The Real Plotting Page
So, with my until-recent inability to play games on my computer, I started forums roleplaying again. Most noticeably with Republic City, of course. Based on feedback from a friend, I joined a roleplaying community that caters to forums-based roleplay, though it explores other forms as well. Happiness!

While I was there, I stumbled across a template that a member had created. Its purpose is to facilitate roleplay by breaking down a character into bullet points. This information is then shared with the community, who would then be able to use various points as an impetus for roleplay. Fellow members would read these threads and then contact players with ideas for roleplay scenarios.

Personally, I find it to be a brilliant concept and one that I've shared over at RPC. I was thinking, however, that this might be something that could easily be applied here as well. Imagine having a thread here (or a subpage on the wiki) where you fill out the template. You could place links to these in threads (or maybe a single thread with all of your characters?) in your signature and then encourage people to contact you with potential roleplay ideas. It's probably not for everyone, but I thought that it might be a nifty idea to share!

Also, credit for the original template goes to oh-so-brilliant Dun of RPG-D!

Age :: Nationality/Faction/Group :: Occupation

Character Background
A bit of basic information about the character -- preferably plot-relevant. If you wish, add a link to the character's profile here for easy reference.
  • First point
  • Second point
  • Third point
  • Fourth point
Raw Material
Information which you believe could provide fuel to a plot goes here. This can include secrets which have been hinted during the course of roleplay and your character's associations with other characters or organizations. Don't give everything away!
  • First point
  • Second point
  • Third point
  • Fourth point
Plot Ideas
Help people by offering a list of your own plot ideas!
  • First point
  • Second point
  • Third point
  • Fourth point
Existing Relationships
List a few characters with whom your character is currently involved. Common friends, enemies, or even acquaintances can function as thread premises or ice breakers. Don't forget family members if they're potentially important!
  • First point
  • Second point
  • Third point
  • Fourth point
Current Plots
Briefly explain a few current plots or threads. These might spin off into new roleplay!
  • First point
  • Second point
  • Third point
  • Fourth point

And for ease of filling out the template yourself, here's the BBCode!

[align=center][size=xx-large][font=impact]CHARACTER NAME[/font][/size]
[i]Age :: Nationality/Faction/Group :: Occupation[/i][/align]

[size=large]Character Background[/size]
[i]A bit of basic information about the character -- preferably plot-relevant. If you wish, add a link to the character's profile here for easy reference.[/i]
[list][*]First point
[*]Second point
[*]Third point
[*]Fourth point[/list][size=large]Raw Material[/size]
[i]Information which you believe could provide fuel to a plot goes here. This can include secrets which have been hinted during the course of roleplay and your character's associations with other characters or organizations. Don't give everything away![/i]
[list][*]First point
[*]Second point
[*]Third point
[*]Fourth point[/list][size=large]Plot Ideas[/size]
[i]Help people by offering a list of your own plot ideas![/i]
[list][*]First point
[*]Second point
[*]Third point
[*]Fourth point[/list][size=x-large]Existing Relationships[/size]
[i]List a few characters with whom your character is currently involved. Common friends, enemies, or even acquaintances can function as thread premises or ice breakers. Don't forget family members if they're potentially important![/i]
[list][*]First point
[*]Second point
[*]Third point
[*]Fourth point[/list][size=x-large]Current Plots[/size]
[i]Briefly explain a few current plots or threads. These might spin off into new roleplay![/i]
[list][*]First point
[*]Second point
[*]Third point
[*]Fourth point[/list]
I find this concept interesting..but do you create characters with this template, or it is to break down an existing character?

[Image: awesome-mario-gif.gif]

Have you hugged a dwarf today?
As noted, it's to help garner roleplay from other members within the community for characters. We already have a template for creating characters: the character profile template. This is only intended to easily allow others to see potential plot points that could be used to create stories.
I see. I was asking because I found it a bit hard to use this template to create a new character, but I see the use better now. Thank you!

Hug a dorf Beer

[Image: awesome-mario-gif.gif]

Have you hugged a dwarf today?

