Mathias' Edited Feedback Title Thread
I'm bumping this thread because I managed to stay around for a year without completely disappearing today. Go me.
Go you indeed!

I can honestly say that RPing around you, Mathias, is always a fun trip no matter the character. You always have a way to bring life (Either it be conflict, or just general horse-play) to RP without making it discouraging for other players. There are only a few points that I can really make note of:

The Horde needs some lovin' too! You play your Alliance characters (namely Matthew) often as a service to the server in order to give us all racist that human that we know and love, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your other toons as well.

At times, you can- as I feel- come off as a hint apathetic. This might just be me though, hard to say. You often reply to things OOCly as if it were Matthew speaking, though I'm interested in hearing what Mathias has to say. Like I said, this could just be me and my silly mind.

... I know I sounded like I had a few more points, but I can't think of any more. Keep being awesome, Mathias.
Opening post edited as of today to mention my other characters. Give that feedback.
My previous comments still stand strong, as you are still a constant and active server presence! I didn't feedback Norell before, but all I have is praise for him, so it would seem the planning you put into him has made him worth the wait. He's everything I imagine in a Goblin, which is to say he takes risks to gain rewards, and the preaching about "Gol, Ver, and Ron" is a nice touch that makes for a good bit of satire about faith (intended or not XD).

PS: Jonoth will only go on a quest for a golden jaw if Garridan narrates it.
I don't think I ever RP'd with/around you before.. One way or another.. I can easily say that Norell is a great character. You made me lauch a few times last night in the Uldum event, was really nice to see a different goblin which isn't obsessed with gold and wealth. I don't know if you RP him much but you should.. if he isn't your main yet.. make him because he is a nice character.
[Image: pj3isZU.gif]

[Image: 43883.png]
Hey remember this? I do! I especially enjoyed the ad-lib you performed while we were waiting.. on a disconnect or something. You took what dialogue our characters had earlier and expanded into it thoroughly. Yes, it was the time is money and how it relates to people sleeping speech Norell gave. It wasn't a lulzy quick one-liner for comedic relief, it was genuinely how he processes things. And it was on the fly, which tells me you can really get into Norell.

Because I'm selfish, I really appreciated the gold eyeball you gave my troll Iekei. I specifically remember her wanting a red gem, but instead of leaving it at that, Norell over-powered her preference with a well-timed and tactful flirt as he lobbed it down. Then when we came to that other statue with the missing eyes, it would of been so much easier to stick Iekei's gold gem back into it (so much so that I had her offer it back) but Norell stuck to his character and reminded my troll "that's for you".

Let me counter this by noting the entire time he was carrying a bag of cursed treasure. It's not that you were tossing out the entire greedy-goblin portfolio and going with some abstract character concept (Been there done that!), but he actually had goals and dreams. He arrived on that island with a crewmen's job to pay for his start-up business. Cursed treasure that just might get him out of this financial rut he's in.

All in all, the RP flowed seamlessly for hours and Norell was genuine. Normally I hide from popular characters but this is one fanboat I'm ready to set sail on. 8)
The true test of his choice lies forward.
— The story of the Silithian.

See life through shades of silver.
All your characters suck. Because you told me to tell you this, I am telling you this.

But on a serious note, you, like me. Should stick around more and participate in RP. We could both benefit from this, I feel.

Also you're a bro.
Feedback Thread.

Common Sense; Questionable, still there.
Oh, look. Legit feedback. What the hell, Immy. What the hell.

I love Norell lots, and seeing Matthew again made me smile. Gregoriel is a nice breath of fresh air with all other blood elf characters I know. The only not-so-positive thing I have to say is that I don't see you RP as often as you used to, but I understand it's mostly an OOC thing, so no need to worry about that.

I remember you lamenting (even if jokingly) how Jof'waz became a one-trick pony. That's quite fine. I do miss seeing his more rounded character back in the day, and I think the one-trick gimmicks mostly came from just lack of RP. That said, I remember you rolled him as a troll mostly because goblins weren't available yet and trolls are the next best thing. If you have any real dissatisfaction with the character, I recommend he either be fixed, be brought out more, or simply retired.

I speak the most for Jof'waz out of your other characters because by far he's the only one I have anything really to say about him that isn't faux-hatred or gushy praise. And, well, TLE is being active again, so it'd be nice to see something conclusive with him :)

I got nothing on your orc because I haven't met him IC just yet.
[Image: 3HQ8ifr.gif]
Gonna bump this because it's been two years without completing disappearing, which is a good time for a bump.
I think you need to RP more, Mathias. I feel there are few people who give the characters the longevity and patience which they require to really make more subtle personality elements show (and yet not in a way that feels patronising or obvious to a demeaning extent to the player being shewed them), and you'd be one of them. I look back on the RP between Elizka and David as some of the most enjoyable I've had on the server, and a lot of it was exactly because it was allowed to happen over one golly-gosh darn heck of a time (for me, Maulbane, who probably is less patient).

I love subtle or otherwise low-key characters in general, so yeah, this post is totally biased. I never RP'd with Norell in any meaningful way, but from the way you never shut up about him I have learned more than enough to figure he's exactly what I appreciate in a character.

And, just in case I'm totally wrong and for some reason I'm making up compliments based on nostalgia, I will say that you're a funny guy. I tried to make a funny guy when I joined the server, and I'm pretty sure Kaghuros permanently hated me for it. With Jof'waz, it just flows. You have the voodoo in you. There's always the possibility of taking it too far and jumping the shark, which he seemed close to at times, but it worked out fine in the end and made the winter's veil play that much more fun for me (it was already fun).

Also, Liam's Rest is fun, and people need to RP there more often. I think that's it. Also, I'd be glad to free Jof'waz from the hell that is not being in a pure Horde guild like the Earthworks. You put him through too much suffering.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. I made a goblin so that Norell won't be lonely anymore.
David will return one day to lead the people.
If David shines a light in the shape of a crossbow into the sky Elizka will return, no matter where she is.

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