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Lok'Tar! Conquest of the Horde was originally a private World of Warcraft RP community that focused primarily on roleplay within the WoW setting. Originally established in September of 2007, CotH enjoyed a healthy reign of over seven years focused on WoW roleplay. On January 22nd of 2015, a DMCA notice was issued, resulting in a halt of the WoW RP focus. Now, the community has expanded to encompass multiple worlds in various games and settings. This community will serve as a hub for members to join like-minded individuals in any game or environment. The community itself will also host a few game worlds of its own after development progresses enough.
While the dust is settling after the revelation of the WoW server closure, feel free to hang out and see how development goes!
Server Status Information |
Posted by: Kretol - 10-15-2007, 11:05 PM - Forum: Community News
- No Replies
Keep in mind there's a link to the left to check the Server Status.
From here, you can see who may be online, where they are, how long they've been on, as well as their latency (as determined server-side).
A really easy way to determine whether or not the server is up is to see when the last time that page was updated! In the upper-right portion of the page, check to see if the timestamp is within two or three minutes of the current time. Obviously, since the page is updated every two minutes normally, if the last update was five or so minutes ago, the server is undoubtedly down! Furthermore, if the page doesn't actually load? Then the server computer is either in the process of restarting, or is simply off.