Let this be 'Ye Olde Grande Back to School Thread of Awesomeness And Stuff'.
Going back to school? Won't be around much? Feel free to post it here, if you haven't already made a thread elsewhere! Also, there's a poll here just to try and gauge how many folks will be more focused on RL and their studies.
I'm already in the process of being back at classes and I'm still finding time to enjoy and stick around this place so you won't see me vanish anywhere anytime soon. :wink:
So right now I'm enjoying the Summer. Shame the freakin weather aint noticed it's summer! >.< (And I'm not talking about ingame, typical british weather, you know)
So I'm clinging into the Summer as long as I can... It's slipping out my reach!
"I am more afraid of one hundred sheep led by a lion than one hundred lions led by a sheep."
So, for the beginning of the week, I'll be around...by Thursday, I'll be scrambling to get ready for next week again...this is a typical pattern for me, since it's un-possible to plan more than a week ahead, due to labs, etc.
*blinks blearily and eats a burrito* It's 6:36 in the morning and I am -not- happy =_=
*shuffles off to a new semester with her shoes on the wrong feet*
Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,
let love and light be our guides again.
I've been back at uni for 6 weeks now. I'm midway through Evil Assessment Period 1/3. EAP 2/3 is about this time next month, and then I have a month of teaching prac, then exam block, wherein I only have 2 exams this semester, thank goodness - Educational theories, and Japanese. Then I go to Japan for a month (hopefully!!)
One. Single. Class. I'm so embarrassed. Stupid Chemistry and its stupid math requirements. The only thing it might affect is I may get more hours at my job. That'd be nice, but it still won't really affect how much I'm on.
"We are here on earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different."
~Kurt Vonnegut
Qaza, unless it's organic chem, I'm happy to try help! ...I'm mortified to say that Organic Chem was my very first D...ever...in any class (and it was only a D by the grace of my prof, who let me help clean the lab for two extra points on the final exam, that pushed me over to passing).
I'm not great at the math, either, but I know a ton of nifty tricks!
Yep, I'm in another semester right now. Taking a good string of classes that....don't interest me at all. It's a "grind" semester for me right now - just taking math classes that make my head cry.
I'm very mathematically challenged. I excel easily in any advanced english / philosophy / psychology courses....but anything that starts involving numbers makes me diediediediediedie.