Conquest of the Horde

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Matthew Hunter
  1. Favorite color is blue
  2. Started drinking and smoking at a young age. Cut down on drinking and quit smoking shortly after starting his paladin training
  3. Has a Varian Wrynn toy. Also an Anduin Lothar and Danath Trollbane toy. Does play with them against a bunch of orc toys.
  4. Would like to be a teacher, but thinks he isn't smart enough for it.
  5. Found Lothar the Pug sleeping on his clothes when he took a bath in a lake. Adopted him immediately.
  6. Believes in the "Hunter Curse". Hunters can only have sons.
  1. Loves sugary sweets
  2. Is scared of getting close to other troll cities and villages due to his lack of "trollness"
  3. Avoids trying to work for the Horde again as a way to keep close to his "family"
  4. Wears bandages around his hands to hide burns from engineering
  5. Hopes he never meets his real father again
  6. Has worn the same costume for Hallow's End for years
Garridan Devine
  1. Identity taken from a character he wrote when he was alive
  2. Has wanted to learn other instruments, but considers anything that isn't a lute, flute, or drum a "second-rate bard instrument"
  3. Has fanfiction about Sylvanas and Sir Jared fighting together in Gilneas
  4. Supports the use of plague due to being a 'decent story mechanic'
  5. Wants to learn to use a crossbow, due to Garridan Devine the story character knowing how to use one
  6. Drinks jasmine tea and alcohol, despite the whole dead thing
  7. Mostly bones
Norell Rocketpunch
  1. Hates his last name
  2. Is the tenth one in his generation to be named Norell Rocketpunch (making his full name Norell Ten Rocketpunch)
  3. Has wished death on his mother several times, then wished it some more when she did pass
  4. Low, low, low self-confidence
  5. Had a collection of argyle socks, but lost most of them after Kezan. Thinks Gallywix might have stole them.
  6. Loves oranges.
  7. Made up a religion hoping he would get followers and easy money. Only one other person joined his "First New Church of Gol, Ver, and Ron"
Oh, boy, here's a doozy! I'm only covering characters I'm in the mood to cover.

  • Can sing and write his own music; if he is to be compared to Kantado (who is also a singer and writer of his own music), he is moreso operatic and technical in his craft.
  • All of his Masks are variants of his own personality and are used as a means to channel his thoughts and feelings via projection. Telling him to "be himself" is not constructive to communicating with Jyovani effectively because "being himself" means being an emotional wall and a shrinking violet.
  • The Mask who is closest to Jyovani's true personality is Aenjelo.
  • Tends to be a super heavy sleeper. A war can happen in his bedroom and he would not be roused.
  • His right eye is "dimmer" than his left, due to an injury. One time as a child, he ran into a bedpost while playing tag with an imaginary friend.
  • Has an attraction to plump women and especially big tummies. Light-colored hair (specifically strawberry blond, but regular blonds are a hit for him too) are also a weakness for him.
  • Despite being a straight man, he has (by far) attracted more gay/bisexual men than women.

  • Is one of three men in Elsamina's family who cannot swim and is mortified of the water. Despite the fact he's a Stormwind Guard.
  • Is a paladin who is also terrified of ghosts. Ghosts.
  • Can swing both ways. His first crush was Queen Tiffin, but his first love was his teacher and mentor (a man).
  • Due to not being raised with his identical twin brother, Kogan is not at all fond of twin stereotypes. Thankfully no one has confused him with Kitson yet.
  • Really hates his birth name "Randolph".
  • Has suffered humiliation twice during two different breakouts that somehow happened a year apart: once, when a thief took his keys and belt and, therefore, took his pants; once, when an entire prison block broke out and they stripped him of his armor and tied him to a bed. Apparantly prison breakouts will result in him becoming naked in some way. And it all happened in RP.
  • Wants to grow a beard but can't get facial hair to save his life.