28 :: Neutral :: Mercenary

(( I dunno how 2 format. Halp plz D: ))

Character Background

  • Was raised in the internment camps from a very young age. Has no knowledge of his clan, ancestry, or racial history. This is the most significant factor about Corlmitz's character; having no knowledge of his past has robbed him of a future. The trauma of the camp taught him the futility of ideals, giving the orc a survival-at-any-cost mentality.

  • Has a brand burnt onto the top side of his neck; an orcish symbol
    meaning the word 'Exile'. Is not allowed access to any Horde
    territories, nor has rights towards earning a surname. "True Horde" are
    made to revile Corlmitz because of this.

  • Has a deep understanding of Goblin culture, and has made more than a few connections in the seedy underworld of the Steamwheedle Cartel. Considers Ratchet to be his 'true home', and identifies with goblins more than he does with orcs.

  • Constantly shifting between the lines of 'Good' and 'Evil'. Due to his past, Corlmitz has difficulty with the concept of morality, constructing everything as a means to survival. For every nefarious contract Corlmitz has fulfilled, a virtuous one stands in balance. This makes his true allegiance hard to determine.
Raw Material[*] The Presence of Absence; Corlmitz's greatest struggle lies within the unknowns of his past. Because he has nothing to measure himself against, Corlmitz has little to strive for beyond the base pleasures of life. This is what keeps him in an amoral, nihilistic rut.
  • The Ratchet Connection; Having spent so much time operating within the Goblin underworld, Corlmitz can act as a broker to any character seeking a connection to that field. Whether they want weapons or drugs, information or employment, Corlmitz could act as a doorway for anyone wishing to access that part of Azeroth.

  • War Is Hell; Going through life without a moral compass allows Corlmitz to do things others would consider deplorable. This can prove to be very useful to any nefarious organizations needing reliable muscle, or a heroic one needing a specialist for dire situations. Corlmitz is willing to do what's necessary to win any conflict, no matter how ugly it looks to others.
  • "Ain't Yer Ploughin' Brother": Because of his Brand of Exile, Corlmitz distances himself from his fellow orcs. He does not consider himself kin to any of his kind, and spits on the ideals of traditional orcish society. 'Honor', 'Glory', and 'Sacrifice' hold little meaning to Corlmitz, and the more traditional a Horde member is, the greater degree of disparity there will be.
Plot Ideas

  • Corruption: Corlmitz falls to his vices, and becomes a corrupted by an evil organization/ideology. This could range from fel-worship, Old God cultist, or pure material lust. The idea behind this being that Corlmitz falls more on the "evil" category, servicing as a henchmen for those with the most insidious agendas.

  • Redemption (Unsung Hero): Somehow, Corlmitz rises above it all, raising his rifle for a just cause. This plot line would be harder to flesh out than the 'Corruption' route, as Corlmitz would need to experience a lot of things before he'd consider walking an 'honorable' path. Still, heroism isn't beyond the orc; he just needs a suitable motivation for it.

  • Heritage Found: Is exactly how it sounds; Corlmitz goes on a quest to discover his past. His clan, his ancestors, everything that was robbed from him by the humans in the internment camp. This is most likely a necessary plot line for any Redemption possibilities to occur. But, considering I haven't given a thought about Corlmitz's family origins (in fact, his lack of history is what inspired me to create the character), it could go any way. Did Corlmitz come from a line of proud warriors? Corrupt warlocks? Stupid peons? I have no clue, honestly! That's what'd make this plot line fun.

  • Raison d'etr: Corlmitz needs to find a reason to his existence. Whether that be good or bad, can be anyone's guess.
Existing Relationships

  • Marianna Bisen: Corlmitz's first in-game employer. The two had a long contractual relationship, in which Corlmitz was one of the agents responsible for the Beaufort Bay Incident. This is, to date, perhaps the most horrible thing Corlmitz has done--taken part in an event which claimed the lives of thousands. This hasn't affected the orc much consciously, but it should stand testament to the things he's capable of accomplishing. Currently, Corlmitz and Marianna have no noticeable relationship, the contract of employment between the two expiring long ago.

