Conquest of the Horde

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Rimaeln is... Something. I put a lot of thought into details and now I'm too damn scared of people to play him. :'D But...

-He snores. Loudly, too. May God have mercy over those forced to sleep anywhere near him.
-He's a mildly spoiled, sheltered kid.
-Whatever he gets to ride, he's going to call it awfully adorable pet names if he thinks no one can hear it.
-Has a major sweet tooth. Hide your candy.
-If you tell him to not do something, he will probably attempt to do it, unless it has a chance of being lethal.
-Has a slight hero syndrome. This is basically his theme song:

  • Doesn't know how to read in any language, but enjoys hearing other people read.
  • Loves bears. He's been accepted into a family of bears and can sometimes be found riding the papa bear or carrying around a cub.
  • Is in romantic love with his axes. He's not familliar with the concept of marriage, but he'd totally marry his axes.

  • Still suffers from Emerald Nightmare -related sleep disorders.
  • Works part-time to clean up Steamwheedle pollution
  • Technically owns Azeroth Post Service, but APS is owned by a Steamwheedle meta-corporation.
  • Prefers crow form to elf form, but finds it easier to work in elf form once in town.

  • Actually believes that she's the race of whatever mask she wears.
  • Is unaware of her teleportation abilities.
  • Is only a Azeroth Postal Worker on a technicality - she was originally supposed to be dissembled and used as cleaning supplies but the contract was mixed up with a receipt for a regular push broom.
I realize I did post little facts on these previously in this thread, but a lot of retools and retcons have occurred since then. Here are facts according to their updates. This is still relevant, though.

  • Is naturally purple-haired. His hair whitened from one too many ghost encounters. Some purple is coming back, though, since those ghost encounters have been stopping in recent memory.
  • Picked up the arcane after retiring as a vindicator. He was inspired by his grandfather, who changed from being a mage and became a vindicator (in other words, he and his grandfather swapped classes).
  • Is typically a meek and sheepish coward, but with the right buttons pushed, he can (and has) curbstomp even a death knight.
  • Is very domestic and prefers to stay at home rather than go out on adventures. He only works out to look good :|
  • Enjoys watching footbomb (having participated and even helped win a mixed-race game). He roots for the Steamwheedle Sharks.

  • Although vainglorious, she's mostly so with her hair and face. Clothes, on the other hand, can be more easily replaced. She doesn't mind getting them dirty.
  • Once trained as a priestess at the Auchindoun, but the atmosphere of the dead was too overwhelming for her. She takes the training she received there to heart, though, as a doctor.
  • Was inspired to take up draenei medicine when she learned her mother died due to illness rather than childbirth as previously believed. When she befriended orcs pre-corruption and the Alliance after the crash, she decided to make her life mission to learn interracial medicine.
  • Although incredibly hateful and resentful of the orcs, the friend she misses and mourns for the most is an orc named Ka'wal.
  • Her favorite potion is the Noggenfuller Elixer. She sometimes spikes Cristovao's drinks with it so she can toy with him while he's small.

  • Most of Polore's life choices were dictated by his fear of stagnancy and ennui in his long life, even with the constant danger the draenei face. This fear has doubled since he's become a death knight.
  • Has been three classes throughout his "life": Mage (before marriage), paladin (after marriage), and death knight (when he was killed. Duh).
  • Although he's warmed up to Cristovao and Xanthe, he secretly wishes his grandchildren would divorce them and get draenei mates.
  • Has a fondness for, very specifically, fluffy white kittens.
  • Abhors loud music and noises. If you're playing a guitar loudly around him, he won't think twice to smash your instrument.
  • Is very ticklish.