  • Is the second of three men in Elsamina's family who cannot swim, but he is otherwise not mortified of water... as long as his feet remains on solid ground. The minute he's submerges higher than the waist, he'll panic.
  • He can guess the person's height, weight, gender, and even race based on footsteps alone. Individuals, if he knows them enough, can also be identified based on their footsteps if the other person chooses to not speak.
  • He knows the spell [Mind Vision] exists, but he is recommended to never try it because he may not be able to comprehend a seeing person's point of view. If he does, he would likely get headaches or worse.
  • Gets most of his education through specially printed books for the blind, which a handful included embossed images that allow him to imagine what something or someone "looks" like through his fingers. This is how he knows what church officials wear.... including women confessors, whom he is very attracted to.
  • Also swings both ways, but he has yet to obtain a lover of either gender. His first crush, Sera, was female.
  • Despite being an hour older than Kogan, he is much thinner. The only way one can confuse him with Kogan is if both are wearing figure-obscuring clothing and their eyes aren't looked at directly.
  • Used to want to go out adventuring, but experiences have cancelled all wants to explore the world. Now he just wants to devote himself to confessor work and praying for the needy.
  • Is capable of one fear spell, but he has no idea it's Shadow based. It was taught to him by Gunther without being told the actual nature of the spell.
  • Is kind of afraid of gnomes because he may trip over them.

  • Has a bottomless stomach. He can eat a whole table's worth of food and still feel hungry.
  • Is open to all religions, faiths, and philosophy, but otherwise has strong disdain for Light users and people who see night elves and Elunite faith as "other".
  • Despite not being a proper druid, he can defend himself just fine with a quarterstaff and gardeing tools.
  • Is very feminine in appearance, and his voice is fairly high-pitched for a male. The only way he can make himself look masculine is through his clothing and mannerisms.
  • Is terrified of fire. Thanks, Deathwing.
  • Has zero interest in finding a lover. Any suggestions to him in finding a girlfriend will be rebuffed with annoyance.
  • Finds domesticated dogs to be annoying.

  • Loves boat rides, swimming, walking along the canals, walking along the docks, and gazing into the sunset across the sea. Too bad all the men in her family hate the water.
  • Can crush a soda can with her bust.
  • Despite being a 50 year old woman, she spars regularly as her form of excercise. Even if she loses, the thrill of a good fight still gives her a youthful high.
  • Her claymore is a wedding gift from her first husband.
  • Despite age, communication problems, other marital imperfections, and the fact she's about two heads taller than her husband, both she and Gunther are still... "active".
  • Finds romance books and stories to be silly.
  • Despite her experiences in "Kidnapped" and warming up to Scarlet and Roux, she's still distrustful of worgen. She also still wishes to fight against the Horde.

  • The third of Elsa's family who cannot swim and is terrified of water. Don't let his small appearance fool you--he sinks like a rock.
  • Worships and possesses strong faith in both the Light andn the Shadow in a form of balance. He is capable of spells in both, but he is also not overtly powerful in either. Shadow, however, is primarily kept a secret.
  • Is a dragon fanboy. One of his childhood dreams was to become a Dragonsworn.
  • Is capable of minor tinkering, mostly clockwork-related objects. He also has a fascination with guns, but he never tries to fire any of them because he'll just get blown across the room.
  • Has the body shape of a lollipop--most male shoulder widths are roughly 2 heads wide, but Gunther is roughly 1.5. He is also 6.5:1 heads tall (most grown men are 7.5-8 heads tall).
  • Is usually very prudish and conservative in public, but when it comes to the topic of sexuality, he has a vulgar, dirtier mind with a tongue that can make my dirty old pervert Mahen'tosh blush. Probably helps that his height is the same as his wife's bust.
  • Wishes he can become close to his stepsons and overcome his disdain for the Hunter family, but he doesn't know how. And is afraid to.
  • Is slowly learning how to smile.