  • Clovis Briarthorn: Corlmitz knows Clovis only on the most basic of levels, the two being best described as "acquaintances". Still, this has allowed Corlmitz to sign onto a number of contracts with the Argent Crusade. If Beaufort Bay demonstrated Corlmitz's effectiveness in destruction, his time with the Argent Crusade proved his ability to be helpful. Fighting alongside Clovis, Corlmitz defended the city of Hearthglen twice against invaders, and aided in taking out a key Scourge agent in the area; a troll who supplied the undead with many golem constructs. Although this relationship has nowhere developed to the point of 'friendship', Corlmitz has earned enough of Clovis' trust to earn a spot on the recently formed Frostbrand Expedition. The extent of this trust relying on how little the crew pries into the mercenary's past.

  • Voragh Backbreaker: One of the few orcs who has accepted Corlmitz for who he is. The two have never pried into the other's past too much, which is perhaps the reason for their amiable sentiments towards one another. While Corlmitz doesn't know enough about the gladiator to call him a 'friend', he considers the orc one of the few worthy of respect. Where this relationship goes, is anyone's guess.

  • Moriok Forepicker: An uneasy relationship, to say the least. Moriok's loyalty to the Horde is unquestionable, where as Corlmitz is defined by a lack of it. The two operate at ideological opposites of one another, rarely ever seeing eye-to-eye. Yet, someway, somehow, they manage a professional relationship. Tension definitely exists between the two, and time can only tell when such will evolve into conflict. For now? Moriok is Corlmitz's commanding officer on the Frostbrand, and is the last signature needed for the mercenary's paycheck. That's all he needs to know to stay loyal to his employer.
Current Plots


"What a mess we made, when it all went wrong..."
Bumping this thread for RP connections! I'll fit it out once I do some more thinking.

I will also note the post above mine is extremely outdated.
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[Image: tumblr_nfm4t0FZcT1rtcd58o1_r1_500.gif]
36,298 :: Neutral/Draenei :: Officer/Templar

Character Background

Complete history here.
  • Ce is a Draenei who was born on Argus, and on a more familial level was raised on the idea of perfection and the way in which it is followed by personal execution (suicide - something both of his parents committed).
  • On Argus, he was trained in the ways of magic and of hospitality, thanks to both his mother and his mate.
  • His mate was killed/turned into a Man'ari while Ce was able to escape on the Oshu'gun. After mourning the death of his partner, he gauged his focus on becoming a warrior of the light, while at the same time helping in the exploration of new planets. His main interest was the food scarcity problem that those on the ship were facing, and so he also became intensely dedicated to researching plant life and trying to come up with agricultural plans.
  • After the crash and settlement on Draenor, Ce lost his interests in agriculture due to the security he felt about the way in which the planet's soil sufficed in terms of fertility. He would spend hundreds of years protecting caravans before fleeing to Zangarmarsh to escape the genocide. There, he would do all that he could to protect Telredor while learning about fungal ecology and the ways in which it can be used as a food source and medicine.
  • After escaping Draenor and crashing on Azeroth, he became interested in immunity when he became sick. However, new concerns over the legion's influence on Azeroth along with the Scourge drove him to train intensely so that he could become a templar and officer of the Argent Dawn in a relatively short time. He now serves for the Argent Crusade.

Raw Material
  • Dedication to the Light - To put it simply, like most Draenei, Ce is dedicated to the force that touched him and saved his people from complete extermination. He serves this force with utmost duty, ready to eliminate any of its opposing forces.
  • The Scientist - Ce seeks to learn what magic alone cannot explain, and has become interested in the functions of plants, fungi, and microbes. He is currently focusing on microbial life since its the subject he knows the least about (along with the rest of the world, most likely). In the interests of science and experimentation, he has ended up going as far as disregarding humanoid life in a nearly insane quest for knowledge.
  • Authority vs. Hospitality - Through the virtues that his mother raised him on, along with the love his mate showed him, he is deeply rooted in the idea of hospitality and making sure that people feel comfortable. At the same time, as an officer he's trained to be strict and sometimes punish people for disobedience.
  • Masked - As an officer of the Argent Crusade, he stands as a role model for the virtues that the faction represents and upholds. At the same time, when he's off duty, these virtues are often disregarded...

Plot Ideas
  • Inner conflict within the Argent Crusade.
  • When off duty, teaming up with other characters who are interested in science, medicine, or plague creation and/or prevention.
  • Using human subjects to test out the microbial life he has classified to cause disease, and the repercussions of doing this.

