Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Kidnapped 6: Dog Pen
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Maeia's checklist, Day 3: (yes I am this meticulous about this)

-An orc came down to trade weapons for food. He is clearly trying to play with us, the horrible thing.

-A dwarf ruined any good the trade may have done by attacking the orc with a piddly dagger. How could he be so narrow minded?

-When the orc attacked us with gnolls, I managed to steal a satchel of food I was going to trade for miss Roux's staff without having to surrender the weapon. I was going to give it to Roux and Thalvin, but they informed me that there are expectant women amongst us who need it more.

-I had quite a nice conversation with Thalvin by the waterside! Though I must be careful not to use up too much paper, for who knows how long I will be down here. Apparently, though, he met my son at Northshire. I am glad to know Cristovao is making such good friends.

Ok, that one was kind of boring. Pft.
-I met some people, my friend count is now at 5..
-No one wants to eat me..yet..

-Someone stole my hat!
-No food..
-Why do the trolls keep licking their lips when I go past?
-I can't change back!
-Did not bring a sword :c
-It's sooo hot..
-I wish that I could find my hat..
Niko's checklist:
-Keep Kendrew for getting killed/killing everyone
Yeah that's pretty much it.

- Should keep staring at water and preserving my strength.

- Need to keep an eye out on Wuvvums little green, and make sure no one hurts her.

- The undead that fought the.. slaver orc disappeared, good riddance, he would have done more trouble.

- I feel lost without the ancestors.... the spirit walker's training never said what happens when you stop hearing them.

- I should keep my cool.. I realized I am getting angry when I am hungry.

- I wish I could enter my wolf form.
Geoni takes a seat by the spring. He stares into it with a longing expression and becomes lost in his thoughts...

"It's been four days, and I feel like I've been through it all. Death has happened, my friends were almost eaten, traded my only source of food for more Felweed with a Troll who might've let that happen to them. Yet I don't feel ashamed over this. And why should I feel ashamed? I'm doin' the best I can in here, tryin' to distract myself from how bad my stomach is cavin' in. But fel, I feel proud enough that I was able to hold onto Wuvs' food for a day without eatin' it myself."

He pulls a particularly flat stone out of his pocket and throws it across the water. It skims three times before sinking, the ripples growing large...

"The Draenei girl got dragged up there by a Gnoll. I had to stand there and listen to her screams. Norell and I were plannin' on jumping one of those things, but could I be so selfish to make a run for it while he deals with the thing? I didn't care anymore. I was ready to make a break for it the next time one came down. But it's as if those 'Gol Ver and Ron' were tellin' me I shouldn't have thought of abandoning him and the others like that. I stared at those damn planks for an hour and nothin' came out but that girl, tumblin' down and lookin' as bad as I expected her to look."

He looks across the water, where he listened to the Doctor and his story. He smiles halfheartedly and looks back to the water, watching the ripples fade into the shores...

"Doc, I gotta hand it to ya' for lastin' this long. I almost feel bad for havin' to dump water on you, but a Goblin's gotta do what a Goblin knows what to do. Kinda' hate that you're here, and that I gotta share my weed with someone else, but it's nice to know I'm not going through this alone. Maybe that's how the captors want us to feel. And just maybe, I'll never give them the satisfaction."

He dips his hands into the water and uses it to wash off his face. Droplets trickling back down into the spring, he stares at his reflection, his visage distorted by the falling water...

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-Out of standby at: [8:00 AM] [CFA]

-Directive 04: Determine next directive.
Attempts to determine a new course of action have been unprofitable. There are very little productive activities to take part in here, to my estimations. Attempts at mining will not be fruitful without proper tools and manpower. Attempts at escape via the barrier will incite a reaction from the guards. Attempts at any sort of mechanical creation for our extraction is impossible due to lack of material.

At present I have only been capable of testing water and administering medication.

Our situation concerning food has shifted. An orcish male entered the upper portion of the cavern and proceeded to barter food for weaponry, or vice versa. Very few trades were able to be conducted before a dwarf male [KETKOS] assaulted the trader. The trader reacted with force and a force of gnolls descended to attack.

I am uncertain if this trade will be presented again. If so, I have begun to debate the exchange of my own weapon. While I am in no need of food, the additional ration could be used in emergency situations to one of the other captives. At the same time, the retaining of my weapon could serve to protect them against any hostile forces from within or from our captors in some degree.

I have not managed to determine which situation would be more favorable. Perhaps I will be unable to.

