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I love the numbers so far!

(Still needs more Peons, though!)
Needs more Tauren.
My word. It's not 'attack of the blood elf women' for a change.

This should be pretty cool.
I will be on/off on the first few days of the event.. (like first two or three) but then I will be pretty active!
[6/12/2013 11:08:42 AM] Nathalie (Lox): Also, now Kidnapped shows in the "upcoming events" bar. Wooooo.
[6/12/2013 11:08:51 AM] Jack Noble: I noticed that almost a week ago

Silly Loxmardin
I'll be the first to add a second character of mine to this. :| Ironic.
I am thinking of.. putting in another character.. but I think it will stress me out :|
Yay TROLLS. We are growing together to get tortured!
Current census:

Orc: 6 (Thun'tuk, Surthak, Rekka'nar, Emra, Voragh, Irogh)
Tauren: 2 (Bah'tahu, Mayla)
Troll: 5 (Mokaku, Akhita, Rezzak, Teztez, Jiro)
Forsaken: 3 (Bedlam, Maeia, Pleasant)
Blood Elf: 10 (Tyestus, Dalariel, Toriidae, Siara, Ardanna, Amalys, Khrysti, Nearin, Lovar'thil, Balius)
Goblin: 5 (Wuvvums, Norell, Geoni, Zernzaz, Buxle)


Human: 8 (Elsamina, Nikolisko, Jo, Avira, Allan, Lilian, Aiden, Katlyn)
Night Elf: 6 (Aphetoros, Sadron, Keira, Mava, Alassae, Linevi)
Gnome: 3 (Sam, Seda, Rofupi)
Dwarf: 4 (Bulin, Ketkos, Kendrew, Bineer)
Worgen: 4 (Joseph, Marquin, Roux, Thalvin)
Draenei: 4 (Nessari, Kalai, Andra, Malorida)



Blood Elves rushed by everyone else once more! But that's fine, because look at those numbers!

EDIT: As a sidenote, this is definitely a record. I don't think this many players have been signed up before and I'm really excited! If we manage to get most of us online at the same time, I bet we'll see the highest online-count in a long time.
Can't wait for it to begin!

I mean. Same as Stealthscout!
I am in excited anticipation for this occurrence.
Hello everyone!

The event is drawing close now, and as a late piece of advice... I highly suggest that all players make separate chat tabs in the game to separate Party, Raid and all the Chat channels from the main window so they don't interfere with the /says and /emotes. I also suggest making a separate tab for System Messages, but that's me.

You can make and adjust tabs by Right-Clicking your chat tab. I don't remember the exact words for it, but the option to create a new window/tab should be there. Then you can adjust the "Filters" on all your tabs to control which messages are shown in which window. It's very handy! I also suggest dragging the additional tabs over to sit underneath the minimap, and reduced to their smallest possible size. My own System Messages window always goes to the left of the minimap, a small bit away from it so the buffs don't cover the text. (I have three chat tabs besides the standard one. The standard one only shows Says and Emotes (as well as General and Raid Warnings). Then I have a Party tab that shows Party and Raid Chat as well as Raid Warnings. Then I also have a Chats tab that shows all the Chat channels (Chat, Barrens, Adult, Guild and LFG) as well as Whispers. Then, lastly, the System Messages tab for all rolls and the like.).

It's just a suggestion, but I do believe everyone would benefit from reorganizing their windows like so. Keep in mind that Kidnapped, after the first day, will keep all OOC communications in custom OOC channels that will be announced at the start of the event (so please don't go making any ahead of time). People will be able to Party up as they like during the event, but there won't be an official Raid unless I invite everyone to one for any particular reason during it. (I would also suggest making a separate tab specifically for the Kidnapped channels for the duration of the event.)

My last suggestion will be for everyone to get the Elephant addon. With so many people in the event, there will most likely be a lot of emotes thrown about. If you have Elephant, you can always open the chat log window to get a much clearer overview of the latest emotes and keep them on your screen while you respond without them disappearing in a sea of other emotes. The Elephant addon is available for download in CotH's Downloads section, or on Curse's website.

That's all for now!
Wow. Nearly 60 people. That's impressive.
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