Conquest of the Horde

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... S'about time I do this for Aulten, to expose my original intent for the man. Without further ado, I present to you...

Aulten Calethos.

-Overly protecting of those whom he finds himself close to.
-Rarely allows anyone to achieve said closeness, as he is paranoid of betrayal.
-Bisexual in nature; Aroes is his male lover.
-Desires nothing more than a father-figure in his life.
-Had a terrible time of it growing up.
-Became self-loathing and depressed after the murder of his folks.
-Wished to relive his childhood, that he never truly had.
-Turned evil by accident, after his self-loathing turned into self-hatred, and was then directed at the outside world.
-His "I'm angry at the world" demeanor comes from the previous bullet.

The biggest thing of all?

-Aulten was intended to be a good guy, but he fell into line with the wrong folks, and can't get out; part of him still fights to free himself from his predicament, but is currently being won over by a previously-suppressed bloodthirsty side whose only desire is to see the world burn for the percieved actions against it.
Sasha Webwither;

- Is attracted to deep blue eyes that aren't glowy. Sadly, she rarely sees these.
- Quite good at strategy.
- Painted her shield to black from the original gold and white.
- Has her fiance's dead fetus still in her.
- Said fiance is actually a Death Knight. He sold his soul to the Lich King, as he was too coward to actually die.
- Wants to be truly dead. No more life, no more anything.


- Genetically engineered to give birth to twins. Approximately 3 out of 4 in chances of having twins.
- Still has yet to meet a Blood Elf.
- Incredibly hairy.
- Enjoys being naked (yea, mental images).
- To add to the beauty, she's quite musclebound.
- My only fully straight character that can still actually have sex.
- Loves foxes. Has an incredible obsession with them.
- Once contemplated making her a suit of wood.
- Was raised to not have any emotions involved in relationships.
Well, this looks fun.

-Thragash Granitefist-

- Has a hobby of whittling. He usually ends up having several unfinished wooden figurines on his person.
- Was born and raised in the internment camp that is now known as Hammerfall.
- Is a hopeless romantic. He doesn't show this side to most people, though.
- Was the subject of a running gag for a while, that Thragash has never worn a shirt in his life. He's recently started wearing a tabard, though.
- Is claustrophobic. He tends to really get on edge in caves, and his worst fear is being buried alive.
- Is from the Shattered Hand clan. He's not particularly proud of this.

-Gunnar Murray-

- Has recently taken up engineering. As a hobby.
- Was essentially raised by the church. His decision to be a paladin was mostly due to the fact that he considered himself too burly to be a priest.
- Can be rather rowdy in the correct circumstances. He'd probably be the sort to start bar fights, if he weren't so dedicated to his job.
- Has an attraction towards male orcs. He keeps that a secret though, for fear of excommunication and being branded a traitor. (This started off as an OOC gag, but then became canon, as it's interesting.) It's also a source of internal angst.

-Grakor Ghostice-

- Never uses contractions in his speech. Unless he's channeling a spirit, which is a good way to tell when it's happening.
- Is mated with Turog, though he's been absent for some time.
- Is one of the few Earthshakers not actually descended from the Thunderlord Clan. He's actually Frostwolf.

-Balgarn Bloodscribe-

- Was an Earthshaker who died and animated during a mission in the Plaguelands. He avoided the Earthshakers for some time until Mochla found him and brought him back home.
- Still tends to blame himself over the death of his friend who was with him in the Plaguelands when he died.
- Likes writing and drawing. He uses it as a way to help keep himself calm whenever his urge to kill and maim starts to come up.
-Aldous Silverlight-

-Is homeless depending on the time of year. His actual study is in his sister's home.
-Is magically inept with anything but arcane casting due to neglect.
-Smokes Manathistle heavily to relieve stress. Lots of stress.
-Has about three suits which he cycles through while out in public.
-Has a habit of citing previously written material from his old books in his new books.

-Sergius Troy-

-Is covered in burns and scars.
-And not the cool kind.
-Isn't actually a very good engineer. He qualifies as a intermediate one amongst most goblins though.

-Trium Beltane-

-Secretly hoards candy. Considers the sugar rush vital to his stamina on the field.
-Has a bank deposit box filled with gumballs in all of the major Alliance cities, just in case.
-Has been reassigned multiple times due to attempting to enforce the law out of his jurisdiction.
-Unbearably naive, unless it concerns a violation of Stormwind law.
-Re-reads the guard's handbook religiously.

Secretly wants to get married.
Alright, I'll bite.

Josie Twinkleblast…
…actually has a twin brother named Jagger.
…and a pug named Bexley Bigboomovitz.
…is questionably bisexual. She'll flirt with guys, but she seems to get somewhat shier and clumsier around other females.
…is a natural blonde, but she's been known to dye her hair different colors and put it up into crazy styles every now and then.