Analysis on water supply remains clear. I will continue running these tests and seeking a new directive to channel my efforts into.

Current evaluation: Sub-optimal.

---Directive incomplete.

-Directive 05: Evaluate other operatives and identify any notable changes.
I have identified [27] operatives thus far:

-Avira Strak: Female human. Pregnant. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Bedlam: Undead male. Has attempted to instill panic in living operatives. Capable of communicating with gnolls. Mild aggression. Will continue to monitor.
ADDENDUM: Now missing.

-Clovis Briarthorn: Male human. Designated for assistance as needed. Paladin. Intends to attempt to organize group. Low aggression. Designated overseer of Alliance guards. Sub-par capabilities of dance.

-Dezi Fizwizzle: Goblin Male. Brother of Wuvvums. No other notable qualities defined at present. Possible aggression.

-Elsamina [Surname Unavailable]: Human female. Agent of Stormwind. Predisposition to aggression towards Horde operatives. Designated an Alliance guard.

-Emra Rendbolt: Orc female. No other notable qualities defined at present. May be predisposed to aggression against Alliance operatives. Appears to abstain from such action at this point.

-Geoni [Surname Unavailable]: Goblin male. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Designated overseer of Horde guards.

-Lovar: Medical personnel. May prove useful in case of prolonged stay. May have biological deficiency with need for medication. Will continue to monitor for progression of health. Low aggression.
ADDENDUM: Name identified.
ADDENDUM: Speculation is present that his need for medication is truly a need for an addictive substance. May engage in aggressive behaviour due to this.

-Maeia Silvio: Undead Female. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Possibly the only non-hostile forsaken within the immediate surrounding.

-Mokaku [Surname Unavailable]: Troll male. Deemed 'detective' by Briarthorn. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Designated as a Horde guard.

-Norell [Surname Unavailable]: Goblin male. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Rahirn [Surname Unavailable]: Tauren Male. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Rekka Stormslayer: Orc female. No other notable qualities defined at present. May be predisposed to aggression against Alliance operatives. Appears to abstain from such action at this point.

-Roux Blackwood: Gilnean Female. Druid. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Designated as an Alliance Guard.

-Sam: Gnome female. Will continue to monitor for safety. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Surthak [Surname Unavailable]: Orc male. Injured via concussive blow to the head [estimated]. Administered a healing dosage. Appears to be recovering. Low aggression. Will continue to monitor for progression of health. Appears to be improving well. Now capable of travel.

-Teztez: Troll male. Warlord. Designated as an overseer of Horde guards. Likely mild aggression due to rank.

-Unidentified Demon Hunter: Kaldorei male. Notable for his obvious discipline. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Unidentified Gnoll Male: Undead. Appears to be interred with the rest of our group. Capable of speaking to forsaken via Gutterspeak [assumed]. Possible aggression.

-Unidentified Worgen Male 'JOSEPH': Appears to be mentally ill. Has aggravated many due to loud behaviour and interaction. Strong likelihood to incite violence.

-Vetia: Goblin female. Injured. Engineer. Monitor for health and provide assistance as needed. Mild aggression.

-Volner Aregar: Male human. Designated for assistance as needed. Paladin. Intends to attempt to organize group. Low aggression. Noted aggression towards Sin'dorei. Designated overseer of Alliance guards.

-Voragh Angermaw: Orc male. No other notable qualities defined at present. May be predisposed to aggression against Alliance operatives. Appears to abstain from such action at this point.

-Wuvvums Fizzwizzle: Goblin female. Priest. Recognized as a patron of the Sable Dragon Inn. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Now injured. Monitor for health.

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-Bojan: Troll male. In possession of Vetia's firearm. May or may not be subject to an explosion due to pressure build-up in the weapon. Somewhat incomprehensible. Mild aggression.

-Kitson: Human male. Blind. Son of Elsamina. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression and threat.

-Leafra: Draenei female. Significant other of a worgen. Was abducted by gnoll captors, and returned with both legs broken. Splint has been applied. Monitoring for health. Neutralized due to injuries.

---Directive complete.

-Directive 06 [CFA]: Monitor wounded.
I appear to have been elevated from guard to medic due to recent events. Fires broke out. Several operatives (including myself) were dispatched to extinguish the flames. In return we appear to have been granted medical supplies. I have taken the liberty of restocking my healing salves with this supply, as I am presently administering them. I will attempt to watch for and aid the injured as I am able.