  • Tends to come off as ditzy and stupid, but she's actually very booksmart. She just practices really really bad judgement and possesses little to no sense of self-preservation--thus why she'd walk into any stupidly dangerous situation for funsies.
  • Wants to be a famous explorer on par with Brann Bronzebeard--less for the money, moreso for recognition.
  • Is very fit for a fat girl.
  • Styles her massive fabulous hair with arcane magic. Should adventure do something to ruin it, she'll use magic to restyle it anyway.
  • Almost nothing terrifies her. Even being swallowed whole by a snake was met with intrigue and curiosity rather than terror.
  • Absolutely adores reptiles and fish, especially the really big and horrifying cute kinds. She has an entire deck devoted to keeping her army of turtles, as well as a giant boa constrictor named Mr. Petey. She hopes to obtain a giant fish tank to keep sharks inside, but Hrodebert won't let her.

  • Didn't taint Jinglebell (a fel-corrupted cat) himself--he found him like that.
  • Retconned to have never married, but he still fathered children... wherever they are. He's far from promiscuous, however; he's just long-lived and never bothered with "protection". And he didn't raise any of his kids either.
  • Although extremely self-serving, chaotic in alignment, and a deadbeat dad to who-knows-how-many-kids, he actually loathes hedonism, irresponsible merry-making, and pleasure-seeking pursuits. Between choosing to ruin a saint and a sinner, he'll choose the sinner first before the saint.
  • Is terrified of heights, due to two of his deaths involving dizzying heights and a near-death experience falling down the side of a steep mountain. Nowadays, he won't even dare climb a ladder.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: he will not tolerate harm towards children and animals. He usually waits until the kid is old enough to take his or her own responsibility before he chooses to ruin/corrupt them. If he meets a troubled child, or an adult with a deeply troubled childhood, he does the opposite--prompt them to seek out a better life. And THEN ruin them.
  • Died three times: Once by a doomguard, once by a paladin (Dalikan), and once when a rooftop fell on him during Deathwing's flight. The first two required a resurrecter while the third had a Soulstone prepared ahead of time.

  • Although owning and leading a matchmaking business, he himself is responsible for a divorce because of his infidelity. He won't share that, however--not because of personal shame, but because it might taint the business' image.
  • Has been accused of homosexuality at least twice because he enjoys designing fashion for women. In reality, he designs dresses for women because he likes women.
  • Although a promiscuous rake, he won't hit on women young enough to be his daughter. He'll encourage them to find husbands instead while preferring single older women.
  • His inability to control his worgen form during high stress is geared closer to guilt than rage--he feels responsible for the fall of House Salsborough and fears he'll lose TLE similarly.
  • Has a collection of little glass figurines he keeps around his office. He'll pay craptons of money for artistic glass. He'll pay extra if the figurines are in the shapes of animals.

  • Has a surviving father, but he doesn't know that.
  • Almost never smiles--not because he's stoic or perpetually grumpy or sad, but because he lived alone in the Hellfire wilderness for almost all his life and essentially became expressively stunted. Even when he's happy he rarely smiles.
  • Is slowly learning orcish culture but wishes orcs would embrace fel usage more as a genuine tool rather than a force to leave behind.
  • While socially stunted, he's creative and resourceful. He's gifted in tailoring, leathermaking, weapons crafting, hunting, and tracking (as passable as a warlock rather than a hunter in class).
  • Tattoos himself to pass the time. The red marks on his skin are actually stains on his skin than ink tattoos.
  • Thinks goblins are the trolls and orcs bred together. You'll never be able to convince him otherwise.

Eh.... why not. Buhayos
  • Has the appearance of a young buck despite being over 10,000 years old.
  • Loves play, frolicking, and dancing to music but is afraid to admit it to anyone, even others of Cenarius' progeny.
  • Is asexual and possesses zero desire for courtship. He doesn't even understand how romantic love works.
  • Although his stomach isn't as bottomless as Madahon's, he's also a voracious eater. Whereas Madahon has a habit of stealing food and eating impossibly large proportions, Buhayos just doesn't know when to stop eating and tends to mistaken even non-foods as edible (such as grenades for dumplings).
  • Likes to play with his own antlers. Sometimes he gets them deliberately muddy and coats them with seeds to see how many birds he can collect on the branches.


Died in Shadowmoon. Specifically died by pulling a Denethor: Jumping off into a pit after being lit on fire. Her final words consisted of incoherent howling and cursing.