Existing Relationships
  • Krilari Dawnsend - During the formation of the Argent Crusade, he was assigned to him as an officer.
  • Valda Winters - A newly initiated crusader who employs the use of fel, which doesn't sit well with Ce.
  • Jyovani Sunfire - A victim of one of Ce's experiments. Incrimination potential here.

Current Plots

This section is blank for now. Although I rolled Ce a while back, he hasn't seen much RP - not enough to fill out a list for this section.
[Image: anim_500.gif]
Bumping this! I know it looks like an effort to make one of these, but all you have to do is fill in lines. Easy!

Now post here and some connections!
[Image: tumblr_nfm4t0FZcT1rtcd58o1_r1_500.gif]
Norell Rocketpunch
35 :: Kezan/Horde/Bilgewater Cartel :: 'Adventurer'

Character Background
  • Born into a large family in Drudgetown, the tenth one in his generation to be named Norell Rocketpunch.
  • Hated his family name, tried to get his own with his own success. First business failed due to lack of know-how for engineering.
  • Opened various businesses and worked various jobs. Businesses never lasted long, either due to 'accidents' or bleeding money.
  • Founded his own religion, worshiping Gol, Ver, and Ron. Only got one other follower.
  • Has been suffering from depression since Kezan blew up.
Raw Material
  • I need money! - Norell is a poor goblin from a poor family, and is willing to take most any job so that he open another business.
  • What cha need, pal? - Norell considers himself "the friendliest goblin I know". If you're capable of speaking Common or Orcish, and you aren't trying to kill him, he'll try to befriend you. No matter what.
  • Ain't that pretty. - Norell has an interest in ancient relics, both from a historian point of view and because of how damn valuable they are. Curses be damned!
  • I ain't slime. - Norell has pride in being a goblin, he just doesn't like people considering him a greedy slimeball like the other goblins (it's bad for business).
Plot Ideas
  • Adventure - Hey, pal! You just combing through this troll ruin, too? By the way, the name is Norell.
  • Exploring (for ingredients) - Howling Fjord got some herbs? Say no more, I got a recipe in mind.
  • Hired Hand - Yeah yeah, don't ask what's in the box, just deliver it. I'm a professional, don't worry.
  • You hear about Gol? - Norell has made up a religion and figured out a story about "Old Goblin Gods". What do you mean you never heard of them?
Existing Relationships
  • Imagen - One of the first goblins Norell got to know after Kezan blew up. Though he makes jokes and jabs at her promiscuous nature, he considers her one of his most important friends. Still upset that he broke the contract about the Uldum adventure.
  • Geoni - Someone who, at first, Norell thought was just a carefree idiot. After the two were kidnapped, however, Norell decided to help Geoni anyway he can.
  • Hrodebert - A dwarf that Norell is currently working with against some bandits wearing red gloves. The dwarf seems to respect Norell, and so Norell respect the dwarf.
  • Surthak - An orc kidnapped along with Norell. Norell first wanted an orc around just to allow 'the greens' to control a small isle in the cave. When he met the orc, however, he decided that he had to help him. When Norell was injured later on, the orc helped Norell.
  • Wuvvums - Another goblin Norell met after Kezan went boom and probably responsible for Norell meeting most of the goblins he knows now.
Current Plots
  • Message in a Bottle - Norell gets to feel like a hero.
  • Earning money anyway he can.
  • Adventure!
33 :: Lordaeron/Alliance/Argent Crusade :: Knight of the Silver Hand

Character Background
  • Born in Lordaeron City and raised primarily by his mother; father died on Draenor after the Second War.
  • Raised to be a scribe but aspired for the knighthood to follow his late father's footsteps. Has a bit of a messiah complex and a desire to be like heroes of folklore: pure and beloved.
  • Fell in love with a Draenei while helping integrate them into the Alliance despite the unfortunate implications. The problems of his relationship hover in the back of his mind as he tries not to worry about them.
  • He's doing all he can to help the people of the Alliance in these troubled times, but abhors the state of war the world has become embroiled in.

