game character workshops will be held occasionally depending on interest, and as of right now will be sporadic due to them being test runs. A member of the staff team (Overseer/GM/Trial-GM/FH) can host the workshop when they're available to do so, and it will take place somewhere on that new island extending off GMI (a lovely job by Reigen). Each player that wants to attend will bring the character they want feedback on along with a general idea of what it is they want to do with the character or where they want to go with him/her, and the host and other attendees will provide ideas/suggestions on how they can make that character work the way the player wants him/her to work. And so, the in-game character workshops function as a more active and immediate version of the different forum workshops. Another unintended...or maybe intended purpose of the workshop is to facilitate in bringing players together and making RP connections with other players.

How will the workshop be run? Any general rules? Suggestions?

The host will stand in the middle of the circle of attendees. Each attendee will have a turn to present their character and what they want to improve or do about them, and then other attendees will take turns making suggestions. The order of the workshop should be worked out between attendees before it begins. When a person presents their character they'll stand in the spotlight.

There's only two general rules, really. When the host and players make suggestions, they are not allowed to tell the player how they themselves would improve the character or where they would go with it, but instead only give them feedback based on what the player wants to do with the character or is trying to do. Much like in a creative writing workshop, you wouldn't tell another person what their story/poem should be about because it's their vision, not yours.

The second rule is don't dualbox. Bring one character to these, please.

As for suggestions, there are just a few for hosts and attendees:

Host suggestions

  1. Announce the workshop on the forum at least a day before hosting it.
  2. Impose player limits for these. Quality over quantity needs to be emphasized, giving every attendee plenty of time without making the workshop last too long. If there's not enough room for attendees, host another workshop. From what I've seen so far, each character takes about 15-30 minutes, depending.
  3. Hosts of the workshop are also participants, so they need to follow the same rules the attendees do.
  4. A host can participate with their own character as well, but go last since you're hosting!
  5. Implement a code of silence. What is a code of silence? It has to do with the person presenting their character. After they present the character and the problems they're having with it they have to remain silent until everyone is done making suggestions. After everyone is done they can give some responses, and more discussion can take place from there. Similar to a creative writing or dramaturgy workshop.
  6. Co-hosting! If you can work it out, having a co-host is always helpful, especially if you have to go all of a sudden, or want somebody else who can lead certain parts of the workshop alongside you. Co-hosts still need to be staff members.

Attendee suggestions

  1. Try your best to follow the two rules - it won't look good if you break one, and a host might deny you from their next workshop if you do.
  2. If you're familiar with meet and greets, the 'raise your hand' system will be used here. That is, when you want to make a suggestion or comment you will raise your hand and the host will allow everyone to speak in the order they raised their hands.
  3. Be respectful and non-judgmental. Don't speak over others, and don't criticize people for what they're doing with their characters or what they want to do. If you don't get to attend the workshop because its limit is reached, please be patient and remind the host of the next one that you were in a sense 'wait-listed', so they can give you priority.*
  4. If you want to get a better result out of the workshop, don't just come with 'I don't know what to do with him', but instead more specific ideas. Also, use the elephant addon! This will allow you to retrieve logs and record suggestions people made so you don't forget.
  5. Try to refrain from praising what a person is doing with a character and nothing else. If they're doing something well, explain why. If not, give them constructive criticism.

*If this becomes a problem for a host they can make sign-ups mandatory for their workshop.

When will these workshops take place?

A schedule can be found here.

Special Topics!

For all intents and purposes, when a host schedules a workshop it is by default considered one you can bring any character to. However, if a host chooses to and there seems to be enough interest, they can host a special topic workshop. This means that they can make it something such as an Orc only workshop, or a Warlock only workshop. Or more inclusive, something such as a 'character goals/motivations' workshop or a 'personality' workshop. Special topics are meant to narrow down discussion and focus on certain elements of characters.

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  Reigen Did A Thing
Posted by: Loxmardin - 01-13-2015, 02:24 PM - Forum: Community News - Replies (5)

So. We decided to promote a new Trial GM, right? And we thought... How do we go about doing that in a spectacular way?

We went with forcing them to abide by the traffic laws, even in a troublesome setting like GTA:V. It worked out well enough, but it turns out even the NPCs of the world have a penchant for crossing illegal lines.

But @"SachikoMaeda" came through! She followed the traffic laws to our joint satisfaction and for that, Reigen made her a thing!

[Image: tj4My2X.png]

And now she's a Trial GM. So congratulate her, or I'll ram you with my car. :) (I don't have a car. I wish I had a car.)

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