Cebrisae Goldenwaltz…
…loves kittens. She's sacrificed her own dinner before, to feed a bunch of strays.
…is entirely too selfless for her own good. Seeing someone sad or in distress makes her uneasy.
…enjoys music of all sorts, particularly classical and Taranis mariachi.
…used to play the violin when she was younger. She's long since stopped.
…has been an avid fan and user of wishing wells since she was a wee one.

Larshka Duskshroud…
…loves to fish. Most of the time she'll throw back what she catches, but sometimes she fishes for dinner.
…enjoys dresses and robes, although she doesn't wear them often on account of her line of work.
…sings to herself when she's sure no one else is around.
…tends to go into mama-bear-mode when someone she's fond of is getting the arse end of something.
…is quite fond of her flat chest. She thinks it makes her more 'aerodynamic' when she runs.
Tydre Spellbinder, Blood Elven Runemaster

-Has a bad neck, often found massaging it and cracking it. This annoys him.

-Shows plenty of kindness to Sin'dorei, other Horde races he shows himself capable of some sense of friendship and is incredibly spiteful towards Alliance of every race, shape, size and gender.

-Gets hit in the jaw, a lot.

-A bit too cocky of his own abilities, thinking himself to be pretty great.

-Cooks with moderate skill.

-Tends to be somewhat hypocritical when he is insulting and/or arguing with someone from the Alliance.

-Can tend to be philosophical and optimistic.

-Is actually rather skilled with using a blade but he no need to use one due to being capable of denting plate armor with his fists.
Sathia Dawnmist

-Despite a love for picking flowers, she rarely has time to do so.

-Her body is dotted by small scars. She used to cover these up with make-up, but has recently decided to stop bothering since she usually wears full-body armor.

-Absolutely adores kittens.

-Prefers to keep her face covered, out of shame for a perceived failure to the Light.

-Has a habbit of turning herself into a martyr. More often than not, taking on the burdens of others while trying to contend with her own.

-Doesn't smile much, even when she has a good reason to.

-Has poor table manners, usually resulting in a mess.

-Has a healthy respect for Draenei, for their closeness to the Light. Though, she hates them for having joined the Alliance.

-Has a habbit of punishing herself, such as breaking her fingers, usually for something that isn't actually her fault.

-Becomes extremely violent if grabbed or moved when asleep.

-Often has nightmares about past traumas, usually far worse in her head than what actually happened.

-Tries to avoid talking to people about said nightmares.
Hrodebert Rivermouth:

-He is a play on one of my personal character archetypes. This archetype is frequently heroic, sociable, friendly, strong, intelligent, and handy with a gun, and is usually named "Rob" in some way or another. "Hrodebert" is old germanic for "Robert", and "Rivermouth" is the literal translation of the Scottish surname "Monroe". "Robert Monroe" was the name of the very first of my "Rob" archetypes.

-Once owned a home in Quel'Thalas. Is more than likely destroyed or repossessed by the Blood Elfs now, though.

-His main beast pets are a Dun Morogh bear named Arito, and a brown owl named Archimedes.

-Despite learning engineering from the Gnomes, Hrodebert also knows a good deal of Goblin engineering, and is very familiar with explosives.

-His accent is very subtle, hardly interfering with his Common. Really, as far as dwarfs go, Hrod is very eloquent all around, probably due to his time spent with Quel'Dorei.

-Has learned the hard way that elfs are not "pansies", but won't speak to anyone about the details.

-Considers braiding his facial hair an art form, and scoffs at those who think Dwarfs are uncultured brutes. Also scoffs at fellow Dwarfs who have no respect for the arts, as well.

More to come later.
Pollie Snowgear

-Finds enjoyment in urinating inside a vial, then spreading it around on walls and on people's clothes. Isn't sure why, but she does it anyway.

-Wishes she wasn't so alone, in the world.

-Once tested a potion on herself, caused her to make out with the corpse of a murloc.

-Prefers not to test potions on herself, anymore.

-Once spent a night in a pit of tar.

-Likes to wear pink lipstick, hates being seen with it on.

Sathia Dawnmist

-Has become rather fond of wearing plated armor, finding alot of comfort in the protective shield it forms around her.

-Has a small, tattered rag doll she keeps with her at all times. Tends to hug onto it when she sleeps at night.

-Prefers not to let anyone know she has said rag doll.

-Finds Orc men rather attractive. This confuses her, greatly.

-Would like to be hugged more often, but is too embarrassed to ask.

-Enjoys Koiella's company, despite being a Death Knight.
Vyndus Sunstone

-Is actually quite sadistic, he enjoys inflicting and watching others inflict pain.

-Reasons with himself that everyone is like this naturally and it's just that they hide it.