Raw Material
  • Immortal Love - Cristovao has a draenei lover and a draenei adopted daughter. The immimence of his mortality agaisnt theirs is not lost on him, though he tries to hide it.
  • Unlimited Compassion - A core element of Cristovao's beliefs, he tries his best not to hold hatred for anyone or thing. He believes people should be judged by their merits and given grace when they fail, no matter how reviled or hated they are. Of course, compassion has its limits...
  • Emotional Insecurity - Cristovao fears loss more than anything else. Lost of family, loved ones, friendships... he will do any and everything he can to keep them safe and secure, even when one is proving incompatible with another.
  • Accentuate the Failure - Failure weighs heavily on Cristovao. He seems himself to a higher standard than the rest of the world due to his divine nature, and therefore can not stand to bear failing the people he swears to protect... which has been often.

Plot Ideas
  • Left at the Wall - As detailed in Cristovao's profile, he tried leading a band of survivors during the Third War to Gilneas only to be denied sanctuary. This failure has burdened him since, especially considering some of those whom he abandoned may be around as a Forsaken, Worgen, or still living human/dwarf/elf.
  • The Order of Virtue - Noblebright character with nothing to do? Join Cristovao's guild!
  • Messiah Complex - If you're in trouble and you don't know where to go, Cristovao and his band of do-gooders WILL help you if you ask.
Existing Relationships
  • Diwaata and Melodia - Cristovao's beloved draenei fiance and their daughter.
  • Matthew Hunter - Cristovao's close friend whom he often finds himself at odds with.
  • Telah - A wise and revered Anchorite who has inspired, educated, and humiliated Cristovao during the pilgrimages.
  • Flora Venfield - A Forsaken farmer for the Argents, Cristovao has tried to help Flora find happiness in undeath.
  • Dalikan Godford - An elder Knight of the Silver Hand who saved Cristovao's life in the Third War and trusted confidant.
  • Royal Hastings - One of Dalikan's Lionhearts and a good friend who sympathizes with Cristovao and his mother.
  • Stefano Ricci - Cristovao's cousin and closest friend growing up; now an ex-Scarlet who serves the Argent Crusade.
  • Balverine Drakewing - The effective second-in-command of the Order of Virtue and Cristovao's lancer.
  • Percival Pavo, a newly annointed paladin who serves the Order of Virtue and looks to Cristovao like a role model.
  • Julie Emeth/Riven - One of the survivors Cristovao left behind at the Greymane Wall, now a Worgen Death Knight. Despite being a close old friend, she seems unhinged.
  • Roux Blackwood - A young and stubborn Gilnean who has assisted Cristovao with his deeds in Stormwind despite considerable religious differences.
  • Maeia di Silvio - Cristovao's mother, a Forsaken shadow cleric.
  • Jared Richter - Executor of the Black Harvest and loyal supporter of Lordaeron. Who was once a trusted ally with the Argent Crusade has become an enemy Cristovao dreads to face.
Current Plots
  • Restoring Stormwind - An ongoing effort to help the humans of the Alliance from the dangers of the Cataclysm!
  • Countrymen - Cristovao's own mother is a Forsaken and he has pity for them as victims of the Legion, yet even now his compassion is tested by war in Lordaeron.
  • Draenei Pilgrimage - Cristovao has assited Anchorite Telah enthusiastically in the past, but his relationship with Diwaata has been a source of tension.
  • Hope in the Light - Cristovao is steadfast in his faith that the Light will bring peace to all the problems in the world, and is ready and willing and prepared to do his part.
  • Gray Hairs - Cristovao's emotional and physical stresses are not doing good for his age or health. He's not even 40 yet!

this took too long to make and Cristovao doesn't even need storyline plotting right now wahhh
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
74 :: Wildhammer-Bronzebeard Dwarf/Neutral/The Windwaker :: Freelancer

Character Background
Profile! (Slightly Outdated)
  • Born in the highlands of Khaz Modan to mixed parentage; he has the Wildhammer's love for nature and the Bronzebeard's modernity.
  • Grew up isolated as a hunter; picked up tinkering as a hobby on the side. As an adult, he drifted to a freelance mercenary lifestyle.
  • Married the high elf Jami a'Salma and adopted her unborn child as his own. Nothing is more important to him than they are.
  • Hand built his own ship over a decade and uses it to explore new lands while seeking his fortune.