  • His ears are unusually long for a night elf. The cartilage at the middle-ends are weak and prone to drooping. When Kantado emotes sadly, his ears droop to the point of laying on his shoulders. He is also prone to tugging on them when he's nervous.
  • After all this time and character development, he's still a loser virgin.
  • Currently is my most scarred up character: shotgun bullet scars on his back (attained in the first Skin Thieves), an axe slice scar across his face (attained in an event in Feralas), plus assorted belly/chest/leg scars throughout Wolf Hunt. All of these were gained from battle while in Bear Form. He probably should invest in some kind of bear armor.
  • Cannot meditate just by sitting there and clearing his mind. He must project his mind in some form, usually through sound/music. The very least he can do is whistle through a leaf or blade of grass and let the wind blend with it it.
  • Has bulked up the past year--he went from lanky noodle to lean muscle.
  • Finds spiders to be absolutely abhorrent.
  • Writes his own songs and music. While Jyo is operatic and technical, Kantado is folksy and loose.

  • Died from being stabbed in the groin and bleeding out.
  • His ex-wife is currently a Defias.
  • Never cared for King Terenas Menethil even when he was alive. He is moreso a Stormwinder at heart, due to his service in SI:7 before being dismissed. While grateful to Sylvanas, he also cares little of her as well.
  • Is slowly succumbing to mindrot...
  • Besides drinking, he also smokes despite having no working lungs. Once, his shirt was leaking with alcohol and the cigarette ashes falling from his mouth were still lit. Guess what happened next.
  • Has developed crushes on two of c0rzilla's characters: Annabelle and Maegwynna. Both are hopeless cases. And he still loves the smell of apricots.
  • The happiest memories he has with his son Velio is when they play along Mirror Lake before having to leave Stormwind for Lordaeron. They would pretend there is a dragon living beneath the waterfall and guarding stolen treasure. They would come up with schemes and adventures in trying to get that treasure.

  • Her skin won't tolerate permanent ink. She can only have temporary tattoos, and she puts them on herself. She's also allergic to certain foods, and oranges make her sick.
  • Picked up smoking when she was fifteen.
  • Doesn't know her own family. She was raised by different guardians in different homes almost every year until she was old enough to work.
  • Tends to be afraid of long term intimate relationships due to having way too many bad ones in the past.
  • Tends to be attracted to "unconventionally beautiful" people. She's also put off by forward people who "move too fast" into a relationship. Though admittedly (and proudly) promiscuous, she's picky with whom she becomes intimate with.
  • Skimpily-dressed, rough and tumble, sassy party girl sapper girl is primarily a public front. At home, she's a mellow glasses girl who prefers to read books and quietly play with her alchemy set.
  • Is actually an honest, slime-free goblin, and one who isn't obsessed with money. She is also actually very careful with her explosions and will warn people when she's about to set them off.

Of course I have plenty more, but yeah. Only the ones I'm in the mood to talk about.
Quote:She prefers the company of Light priests to paladins.

Why you gotta hurt Matthew/Percival/Cristovao/Rhord's feelings, Roux? >:C

Also hey, I'll do a few more characters:

Hercynian Dreamseer
-Carries an unusually relaxed perspective on nature and is very slow to offend regarding the spirits of the wild. Trees fall and grow back, rivers change over the centuries, etc.
-Can shapeshift into a literal tree rather than a Tree of Life/Treant/Ancient.
-Can sleep anywhere, anytime. He once did so on a riverbed.
-Despite his outward behavior, he is very concerned and caring for his sons.

Mathieu Rivermouth
-Spent his early childhood in Khaz Modan before studying arcane at Dalaran. He was mercilessly picked on by Dwarf children.
-Tends to use magic irresponsibly for either fun or to impress people. He's particularly fond of throwing sparkles around.
-Despite his neutral pacifist attitude, he is slightly biased against orcs and trolls due to his Dwarf/Elven upbringing.
-Falls in and out of love way, way, WAY too easily.

Oraeon the Broken
-Is the father of Kapre's first sweetheart, Mahaala.
-Is spiritually attuned with the spirits of nature due to being a hunter and tracker for his whole life on Draenor.
-Is possibly in the process of becoming a Lost One: his teeth are sharp and he's prone to acts of violence.
-Was the elder assigned to overlook the village of Liaw'nag and feels guilty for having trusted the orcs following its destruction.