Recently took up drawing again. She's quite good at it, too.
Wrote the WoW version of Clockwork Orange under a pseudonym.
Channels lightning for magic.
Is the youngest of triplets. She's distinguished by the length of her hair, the fact she keeps it in a ponytail, and her various scars that came from being impaled by shards of stone in Uldum.


Has been known to sleep for a ridiculously long while.
Finds the topic of romance to be -absolutely hilarious.- Especially after he found that his mother's going to get married.


Just wants to be your friend.
Will not gouge your eyes out.
Will kill every last orc on this planet if she can.
Adget Thundercestus
  • The fourth of seven children.
  • Her elder sister is the world-famous Caravan Fairwind.
  • Due to radiation poisoning, the most of Adget's person is coated in scars, sores, bruises and discolored skin.
  • She doesn't care so much for how she looks, though keeps herself covered more as a kindness to others.
  • Naturally brown-haired.
  • Despite a fair amount of wealth accumulated from enchanting, she prefers to remain nomadic.

Ausar, Son of Tau
  • Age is a nonfactor to Ausar and, over the years, he's legitimately forgotten his own age.
  • He has roots in the Neferset tribe of Tol'vir, however fled from home-much to his father's displeasure-once the tribe made a pact with Deathwing.
  • He enjoys the name he chose for his pet Lion- 'Lion'. To him, it sounds very exotic.
  • His skill with weaponry is paltry at best. Still, insistent that he keeps himself safe, he carries both a bow he hardly knows how to fire along with a halberd well too heavy for his stature.

Mother Andra
  • Despite all her years of practice, there is no pastry Andra favors more than the muffin.
  • Andra has two daughters- Yui, her natural daughter, and Tara, a child she adopted shortly after they were both imprisoned.
  • She once was an active mage within her community, however she's hence drawn away to return to more modest lifestyle.
  • She is the youngest of two children, her older brother being Xigo, a vindicator.
  • Andra has no opposition to alcohol or moderate smoking, however she reserves both for celebrations such as weddings.

Knight-Captain Victoria Feranos
  • Once served actively in the Alliance military. Now trying to balance life, she's come to odds with a few of her superiors and is risking demotion
  • Tailoring is Victoria's get-away. She's been known to sit, sew, and design for hours without count if not interrupted.
  • Subsequently, the woman's modest apartment is at least partially consumed by a forest of unused outfits, each hanging from either a wooden stand- or the rafters when she runs out of room.
  • Despises the common nickname 'Vicky'.
  • Her socks-and-sandals combo will never be taken from her.
  • Victoria looks down upon nobles, seeing them as cowards too fearful to go to war.
+Kind of a coward. While he'll fight, he will not be the one first charging into battle.
+Despite being a Wildhammer, he refuses to ride Gryphons into battle, as a sign of respect to his first Gryphon.
+Speaking of Wildhammer, is half Wildhammer and Bronzebeard.
+Wants to find his eldest child a Dark Iron spouse, so the clan stretches across all the clans.
+Not really all too interested in the Titans themselves, just the variety of lands they had a hand in creating. He has a small 'alliance' with the Explorer's League that allows him to go basically anywhere.

+Her favorite hobbies are painting and playing with worg puppies.
+Absolutely hates kids.
+Has an elder brother, by about 3-4 years. She never really connected with him while growing up, and the two haven't talked in years.
+Thinks that the Warsong are a disgrace to Orcs, and stuck in the past of warmongering with anyone and everyone.
+She often forgets that she has access to various magics, and prefers to just charge in with her axe.
+Legitimately scared of smaller things, like mice and guinea pigs. While her family's spent ages preparing her for Gronn killing, she's never quite dealt with the smaller things in life.