. . .

Aggression inhibitors are failing. I feel unwell.

Notable inventory:
-7 count healing elixir, medium strength.
-5 count reserve water salves.
-2 Power cores. Right: 80% charge. 100% structural integrity. Left: 80% charge. 67% structural integrity. [Caution].
-7 bushes of unidentified but edible plant matter.

Coming out of standby. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
So, is Seda gonna snap and kill everyone? :|
Who is the Gnoll?
A distraught Zernzaz ponders omens and his uncertain future with the Tauren.

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-Out of standby at: [DATA NOT AVAILABLE] [EC 019]

-Directive 06 [CFA]: Monitor wounded.

I have been continuing my duties as a medic. At present the wounded appear to be recovering in an expected fashion, given circumstances. No more care can be afforded to any at present aside from advisement for rest and priority of food, if possible.
I observed so much blood.

I was able to attain ‘medicine’ for captive Lovar. I can now confirm that his medical needs are those of an addiction, though I do not wish to inhibit his fulfillment of such if possible. It is a topic best addressed when not being in perils of starvation and malnourishment.

Analysis on water supply remains clear. I will continue running these tests and seek a new directive to channel my efforts into.

Current evaluation: Sub-optimal. Declining. . .
. . . . . . _ . . . _ _ .

---Directive Ongoing.

-Directive 07: Evaluate other operatives and identify any notable changes.
I have identified [28] operatives thus far:

-Avira Strak: Female human. Pregnant. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Bedlam: Undead male. Has attempted to instill panic in living operatives. Capable of communicating with gnolls. Mild aggression. Will continue to monitor. Now missing.

-Bojan: Troll male. In possession of Vetia's firearm. May or may not be subject to an explosion due to pressure build-up in the weapon. Somewhat incomprehensible. Mild aggression.

-Clovis Briarthorn: Male human. Designated for assistance as needed. Paladin. Intends to attempt to organize group. Low aggression. Designated overseer of Alliance guards. Sub-par capabilities of dance.
. . . . . . _ . . . _ _ .

-Dezi Fizwizzle: Goblin Male. Brother of Wuvvums. No other notable qualities defined at present. Possible aggression.

-Elsamina [Surname Unavailable]: Human female. Agent of Stormwind. Predisposition to aggression towards Horde operatives. Designated an Alliance guard.

-Emra Rendbolt: Orc female. No other notable qualities defined at present. May be predisposed to aggression against Alliance operatives. Appears to abstain from such action at this point.

-Geoni [Surname Unavailable]: Goblin male. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Designated overseer of Horde guards.

-Kitson: Human male. Blind. Son of Elsamina. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression and threat.

-Leafra: Draenei female. Significant other of a worgen. Was abducted by gnoll captors, and returned with both legs broken. Splint has been applied. Monitoring for health. Neutralized due to injuries.

-Lovar: Medical personnel. May prove useful in case of prolonged stay. May have biological deficiency with need for medication. Will continue to monitor for progression of health. Low aggression. Name identified. Speculation is present that his need for medication is truly a need for an addictive substance. May engage in aggressive behaviour due to this.
ADDENDUM: Speculation of addiction has been proven correct.
. . . . . . _ . . . _ _ .

-Maeia Silvio: Undead Female. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Possibly the only non-hostile forsaken within the immediate surroundings.

-Mokaku [Surname Unavailable]: Troll male. Deemed 'detective' by Briarthorn. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Designated as a Horde guard.

-Norell [Surname Unavailable]: Goblin male. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Rahirn [Surname Unavailable]: Tauren Male. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Rekka Stormslayer: Orc female. No other notable qualities defined at present. May be predisposed to aggression against Alliance operatives. Appears to abstain from such action at this point.
. . . . . . _ . . . _ _ .

-Roux Blackwood: Gilnean Female. Druid. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Designated as an Alliance Guard.

-Sam: Gnome female. Will continue to monitor for safety. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Surthak [Surname Unavailable]: Orc male. Injured via concussive blow to the head [estimated]. Administered a healing dosage. Appears to be recovering. Low aggression. Will continue to monitor for progression of health. Appears to be improving well. Now capable of travel.

-Teztez: Troll male. Warlord. Designated as an overseer of Horde guards. Likely mild aggression due to rank.

-Unidentified Demon Hunter: Kaldorei male. Notable for his obvious discipline. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression.