-Frequently coughs and wheezes due to having injured lungs from battling the Sea Witch's murlocs.
-Absolutely loathes the Horde for dismantling troll traditions but respects their contributions for saving the Darkspear.
-Had many mates but only sired a single son. He blames his mates, but he was possibly impotent.
-Finds all sorts of undead, be they Forsaken or Death Knights, to be an abomination of the gods.
-He secretly wants to be a father.
-He has a DH brother
-He loves dwarven ale

-He has 4 children by different women. All are named Derek Jr.
-He secretly thinks Orc women are sexy.
-A closet alcoholic

-Well, he's gay.
-He wants to find a mate and settle down
-Wishes he had his eyes back.

-He wonders if the Horde will fall apart.
-He has a wonderful singing voice
-He wants to be a writer, but would never admit it
-He believes the Light is just another Loa
Celen - 1. She really likes chocolate and can be bribed with it. When people see her sleep she often mutters 'Chocolate' she actually dreams about swimming in rivers of it... Sometimes.
2. Celen really considered becoming a maid and helping Faelara and her kids.
3. Celen's favorite animal is a cat.
4. Celen's real name is Tanda'saelira.
5. Celen was taught how to play the Violin by Reigen's Servant.
6. Besides being stubborn, Celen has a hobby, that hobby is giving people nicknames based on their appearance/behavior and the way she feels towards that person.
(Ex. Called a warlock who has black hair, dark clothes and she acts arrogantly and cold heartedly. Celen hates warlocks so she gave her a sarcastic nickname: Sweetheart.)
7. Celen's 'type' is very distinct, she likes the people who actually care to help her and let her be stupid with no remarks.
8. She doesn't know how to swim.

Cayia -
1. Cayia really likes gnomes.
2. Vekyla, her companion hippogryph likes to pull pranks on Cayia because when Vekyla was a hatching Cayia did the same to her.

Brad Stern -

1. Brad is a very unlucky person.

2. He is secretly a Swashbuckling Mage.
Faelara Sunsong
- Is a mother of twins, with three more on the way.
- Has many beasts, each of them something you wouldn't imagine a woman like her having.
- Was blind at one time of her life.
- Has almost always been a plump elf, but not unhealthily so.
- Almost suffocated someone with her bust, is now 'slightly' more careful with her hugs. Also had her bust used as a size by a friend.
- Is deathly afraid of gargoyles.
- Sings.

Avira Strak
- Has a huge weakness to muscular males, any race. Not as much of a weakness now that she's ended up in one's heart, but it's still there.
- Could almost be classified as chubby, but isn't quite there.
- Can sing and dance, but is doing more of the former at the moment.
- Has an ice elemental, rather than a water elemental, he acts as he looks...cold.
- Can't see at all without her glasses.
- Looks like her mother.

Wick Wolfe
- His face was the one thing that was the least effected by his deaths, though he's always kept his mask over it to hide what lies within.
- His brain-rot side likes purple, he likes purple too.
- Had a wife and daughter, both are still alive. He's not seen them, but dreams of seeing them everyday.
- Was an assassin in life, and before his second death.
- Brain-rot side tried to befriend a Scarlet, a Scarlet thought otherwise.
- Has a ghoul named Richard, who always wears a sombrero-like hat, the same hat the strangely large cockroach Chester rides in.
- Is known to 'shut down' at random, completely freezing up and going unresponsive, only to continue a few moments to a few minutes later, not knowing or noticing that he froze.
- Has once seen a woman jump out of the window of a castle, he has never forgotten her since. 'Crazy Window Lady' is what he has named her, and will always call her. This applies to both sides of him.
Drakeran Lightchaser

- Many people think he is mentally insane, though he's only hyperactive.
- Used to have lots of trouble with magic: for example, once he attempted to summon a spear and got a broccoli pie instead. He's getting better now.
- Loves cakes. No, I mean, he LOVES them. REALLY does.
- Had a pet rat named Snatchy.
- Once attempted to form a militia group which had the objective of retaking Alterac from the Crushridge clan and the Syndicate.
- Is married to Bellatrix Appleflow (now Lightchaser).
- Is the father of two girls and one boy.
- Is still unsure about what his father-in-law thinks of him.