Raw Material
  • Show Me the Money - Hrodebert is greedy and poor, and therefore promises of fortune and treasure entice him easily.
  • Me Moral Compass is Spinning - Hrodebert claims and tries to act like a cold blooded mercenary, but in actuality can be pretty sentimental.
  • You What, Mate? - Hrodebert is prideful and temperamental. He's easily goaded into a fight and has an itchy trigger finger!
  • Family Man - His crew takes in all sorts, and when you are taken in you're considered family. Hrodebert loves his family with all his soul... and is vengeful to no end against those who hurt it.

Plot Ideas
  • The Lost Artifact of Who-Knows-What - Want something recovered from a dangerous labyrinth of terrors without risking your own neck? We're looking for work!
  • It's Only Illegal if I Get Caught! - The laws of the Alliance and Horde mean nothing to Hrodebert, and he will steal, smuggle, destroy, desecrate, or whatever other illicit activity you ask of him for a price. Usually.
  • Unfriendly Competition - This open sea ain't big enough for the two of us! Ok, it is, but yer invading my market space.
  • Friends in Need are Friends Indeed - Got a character arc of your own? Join the Windwaker, and Hrodebert will be a reliable companion and friend through the best and worst of times with you.

Existing Relationships
  • Jami al'Salma Rivermouth - Hrodebert's loving blood elf wife, thrill-seeking arcanist, and the most cuddly woman you'll know.
  • Mathieu Rivermouth - Hrodebert's stepson; a late blooming young adult trying to find his spot in the world.
  • Tak Skyvault - An alcoholic ex-airship captain who came to the Windwaker to serve one purpose: revenge.
  • Sylineri Dawnflame - A penniless entertainer Hrodebert saved from starvation outside Mudsproket.
  • Vol'atal - A superstitious but friendly troll who was met in Shattrath city.
  • Geezle Gearfist - A stiff lipped Gnomish inventor who assisted Hrodebert in escaping capture from goblin extremists.
  • Norell Rocketpunch - A friendly and cunning goblin that Hrodebert has worked with against the Red Glove.

Current Plots
  • Cursed Statuettes - Found buried in the kodo graveyard of Desolace before the Cataclysm, these two small statuettes have haunted the Windwaker once and may do so again...
  • Message in a Bottle - Working with other strangers the world over, Hrodebert seeks to take down the Red Glove crime ring.
  • Adventure!! - Hrodebert is always exploring the world.
Your stories will always remain...
[Image: nIapRMV.png?1]
... as will your valiant hearts.
317 :: Ashenvale/Alliance/Cenarion Circle :: Bard; Druid of the Claw

Character Background
  • Born in Ashenvale to Hercynian Dreamseer and Sadil Nightseer but raised by older brother Tikar and the community. Possesses little emotional connection to his mother, has a strained one with his father, and a close one with his brother.
  • Spent most of his time "training" in the Emerald Dream primarily frolicking and creating/playing music. Developed an inclination to hearing music in nature as a result.
  • Worked in The Love Exchange for a couple years and learned about culture, business, and matchmaking among other races; however, he quit recently due to emotional problems and has not returned since.
  • First love was with a blood elf; second love and months-long girlfriend, with one of his own people, died to fel taint. Has been "broken" since and swore off slacking and childish antics so he could grow, mature, and prevent another death.

Raw Material
  • Don't die on me again! -- Kantado is developing his strength as a druid in order to protect the helpless and prevent senseless death from happening again.
  • Music of the Heart -- As he is slowly returning to music, Kantado is writing, singing, and playing again, though with caution: he cannot sing and perform to just anyone and at anytime lest he'll feel sick. The song must have a purpose for him to feel good about it.
  • What is love? Baby, don't hurt me (again)! -- His first two romances are failures, and though he's still young, Kantado still hopes to find a lover. Preferrably a night elf so he could have children.
  • Don't get mad at me, Worgen! -- Kantado is among many night elves who wishes to help the Worgen in re-integrating into the outside world, especially with the Alliance.

Plot Ideas
  • I'm awake! I'm awake! -- Kantado is still training as a Druid of the Claw. He can either accompany a fellow student or take in a different/new teacher.
  • Are you lonely too? -- He's no longer seeking romance as simple dating and companionship, but with hopes for a lifetime partner who is compatible with him.
  • I need a hero! -- He hopes to go about and help the helpless.
  • I’m singing and dancing in the rain! -- If people want to RP with a musician/bard, Kantado’s your man!

