Bingles' Feedback Thread
Well, this would be a waaaay more detailed and long post. If this intellectually stupid editor didn't ruin it all. /cry. WELL A VERY VERY BRIEF DESCRIPTION.

I would like Feedback on my RP skills, my OOC Behaviour and other things that should be brought into my Saronite Pladder of Feedback, like Forum Behaviour and such. I would like one GM on my behaviour on CotH please and thanks.


Bingles - Engineer, Mage, Turtle Lover and Warlock Hunter
... way more to come ...

gnome guy

Your RP on Khris was good, but I think a few things were a bit exaggerated and unfitting, such as using modern expressions. Karqel was RPed quite well, but I haven't come into contact with any of the other characters you roleplay as.
(07-05-2012, 09:44 PM)franzmallalieu Wrote: Your RP on Khris was good, but I think a few things were a bit exaggerated and unfitting, such as using modern expressions. Karqel was RPed quite well, but I haven't come into contact with any of the other characters you roleplay as.

Thanks c:

gnome guy

I hope you don't mind this personal feedback. As you read this keep in mind, I actually like you as an rper, and I have had fun rping with you.

I get this feeling you're either a little young or young at heart for the rpers around you. You have this brand of humor that is very immature, like what you find on the Disney Channel or Nick these days. You're off the walls, and zany, and you're what we probably found funny when we were younger. I guess it's harder to take to it though now that some of us are in our late teens or twenties, but I would have thought you to be one of the coolest guys should I ever been 14 again.

You have some growing to do but I feel like it's going to be hard and some people may not even give you a chance to grow. No one should be forced to put up with your antics if they don't want to but they don't want to give you a chance when you try to be serious, like say the Militia. I think you might have an easier time trying to prove yourself serious by joining serious rp, rather than trying to invite serious rp to come to you, because by now you've had that reputation and it's hard to shake off.

I think something about coth sometimes gets us a little cynical and critical and maybe harsh on the rp around us. I get a little critical too, but you know, I've done some really "bad" rp like the super silly stupid stuff and it always made me feel a little good and laughing so much I can not breathe. I think I've settled down at this point and tried to figure more "how does this rper make me feel?" rather than if everything they do meets a strict set of standards. I think in the end I've had mixed feelings but my last rp with you felt good and fun.

I hope you don't let the things here on the server get you down. Trust me, I started out here not knowing a thing about WoW and the lore and I worked myself up over the year to have a lot of fun rp and get better. I think the same can work for you too; you can always practice and improve. I think one thing that may help is to make friends and rp with the people who are fun to rp with. It will make for a less hostile environment to grow in, I think.

This is a little off topic, but I wanted to mention:
There used to be a kind of rp you'd fit right well into but it seems to have left. I remember when Booty Bay rp was the norm and things were often zany, fun, and exciting. Maybe that could be brought back, because I would totally join in the fun. I miss having that sort of neutral, anything goes rp.
You might just remember a blood elf named Telendrin, I liked your RP as Bingles personally and was glad you could keep a slight humor to the RP but not take it to a to....liability level like I sometimes do.
Hey Bingles! It's Mennash. I enjoy your RP very much, and you're quit the RPer. Keep doing what you're doing!
[Image: tumblr_mm23aa9Mfc1qg2fb3o3_500.gif]
Oh hey Smoothy.
(07-07-2012, 08:08 AM)Wuvvums Wrote: I hope you don't mind this personal feedback. As you read this keep in mind, I actually like you as an rper, and I have had fun rping with you.

I get this feeling you're either a little young or young at heart for the rpers around you. You have this brand of humor that is very immature, like what you find on the Disney Channel or Nick these days. You're off the walls, and zany, and you're what we probably found funny when we were younger. I guess it's harder to take to it though now that some of us are in our late teens or twenties, but I would have thought you to be one of the coolest guys should I ever been 14 again.

You have some growing to do but I feel like it's going to be hard and some people may not even give you a chance to grow. No one should be forced to put up with your antics if they don't want to but they don't want to give you a chance when you try to be serious, like say the Militia. I think you might have an easier time trying to prove yourself serious by joining serious rp, rather than trying to invite serious rp to come to you, because by now you've had that reputation and it's hard to shake off.

Whenever I'm up for serious RP (such as the Militia) no one wants to. No one ever sees me seriously RP besides probably Ghardiak, Nymus and maybe Sachiko. But yes, I do act as if 13 or something even though I am older. I am kind of seen as a class clown or just one of those immature jokesters, probably because I spent my childhood reading the news and researching the 19th century. Thanks for the feedback Wuvvums

You too Noble and BigSmoothy!

Best Regards

gnome guy

Don't worry. I think your time will come. In the meantime I think you've had a style of rp I missed. If you joined the server around the same time I did you'd probably fit right in to the Booty Bay rp and it was at least always eventful and fun. I really miss that and I don't know if something like that will come back. But I guess it's nice that you give me a little bit of nostalgia.
Yeah, I think I joined CotH at the end of that 'era'. It seemed popular but then for some reason it just died out. The only person I was RP'n with is this guy named Zernor. But I think he's gone somewhere. We should RP though Wuvvums!

gnome guy

Bump, I made new characters and I want feedback for them.

gnome guy

Naz'ugg. I was with Cani today, if you remember, and was protecting the draenei woman in the Barrens. Now you might be thinking that I'm gonna complain.

Well quite the other way around, I really liked the way he acted; he made me think he was one of those stereotypical grunts, "WC3-ish" - is he? - I hope he is.
Great game pulling it off.

Other than that, I haven't really RP'd with you that much. We gotta do it moar! Beer
Thanks Kira! That is exactly what I was going for! I'm glad it worked :D.

totally thought you were going to complain ^_^

gnome guy

I haven't RPed with you recently Thas, also...Telendrin got thrown in jail..yeah.
Hand me some feedback!
Quote:I don’t want you to protest,
I don’t want you to riot,
I don’t want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write.
I don’t know what to do about the depression and
the inflation and the crime in the Streets.
All I know is that first, you’ve got to get mad.

You’ve got to say:
I’m a Human being God damn it !
I'd also like feedback on my signature :P.

-j-j-j-j-joking! i know it's good.

gnome guy


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