+Was a carpenter/go-to-guy-when-dealing-with-wood back in yonder Vrykul culture. Learned how to build boats and houses, as well as carve things from wood.
+Was named after Hodir. As his father fondly recounted, Ydir 'took his first step as the first snowflake touched the ground on the first storm of the year'. The real version is not so romantic, but he was born during the first snow of the year.
+Has different weapons for fighting living and dead things.
+Harbors a fairly impressive dislike of the Burning Legion.
+Believes that the races like Humans, Forsaken and the others are part of a long con done by the Gods to punish the Vrykul for abandoning said gods.
+Sneaks the Vrykul language into his speech patterns because he enjoys people trying to figure out what it means.
+Refers to mean people as 'Hyldnir-spawn'.
Eleanor :

-She loves dancing and she's quite good at it.
-She loves to sing too, but she's not that great at it right now.
-She's able to cast many type of spells but never could get a powerfull one working.
-She can aim quite well and knows alot about archery.
-She's completely weak physically, not working work but regrets about that.
-She likes everybody yet thinks that elves are the best.
-More courageous than she looks.
-Always wears the same oufit but keeps it clean.
-She likes to measure people just for fun. (Yes, she might go at with you with a measuring ribon and be like "Don't move I'm taking notes!")
* WindZealot peers and slaps a bump.
Sarvi Gorehide
*Sarvi translates to "Horns" in a lot of languages. I did this not because as a Tauren he has horns, rather, I was listening to Metallica's Master of Puppets album while making him. Throw up your horns metalheads!
*Sarvi likes to read about history. Not any certain kind of history, just history in general. It helps with his anger issues and gives him something non-violent to focus on. His ichor stained hands usually ruin whatever he's reading though so it doesn't last long.
*Sarvi enjoys long quiet walks. By himself or with others. It helps to clear his mind.
*Sarvi is a pretty sentimental guy but being forced to twist his morals created a pretty big conflict within himself. So he's either sentimental like "You're a good friend, I'll hold onto this bottle to remember our times drinking with each other." or "I'LL MOUNT YOUR HEAD ON MY SPAULDERS SO EVERYONE CAN SEE THAT YOU WERE KILLED BY A HALF DEAD COW!"

Takoda Skychaser
*Takoda was the name of my Tauren Resto Shaman back when I played Burning Crusade, the only character that I leveled all the way to the cap. He's where I got the name from.
*Along with being a traveling alchemist/doctor, Takoda can make some pretty good tea. A lot of Alchemist in training will practice using tea and then move on to actual elixers and potions. Takoda did move onto to potions and all but he kept practicing with teas so he's pretty good at making it.
*He tries his own mixtures on himself unless whatever he is mixing has some harmful elements. It's for this reason that you will always see him chewing on pine needles, it helps with the bad smell some of the mixtures create.
*He can't hold his alcohol, at all.

Tykeral "Morty" Kerickson
*His name comes from a character in an adventure book series his dad enjoyed, "Tykeral Lynch and the Idols of Outworld" Tykeral doesn't like the fact that he was named after a book character.
*Tykeral found that ever since he started hanging out with mercenaries, he became much more aggressive and easy to annoy. He found that strong alcohol really helps with this, hence why he always carries whiskey on him.
*His nickname, "Morty", came from a time when he was hired to escort a noble around Stormwind. Tykeral absolutely hated having to spend a day with a noble (Bonus fact: Tykeral has a burning hate for Nobles) so when the noble asked for his name, he used his uncle's name. This way, whenever "Morty" got a request to be hired, he knew it was for that noble or friends of that noble.

*His more common nickname, Tyke or Tyk, is completely made up by you guys. I don't know who started it but I see/hear that name more than his actual name! I love it though.

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Zaeli Phoenixsong
- Rather openly dislikes Silvermoon and the Fel.
- Cares very little about your race unless you're a Sin'dorei.
- Plays the guitar not for money or others but for herself most of all.
- Disowned by her parents.

- Barely drinks due to fear of water.
- Most of her leg is filled with metal.
- Despite her once undying faith in the Naaru and the Light, she has no faith whatsoever these days.