Existing Relationships

Current Plots
  • For the Love of Love! -- He may no longer be active in TLE, but he can still help you with your romance!
  • To be a Master Good Enough Guy! -- As he's still learning druidism, he can either find more teachers or train with other novices.
  • This is My Jam -- He's helping Ninde with her discovery of music, and hopefully others can join.
[Image: 3HQ8ifr.gif]
123 :: Quel'thalas/Horde/Sin'dorei :: Actor; Spellbreaker


Character Background
  • Born and raised as a Sunfire noble and actor but eventually joined the Quel’thalas Army under Prince Kael’thas as a Spellbreaker. Was personally involved in the battles lead by Kael’thas up until the founding of the Scryers in Outland, whom he joined.
  • Trained in theater before becoming a soldier and is capable of adopting different personas at the drop of a hat. Natural personality is a shrinking violet and wallflowe, thus, the most difficult to communicate with at face value.
  • Has a distant relationship with the other Sunfires due to his naturally aloof personality, though he’s trying to close the gaps with his mother, Reigen, at least.
  • Generally struggles with self-esteemed issues born from lacking a steady acting job and distress from his memories of the Third War.

Raw Material
  • A little more than kin -- Jyovani, despite being fairly emotionally unstable himself, sometimes ends up being a straight man to strange shenanigans that happen around him, especially around the probably-equally-crazy Sunfire Estate.
  • All the world’s a stage -- Currently retired as a soldier, Jyovani focused on theater as his source of income and artistic pursuit.
  • My heart upon my sleeve -- Jyovani is naturally shy, so he tends to be more open to new people while wearing his masks and acting out his personas.
  • Winter of our discontent--Tends to be fairly unhappy with his current station in life and hopes to find companions who accept his masks as well as himself.

Plot Ideas
  • Conscience doth make cowards of us all -- Jyovani is too overtly cautious with how he is around other people and needs to learn how to take some (new) risks!
  • False face must hide what the false heart doth know. --The masks are fragments of Jyovani’s true personality and must be merged to give him a spine.
  • Hang out our banners on the outward walls. -- Jyovani may or may not return to the Silvermoon Army or serve the Horde in general, but if the need rises, he will return to the battlefield.

Existing Relationships
Current Plots
  • God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another -- Jyovani needs to come to terms with his fabricated personalities overcoming his natural one.
  • Hasty marriage seldom proveth well. -- Jyovani is interested in marriage, but he only knows Faelara for a month and generally has cold feet.
[Image: 3HQ8ifr.gif]

11000 :: Himself :: Drifter

Character Background
  • First point - Born as a Noble's son in ancient Highborne society. Youngest child.
  • Second point - Sundering. Beforehand, Fenastik was taken prisoner by the Kaldorei. He survived, along with four siblings.
  • Third point - Kinslaying. Shortly (I.E., in the year it happened) before the Highborne were exiled from Kalimdor, Fenastik killed a more magically inclined brother of his. He was tossed in Warden prison.
  • Fourth point - Escape. With Maeiv pulling the Wardens off with her to chase Illidan, one of Fenastik's siblings came and released him from prison.
Raw Material
  • First point - Fenastik is considered an outlaw by Darnassus/the lands under it.
  • Second point - Killed his brother. Of course, kinslaying is a big deal.
Plot Ideas
  • First point - Tracking him down. Of course, he's a fugitive, and so it's a Warden's job to track him down. He's been off the radar, but perhaps they can find him and try to bring him back in?
  • Second point - Family. I am open to his siblings being played! How they'd react to Fenastik could vary, but I think it'd be interesting. If you're thinking of this, PM me.
Existing Relationships
  • First point - Family. He has siblings, which I've mentioned multiple times beforeso.
  • Second point - Warden. Perhaps he knows a Warden, as they caught him, or maybe guarded over him?
  • Third point - Other Highborne. Any other Highborne are willing to hit me up, and we can figure out if/how they knew eachother.
    Current Plots
    Unfortunately, nothing here. I haven't had the time to RP with the guy yet, but am looking to do so in the future.

I'm gonna update this post with my other characters as I go along.

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