-Will forget to shave when he is stressed.

-Actually perfers his old blue eyes as a high elf but knows it's not possible anymore.

-Often daydreams that the Scourge never existed and that he was still a kid.

-Is secretly scared of fire and burn wounds.

-Enjoys taking care of animals even though they hate him.

-Is terrified about the thought of dying from old age. He wants to find something to render him immortal.

-Loves his hat to death, he keeps it on a special stand and is extremely careful to keep it safe.

-Has a necklace with all of his old engagement rings on it. He keeps this locked up in a safe behind a painting.
Kathorg Gorehallow
- He still loves Lirshar Goresight with all his heart and soul. He would die for her in an instant.

- Has knowledge of his death, given to him by Kartu Stormsunder.

- Is a Horde official, and the commander of the Horde's Paramilitary operations after he defeated Overlord Ozai Flameblade in a contest of honor.

- Has had several meetings with Thrall and other high members of the Horde.

Kartu Stormsunder
- Has been afflicted by the Twilight's Hammer.

- He searches day after day for a way to alleviate the pain the future seems to hold for the whole of Azeroth and Draenor as we approach impending doom he himself does not realize is coming.

-Has a mechanical left arm from the elbow down
-Has a mechanical left leg from the knee down
-Has a mechanical right leg from the hip down
-Hate's being judged from being a Death Knight
-Tends to wear a bulky metal mask to give excuse to her Death Knight echo. Her eyes are only slightly brighter and blue from the normal Draenei makeing it hard to tell that she's a Death Knight at first glance.
-Trys to starve her hunger for killing. This can make her rather moody on later weeks.
-Has kept a diary ever since she was 1000. She has accumulated hundreds if not thousands of diaries over the years.
-She now rights her diary in common. This was so she could get used to the language and the habit stuck. (She has written a few entries in other languages too).
-Has incredible hand writeing
-Is a bar maid in a the park area of stormwind
More facts. Not gonna bother with the font color and size and stuff.


-Has a weakness for lesbians and lesbian erotica material (old news now). Also has a threesome fantasy.
-Will break his "gentle giant" image and threaten you with violence if you sexually harass his sister. Kentado learned of this the hard way.
-Had a bad experience with elekks, particularly with one he bought at the Exodar. Now he refuses to have one for a mount. -Really-.
-Almost had a romantic tryst with an orc female in Nagrand but decided against it. He also could have pursued a relationship with Kawala [prior to COTH] but Kawala continuously refused his advances.
-Despite being a matchmaker and being a sound advisor on issues of romance and courtship, Kapre actually has really big love problems of his own.


-Is partially responsible for the elekk incident that tramautized Kapre.
-Has a tendency to fall off cliffs if she doesn't watch where she's going.
-She wants to hide? Shift to a Ghost Wolf.
-One time somehow managed to survive an entire battle against an army of Horde by her lonesome in Warsong Gulch... and she was the flag carrier ((true PVP story. My god it was scary)).
-Loves sky diving off her gryphon.
-Can barely hold her alcohol. One mug of booze is fine, but two will have her be a slovenly drunkard.
-Picked up her speech patterns in speaking Common from Pulla, a gnome.
-Hates all Horde but has deep respect for Thrall. She is also slowly learning to trust Horde individuals but still sides strictly with the Alliance.

Now for others I haven't covered :)

-Kentado Starseer-

-Had a crush on a childhood friend but his advances were consistently brushed off.
-Is very small and thin for a Night Elf male, not to mention lighter than a sack of feathers.
-Hates gnomes and dwarves NOT necessarily because of destruction of nature for their tinkering and inventing but... because they're short and creepy. He also has absolutely no love for goblins.
-Wants to grow a beard but totally fails at it.
-Hopes to lose his virginity soon.
-Absolutlely hates shoes. He wants his toes to feel the earth beneath him, even if temperatures and textures would be intolerable for human feet.
-Has a crush on Adelie but doesn't want to admit it

-Urameil Sol'burn-

-Likes cats. A lot. Probably would compete with Reigen on who is the bigger cat-crazy elf.
-Hates all factions, all races, and just about everybody, even other blood elves.
-Actually likes nature a lot and has far more respect for it than one would expect for someone who works with fel and formerly the arcane. He would have been mistakened for a night elf had his blood elven identity be covered up more.
-Was married at one point and had a son. He and the wife had a falling out and eventually separated. His son is grownup and somewhere out there on his own. Now Urameil has extreme apathy for romance and companionship.
-Hates Aryeon (CappnRob) with a passion yet the two could be mistaken for friends for the way they banter at each other.
-Has Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
-At one time was courted by an ogre male because -he's just that goddamn ugly-.
-Is not a smiler, not to mention has a very limited range of expressing his emotions. If he does smile, however, be very afraid.

More to come.
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