- Despite her undying faith in Elune, she chose a mate who has a very different faith from her own.
- Doesn't follow a day and night cycle for sleep or rest. She sleeps when she is tired and wakes when she wakes.
- Cares more for the lives of her companions, her people and her allies than for her own.
Janice Grier:

- Well trained as a medic.
- Enjoyed baking in life, and occasionally tries to pick it up again while idle, undoubtedly one of the reasons she has gotten chummy with the Chef of the Lonesome Crow Inn.
- Is not actually evil...Seriously!
- Specialized in creating elixirs with the purpose of pain-relief and muscle relaxation.
Ereneas Skyfire:

- Actually pretty estranged from his family.
- Enjoys lemons. Seriously, just about all of my recent RP with this guy has his entrance involve eating a lemon. Speaking of which, he'll eat them whole. WHOLE.
- Has two 'berserk buttons.' One of them being his ex, Wende, and another being when his friends are in danger.
- He will never cut his hair, Hrodebert.
- Youngest profiled elf of mine to date.
- Much of the time he spends when he manages to visit home is spent tending to Soval, a worg that his aunt adopted after his original owner (That being Ereneas' old man) died.
- Has a small aversion towards swimming and jumping into pools of water after an unfortunate experience in Kabuus after Sapna pushed him into 'not-water.'

Ninde Moonwhisper:

- Has proven to be a rather tolerant girl in recent times.
- Second cousin to Warden Ylvandre Darksorrow.
- Her preferred place to sleep varies between either a bed or a tree.
- Actually resembles the model in terms of physiology quite well. The only difference is the red markings on her skin. How she gets them? Read below.
- Prone to fail a roll in a fire-related situation. Seriously.
- Wants to start a family. Some day.
- As should be expected of all night elves....She really, really, really doesn't like orcs.

Aneril Amberdawn:
- Prone to losing his !@#$ when the following happen: He's asked about his sister, someone threatens his newborn daughter, or you're just being an ass.
- Has no qualms about severing ties or blowing his enemies to bits if it's for the better of the House.
- Can often be found nowadays doting over a carriage that, surprise, has his daughter in it.

Ser Morgan Enfield:
- It has been made very obvious how much Enfield loves cheese. This was partially an OOC joke by me that I decided to make canon. His birthday, January 20, is also cheese-related, being national cheese lover's day.
- Enfield worked 6 years to get knighted. He was wondering when Lord Thelwind was going to do that.
- Ironically enough, despite his demeanor at times, he's one of the characters I have that make me want to cry. Why? Because of how he evolved from a derpy guard to a full-on serious character.

- If you ever hear of an Elemental that screamed "My marbles!" in Kalimag, well, here's your guy.
- Is the only Hyjal elemental that's played by a player that's actually a solid surface. Those rocks on his model aren't for show.
- Despite him being one of the more powerful mooks at the disposal of the Hammer, he's lost -twice- to the Guardians of Hyjal. The first during an encounter DMed by our lovely @Scout , and the second in an encounter DMed by me. His rolls in both have led me to dub him Scorned of the Roll Gods.
(03-03-2014, 10:30 PM)MstrCorvus Wrote: [ -> ]Alicia Cevin:
- Has a severe love for hot porridge, preferably with honey.
- Picks her nose.
- Constantly complains of sore knuckles to her SO.
- Is quite a skilled artist.

Syrena Amberdawn-Fairstar:
- Is a recovering cake addict.
- Mild hatred for dresses or skirts.
- Has a pet war bear.

Kate Toussaint:
- Enjoys long walks on the beach at sunset.
- Has a sternum fracture that never fully healed. (Because Kidnapped.)
- Enjoys musicals.

Elara Dawnstalker:
- Is an excellent baker of sweet treats.
- Has a low tolerance level for alcohol. She be a lightweight.
- Her favorite holiday is Hallow's End.
- She likes the colour white. A lot.
- Whenever a mess is made, she cleans it with ruthless efficiency.

Narina Moonwhisper:
- She has a special leaf given to her by Keeper Buhayos as a good luck charm which she always wears by her left ear.
- Even though she gave up her arcane practice, she still reads the occasional theory book on the Arcane.
- Feed her cookie dough. She likes cookie dough.
- Do not give her alcohol. She's a silly drunk.
- Her right upper arm is singed, being slightly darker than the rest of her body.
- Narina loves thunderstorms.

