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...Not the point, Saiyuu.
(01-12-2012, 08:30 PM)c0rzilla Wrote: [ -> ]...Not the point, Saiyuu.

Wasn't the point for Immy as well. He stated a series of choices and options that people could follow... Basically, what you said is that drawing large breasts for the Earth Mother is fine, while doing it for anything else is not. ^^
Le sigh.

The Earth Mother is an example of a large breasted entity in art that does not reduce a woman to her chest. A single one. There are many more, but I am not an encyclopedia of art. I am not sure how I can be any clearer than I was.
(01-12-2012, 08:24 PM)Saiyuu Wrote: [ -> ]Because every artist must draw breasts thinking of the great Earth Mother first~

Let's stop with the jabs and snipes at other people. A warning has been issued in this thread already, if folks continue to fail to play nice, I will issue suspensions. This goes for everyone.

Be careful what you type. If you think that it's even possible to misinterpret it, rethink your post.
I don't even know what this thread is about anymore :\
Do any of us?
I know we went into all manners of off topic but I think it's just... getting to beat a dead horse by pointing out how off topic it is. I don't even mean to be rude with it but I find it just as derailing to post nothing but saying that the thread was derailed itself.

We went off the beaten path. It happens.
I think it was about Grakor telling us what we can and cannot post and asking our opinions about it... I'm just going to watch, since this stopped making sense a while ago...
I guess if it's worth mentioning I liked this bit:

"1. "Cartoon nudity." If I'm not seeing anything, I'm not seeing anything. Such a style is usually used for cuteness rather than an attempt to arouse."

That actually made me a little happy, but that's because I'm so deep-seeded in the furry fandom and so used to cartoonish figures. Some people like to customize their characters with clothing, some of us just want to accessorize via fur patterns, body colors, ears, tails, glasses, and so on. I've mostly been striving for cute, as grakor mentioned. That's just my perspective, at least.
- OT Content removed. -
Someone, somewhere, in this tread said that we all should just use a bit of sense. I agree with this person. (Rigley, was that you?)

I believe that, if one wished, they could place a link saying "this is where I have the rest of my art of my characters, some of which may not be acceptable to outright post on Coth. If you'd like to look and critique, that would be sweet of you." and leave it at that, that would be fine. Otherwise...just think about how others might see the piece you've made.

...I'm not real sure what else to say. I guess I'll just leave it at this.
I've pretty much done that, just stopped my art thread and posted some gallery links.

I didn't remember as much art drama back when we were mostly dumping into one thread but that's just me. Perhaps because it was a shared space for everyone. Who knows?
I just assume no one wants to see my anime-esque generic crap. So I haven't even started my own thread. XD I just hope that, even if we can't all agree on a conclusion, we can just respectfully agree to disagree and exercise a bit of caution.
Every community has a god given right to complain if they don't agree with a decision. That's part of being a community. However, it should be noted that coolness must always be kept, for thine opponent is a worthy adversary and is deserving of respect thou would givs't th-I'll stop with the Elizabethan lingo. Anski's probably going to hit me soon anyways.

Still, respect is nice to give, even if you don't agree with your opponent.

As for the censorship, I find it hard to care about big breasts or nudity. But that's my superpower, being an inhabitant of the shining land known as *censored for rules 1 and 2 of the internet*, but i'll leave the server with this:

Don't fight the system. Work with it or around it.

Can't post nudity/whatever other stuff? Fine, PM it privately to the people who you like or who want to see. Post it on other sites. Get the word out. FIGHT THE MAN. REVOLUTION. EVOLUTION. SOLUTION. SOME OTHER -UTION.

/troll cents
It wouldn't hurt to at least list a gallery if you maintain one.
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