Scout's Feedback
I give you feedback if you give me feedback!

But naw, here goes, as objective as possibru.
Your three Night Elf Girls (that I know) seem to be varying degrees of the same character. Therai is the coldest, Ylvandre isn't as cold but isn't so talkative either, and Tarania is calm and reserved but nothing chipper. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as that's totally Night Elf, roleplayed exactly how they would be in their respective stories. It just gets, I dunno, a little repetitive.

EDIT: As to your purpleness.

You are doing profiles at the speed of light. GOOD WORK.

[Image: you_win_prize_downs.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mjjxhcqmG51qh076xo1_250.png]
I owe Scoutnub some feedback anyways so time to post away.

And honestly I would disagree with Therai, Ylv, and Tar being the same, even fundamentally outside of the fact that they all share similar cultural attributes from just being a Nelf female. Obviously I've rped a lot with Therai and she is actually quite a complicated character with a variety of mannerisms that you don't notice until after seeing her constantly. From the outside she's just monotonous drawl but there are quite the subtle hints of personality still remaining that I like.

My experience with Tarania has been totally different. She's the straightforward model of Kaldorei female. Strong huntress who will step in to make the kill no questions when necessary and fights mainly for her people. Quite the opposite of Therai entirely, I find myself searching for anything that is below the surface. In fact, I'd say that Tarania is much more passionate and allows herself to be controlled by the whims of emotion, something Therai would probably struggle with doing.

Ylv. I've not rped with enough to really make any comments on. But yeah, obviously you can see from my examination Scoutnub that I generally think your characters are awesome.
[Image: c9eda896-b205-41b9-9f52-22b1e122210f.jpg]
Seeing as it's been over half a year since I last bumped this topic, I'd like to ask for feedback again.

Characters: Tarania, Therai, Ylvandre, Kasimira, and some other more minor ones (Harding, Aenyris).
More feedback for the feedback god, please, especially since I'm finally RPing again consistently after being gone so long.

My current active characters are Tarania, Therai, Ylvandre, Sylineri and Siara.
I haven't had any feedback for well over a year, and I've been back for a little while now, so I'd really appreciate it if anyone has any for me.
I require more RPs with Tarana >:C
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
Meanwhile, I need more RP with Yolande.
Dear college in scout-ship, I want more RP with Yolande, would be fun.
I think a year and a half is enough time to justify bumping a feedback thread.
Hey'a Scout! With how much I bug you I owe you at least a lil' bit of feedback.

Getting right into it, you know how awesome you are- and it's true. You've got a good head on your shoulders with damn great ideas and beautiful execution. You manage to portray a good handfull of characters all with their variances in personality down to the little ticks and habits of their subconscious. The only thing is, I'd say you need to RP them more! More variantly, at least. I understand (As I'm sure we all) about really getting into the mood for one character over another, but it feels at times that we just don't see Ylvandre or Tarana as much as perhaps Siara or Ashyr. To a bit of contradictory point now, I'm gonna recommend to you the same words that folks still often tell me. Dualboxing is a pain. It can kill thoughts and remove any sense of immersion from whomever you're playing. So I'd say just pick a character and focus on them one at a time.

S'all I got for now! Keep being awesome and don't be a stranger!

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