Anera Solarius:
- Her electric blue hair happened naturally when she was risen, but the pink streak is dyed.
- She has an insatiable love for cats, both domestic and big scary wild ones. That's not even mentioning the cat ear headband she owns.
- Anera is a hopeless romantic and adores romantic books and plays.
- A good leader in a dire situation but very quiet in most other times, discounting when she's partying.
- Has a belly-button piercing.

Nyra Ten'Shelar:
- Nyra likes to take late night skinny dips when the moon is out.
- Her ears are a third of the size of normal Night Elf ears, hence her nickname.
- Has a severe distaste for green vegetables and potatoes.
- Occasionally likes to cook.
Doran Eranu'belore
  • He is Ralerian and Aendron's uncle even though he's younger than both.
  • He plays the harp rather well.
  • He can be rather clumsy.
  • He has a cat named King Cat.
  • He is fully trained in proper etiquette. He simply prefers to not use any of it.
  • He tries too hard to impress his family.
  • His original age (74) was a homage to my first car, a 1974 Plymouth Duster.
  • He had an older brother.
  • He has no real formal education.
  • The OC his design comes from is that of a female.
  • His favorite food is chocolate cake.
  • The top choice for his voice is that of Nekomura Iroha.

Aendron Eranu'endal
  • While he can (barely) walk, he prefers to levitate.
  • Before his scoliosis was corrected, he had respritory disorders.
  • He preforms lobotomies specifically to ruin someone's mind permanently.
  • Even though he's extremely mean towards others, he can actually be very caring.
  • His favorite fruit is pomegranate.
  • He can play the flute.
  • He is the tallest living of the Darkdawn family. He is taller than his grandfather Iverali by an inch.
  • He's referred to as a "Grumpy Old Miser" by Doran.
  • Most of his life was spent with invalids under Lovar'thil's care. He would still accept aid from Lovar'thil, even knowing his mutations.
  • He has written a few books on the workings of the mind and how to manipulate it with Shadow. He considers himself a master in the field. In his writings, he works under the pen name "Black Lotus".
  • His hunched over posture is based off of Eva 001 from Neon Genesis Evangelion. His facial structure and choice in voice is from Claude Frollo from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
  • He is planned to die quietly in his sleep. When is uncertain.

Lovar'thil Dire'belore
  • He was married in to the Novalight family ages ago.
  • Most of his history had to be left out of his profile due to being too graphic.
  • He has a collection of various organs in glass jars.
  • In his delusional state, he sees Wretched as "his children". This is from the loss of his son.
  • Before he turned Felblood, he needed glasses to see properly. Now he wears them because he feels he looks strange without glasses. Horns are perfectly normal, though.
  • He has various tattoos that he keeps hidden that identify him as being one of Kael'thas's most loyal.
  • His speech pattern is based off of Mordin Solus from the Mass Effect series.
  • He is close friends with Sang Sunsong who works as a butler for the Sunfire family.
  • He is horrified of Draenei. He refers to them as "Blue Demons".

Matou Bebelle'belore
  • His name is Cajun French in origin. "Matou" means "stray cat" and "Bebelle" means doll. This reflects his quiet personality and how he has the mannerisms of a cat.
  • Matou is physically capable of speech, but mentally (psychologically) incapable.
  • Matou was in the Outlands with Lovar'thil. They had a brief interaction that wasn't memorable.
  • He eats large portions of food as regularly as possible. His favorite meal is steak, eggs, potatoes, and yeast rolls.
  • His original age (93) is a homage to another car. A 1993 Pontiac Trans Am.
  • He was originally intended to be a variant class similar to that of a druid. Once given the opportunity to become a Demon Hunter, he took it.
  • He stays rather dirty. He even fixes his hair with twigs and feathers. Mud is a type of clothing, right? Though he usually has a tattered loincloth. Funning free in the wind isn't an option.
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