Mugg Stormbraid

- Though he's mostly going where the Explorer's League sends him to, sometimes he goes off in his own expeditions all around the world. In many of them, he was accompanied by his friend Bingles.
- Had tons of girlfriends back in his youth.
- Hates elves, with few exceptions. According to him, they're too arrogant, racist, and a billion of other negative things.

May add more later.
(11-08-2013, 12:32 PM)PhilGobatto Wrote: [ -> ]Drakeran Lightchaser
- Loves cakes. No, I mean, he LOVES them. REALLY does.

Loves it more than a few things, lemme tell ya that.
(11-08-2013, 02:28 PM)Nymus Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2013, 12:32 PM)PhilGobatto Wrote: [ -> ]Drakeran Lightchaser
- Loves cakes. No, I mean, he LOVES them. REALLY does.

Loves it more than a few things, lemme tell ya that.

Oy, I said cake is the SECOND thing he loves most!
(11-08-2013, 02:36 PM)PhilGobatto Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2013, 02:28 PM)Nymus Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2013, 12:32 PM)PhilGobatto Wrote: [ -> ]Drakeran Lightchaser
- Loves cakes. No, I mean, he LOVES them. REALLY does.

Loves it more than a few things, lemme tell ya that.

Oy, I said cake is the SECOND thing he loves most!

You forgot to mention that he accidently teleported to Booty bay looking for Tal'abim bananas.
Tel'abim, nub!
-Scared to death by Orcs and Forsaken. Feels uncomfortable aroun Death Knights.
-HATES, and I mean REALLY HAAAATES the color pink.
-Lost an eye and a leg on the same day.

-Has no idea where she was born.
-Keeps her arcane affinity hidden the best she can.
-Only ever had one human friend and believes that was too much human friends already.

-Is secretly Frederich von Steinherz first daughter but doesn't know it.
-Has a twenty year old undead bird named Feathers.
-Secretly wishes she was Sylvanas.

- is the only daughter born from the union of a sentinel and a fisherman.
- lived in Auberdine for the first few hundred years of her life, until the Third War.
- enjoys to wear clothes of human and draenic design, but very, very rarely elven.
- has a favorite juice; pomegrenate.


- worships Nath, an ogre war god.
- hails from a clan that claims direct descendance from the selfsame god.
- believes that the giants of Draenor, the gronn, the ogres and the orcs are all part of an evolutionary chain - the sons of Nath.
- has a great respect for ogres. Kills them dead if he can, though.
- practices ritual cannibalism.
- bears the warhammer Gronnbreaker.
- has ironically been more successful in unarmed combat, though.
- has a strong hatred for humanity.
- doesn't fight the Alliance because he hates them, however; he fights them because fighting is what he loves doing.

-He has caligynephobia (a fear of beautiful women).
-One of his ex-girlfriends tied him in a chair and he escaped using his toes.
-He used to collect starfish, and has a number of starfish tattoos on his body.
-He got shot in the leg by a baby.
-He has set multiple buildings on fire, some by accident, some with intention.
-He swallowed a polished diamond when he was a child because he thought it was 'rock candy'.


-He built an inn when he was on Argus and accidentally burned it down.
-His name is incomplete, and he doesn't know what his full name was meant to be.
-He loves Dwarven food and likes to make excuses to go to Ironforge just so he can have some.
-Has been chaste for over 25,000 years.
-Carries around a microscope wherever he goes.


-She used to have a lazy eye when she was a child, and didn't want to get it fixed because it was the only thing that differentiated her from her twin sister. Got it fixed anyways.
-She's really good at board games, despite not playing them often.
-She can make a doll out of virtually anything, and often makes dolls for orphans out of trash.


-Has wrestled a shark.
-Although his diet primarily consists of fish meat, he likes to eat kola nuts and has grown his own kola tree.
-Likes to wrestle and fight using a system of defense similar to Aikido.
-He'll tattoo anyone for free.
-He likes to chew on fish bones and his teeth are jagged because of it.
-Is slowly but surely becoming fluent in Zandali.

-He died.


-He actually has a child on the way.
-He still has yet to name his sword.
-Under his mask are many scars from his fights. Under the tabard is the same.
-He's left handed.
-He has little tolerance to felusers. He tries to keep his distance, but wont say anything outloud.
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