Geoni's Feedback Thread
I've been around for a while (???) although I haven't been RPing as much as I could be lately, I'd like some feedback on my style and characters. And how I'm doing on forum stuff of course? But more importantly, how is my OOC demeanor? I'd want to know if there were anything about me that seemed unapproachable.

Here are all of my characters.
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This isn't too major, and it's more a matter of preference, but I always felt it informal to use *asterisks* instead of /me for emotes. I guess it's a convenient way to combine dialog and action, so it's not too major.
I have been using them an awful lot lately. I generally do that for the sake of placement of actions within the words. I find it useful when an action needs to be sandwiched between dialog in order to illustrate a deliberate motion between two thoughts that the character is having, but yeah, I do use them more often than I need to.

I think that there is indeed a time when it is formal to use them, but I need to be more limiting, I agree.
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Bumping this because Kidnapped has ended and a lot of you have RP'd with Geoni, Nilyssae, or both. Feedback for these characters would be appreciated, especially Nilyssae since I've just rolled her recently.
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If I had an award for "stand-out character" in Kidnapped 6, it would have been given to Geoni.

You put him through one of the worst experiences imaginable. You're a braver man than I, because I would not have been able to do that with one of my characters. Yet Geoni's transformation, getting worse and worse over the course of the event and yet still surviving to see the end of the event? That's a story that I enjoyed seeing come to fruition.

Just, man, stop being so rough on the poor goblin! He will need to bro it up with Surthak and Norell more.

As far as Nilyssae goes...I didn't see much of her. I couldn't really get a gauge of her character, though I can't be sure if that was lack of contact or she just doesn't project herself as well as Geoni does. She has that one scene where she was trying to comfort Surthak over Gron's injuries, but beyond that I can't remember any stand-out moments for her.
Have you hugged an orc today?
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Geoni broke my heart. I was fond of him prior to Kidnapped (I thought he was absolutely adorable), and I'm even moreso fond of him now... just because I get to witness the crumbling of his spirit throughout the event. It was surprising to see him drop from one of the de facto leaders of the Horde side of the captives to one of detainees when he attacked Wuvvums. Very few people are brave enough to allow that much abuse to their character, and it was quite gripping to watch Geoni break. I hope for follow-up RP with him soon!

As for Nilyssae, there isn't much for me to say for her. I only RPed with her once, and it was when she was in the "sewing circle" when the women were surrounding Norell that one time. You did catch me by surprise when you proposed her as a TLE character. Perhaps by then, I'll see more of her!
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Giving this a bump because it's been a while and though I've reduced my activity a little and I'm not RPing with as many people as I used to, I still think there's room for feedback. This goes for both RP, me as the player, and how I'm doing as a forum helper.

Addendum: One of the things I've noticed lately is that at the beginning of every semester a despondence shows up in my roleplay and activity within the community, and I don't have many ideas as to how I can cure it or at least nullify it whenever it happens.
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You and I

Should Role Play moar.

But on a serious note: to counter-act your school problems (Lord knows we all have them), post a schedule of availability!

As for your characters, I'm really only familiar with Troovo. Humongous Draenei bias aside, I adore Troovo for one very simple fact: He's a civilian draenei character. You almost NEVER see those, and civilian draenei RP is one of my most favorite kinds. I dunno, there's just a joy I get to their semi-old testamenty society and doing humble things in their community like smithing and baking. I would consider Troovo a true friend of Gantrithor's from a purely community point of view. He has a humble next-door neighbor feel to him and I love that.

I don't much know all those other characters of yours but am interested in RPing with any of them!
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
Apparently it's feedback time again and this thread hasn't seen much. I'm not the best at giving a lot of feedback to others (I tend to only want to give constructive feedback), but how am I doing? My RP? My characters and their concepts? My DMing (whenever you see me doing it)? My forum helping? Anything else?

Also, took away the list at the top and just linked to my wiki page, since that's where I update my character information the most often.
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Been gettin' some of that tasty Geoni Arpees. Awyeah.

Geoni himself is really great. Low income peasant goblin is excellent for putting some pathos behind typical goblin greed, and his bungling bum dad shtick is adorbs.

Pleasant is also great, and he is so because you balance out several key and mostly forgotten aspects to a good Forsaken character: Sociability, Loyalty, and Instability: Pleasant has the rot (or appears as such anyway), but it isn't the TEEHEE SILLY sort. It's there, its a factor of his character, and it provides both good chuckles as well as some sadness; Pleasant is also friendly and approachable, which makes him capable of socialization which is something many Forsaken characters lack (or portray improperly); lastly he's -loyal- to the Forsaken cause. This isn't some enlightened free-thinking hippie, he's a loyal soldier of the Queen and his people despite the niceties.

Lastly, there's Ce. I haven't RPed with him directly too much yet (hopefully that will change soon!), but his profile was... incredible. One of the best Draenei profiles I've seen, and definitely does Argus-born Draenei proud.
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
While you credit me with having few Horde characters, (which would be accurate.) I also notice that you have few Alliance characters. So, rather than criticism, I've a proposition. How about we both try a character out of our comfort zones, see where it takes us? We might just strike role-playing gold here. Perhaps we can discuss such a thing sometime soon?
[Image: 54079-Dr-Evil-air-quotes-lasers-gif-A6nY.gif]
(12-01-2013, 04:58 PM)Vladdy Wrote: While you credit me with having few Horde characters, (which would be accurate.) I also notice that you have few Alliance characters. So, rather than criticism, I've a proposition. How about we both try a character out of our comfort zones, see where it takes us? We might just strike role-playing gold here. Perhaps we can discuss such a thing sometime soon?

Well, I don't have a Worgen, and should roll one just because I don't have one. So I might just take you up on that proposition.
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(12-01-2013, 05:11 PM)Geoni Wrote:
(12-01-2013, 04:58 PM)Vladdy Wrote: While you credit me with having few Horde characters, (which would be accurate.) I also notice that you have few Alliance characters. So, rather than criticism, I've a proposition. How about we both try a character out of our comfort zones, see where it takes us? We might just strike role-playing gold here. Perhaps we can discuss such a thing sometime soon?

Well, I don't have a Worgen, and should roll one just because I don't have one. So I might just take you up on that proposition.

So! What do you think would get me real out of my comfort zone, Geo?
[Image: 54079-Dr-Evil-air-quotes-lasers-gif-A6nY.gif]
(12-01-2013, 05:14 PM)Vladdy Wrote:
(12-01-2013, 05:11 PM)Geoni Wrote:
(12-01-2013, 04:58 PM)Vladdy Wrote: While you credit me with having few Horde characters, (which would be accurate.) I also notice that you have few Alliance characters. So, rather than criticism, I've a proposition. How about we both try a character out of our comfort zones, see where it takes us? We might just strike role-playing gold here. Perhaps we can discuss such a thing sometime soon?

Well, I don't have a Worgen, and should roll one just because I don't have one. So I might just take you up on that proposition.

So! What do you think would get me real out of my comfort zone, Geo?

Bumped your feedback thread to take it there.

Also, I may be busy so the Worgen might not come immediately, but I'll definitely get to it.

Heck, if I roll a Night Elf after that, I'll have a profiled character for every race.
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It's been a while since I've gotten some feedback or prodded anybody for it, so I think the thread deserves one.

How am I doing as a GM so far? I'm super new at it and I'm sure that there's plenty that I could improve upon, so don't hold anything back.

And of course, how am I doing as a RPer? At an OOC level?

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