-Unidentified Gnoll Male: Undead. Appears to be interred with the rest of our group. Capable of speaking to forsaken via Gutterspeak [assumed]. Possible aggression.

-Unidentified Worgen Male 'JOSEPH': Appears to be mentally ill. Has aggravated many due to loud behaviour and interaction. Strong likelihood to incite violence.

-Vetia: Goblin female. Injured. Engineer. Monitor for health and provide assistance as needed. Mild aggression.

-Volner Aregar: Male human. Designated for assistance as needed. Paladin. Intends to attempt to organize group. Low aggression. Noted aggression towards Sin'dorei. Designated overseer of Alliance guards.
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-Voragh Angermaw: Orc male. No other notable qualities defined at present. May be predisposed to aggression against Alliance operatives. Appears to abstain from such action at this point.

-Wuvvums Fizzwizzle: Goblin female. Priest. Recognized as a patron of the Sable Dragon Inn. No other notable qualities defined at present. Low aggression. Now injured. Monitor for health.

. . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . ..... .


-Seda Artec: Gnome female. Death knight. Knowledgeable in the spread of pathogens, the anatomical structure of a living being, and is armed with mechanical weaponry. Will not grow tired. Will not suffer from the effects of hunger or thirst. Rising aggression due to state of undeath. Threat to safety of others. Process of neutralization will be given to Briarthorn and Aregar. Clearance for termination has been allowed if necessary. [BOP C2]
. . . . . . _ . . . _ _ .

---Directive complete.


. . .

Aggression inhibitors continue to decline. I have begun meditating and striking cavern walls when not visible to attempt to relieve this. No efforts are proving useful thus far. I feel unwell.

Notable inventory:
-6 count healing elixir, medium strength.
-5 count reserve water salves.
-2 Power cores. Right: 79% charge. 100% structural integrity. Left: 78% charge. 65% structural integrity. [Caution].
-7 bushes of unidentified but edible plant matter.

Coming out of standby. . .
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... . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .
Notice for all the late entires---

You won't get responses to your applications. When you're in-game, make sure you join the channels (/join KidnappedATTN, /join KidnappedOOC) of the event on the character you're entering and then find a GM available who is in the event area to help you get there. Ask nicely and I'm sure you'll get help with it.
Clovis Concerns with Cavernous Complications

Water is now contaminated. Seda working on a way to address the issue.

Dwarf had the nerve to call me 'selfish'. Needed to control my wits and not kill him.

Gnolls have grown increasingly antagonistic.

Seda is a Death Knight. While I found myself accepting this surprisingly well, her nature requires she lust for bloodshed eventually. If I do not catch a live gnoll soon....

My own patience is slipping. While I have friends in this cave, I do not have anyone close to me I can rely on to temper me.

Very hungry.

Very tired.

I miss Samantha.

I worry for my mother.

I miss father every day.

I continue to count my blessings that Samantha is safe and at home. Though a small, selfish part of me yearns to have her here to keep me sane.

Least I got my armor and sword.

No one has driven me crazy with their daddy issues. Yet.

No sign of moving statues or talking skeletons.

Bedlam is gone. On the off-chance he does come back, Kill On Sight.

We now have some kind of plan for distributing the bitter herbs Seda collected.

Surprisingly, not as much BS and violence as I would of expected.

Did I forget to mention how glad I am Endling is safe and out of this mess?

Surthak's To-Do List

- Protect Norell and help him recover. My buddy helped me, I'm going to help him back!

- Protect Gron from the other prisoners. They're not thinking rationally, and I know there's a good reason why he's here.

- Aggressively seduce Coyly flirt with Get to know Gron more. (That outfit...)

- Find a book to read. The boredom is killing me.

- Keep alive. Have an orange and my waterskin. Should still be good for a while without dying, but I won't be happy about it.

- Kill Bedlam.

- Bro it up with Norell more. He's my bud!

- Apologize to Geoni sometime. I really was harsh on him before, could tell he was hurt.

- Keep Avira safe. She likes to hide behind me for some reason. I'm not sure I should tell her that I'm wearing cloth and barely know how to use my sword.

- Get over this concussion. The cane helps, but the dizziness every time I stand is aggravating.

- Find a way to make Thalvin feel useful. I do feel bad for him, he only wants to help.

- Kill Bedlam some more.

- Try not to get into insult sparring moments with Maeia. She seems to have it out for me, but it's really not helping.

- Once Bedlam is dead, stomp on his face for good measure. Preferably with the helmet off.
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