Re-done Race Relation Guide, Preparing for Cata

There would be multiple prejudice, and friendships, and even acquaintances would be rare beyond the realm of one's race, not just their faction.

This, is a guide to depict how the typical character would feel.

As of 2/15/2013, this has been heavily edited and even re-posted to clarify some things. This is in preparation for Cata, but without the races of Worgen and Goblins added yet. When the events of the Cataclysm unfold, it really becomes apparent with the missions how the Alliance and Horde races cannot get along.

I've also omitted and added things, mostly considering that which I missed, and that that well, actually wasn't in present lore but I was under the impression was correct for whatever reason.

Alliance Races: Side note. MOST Alliance races see Bloodelves as, well. Traitors. This is due to them -deserting- their allies for what was perceived to be a bad reason. However, truth is the human prejudices had stopped them from providing aid to the Blood Elves.

Humans: With all the war in the past, this young race would recognize most, if not all Horde races as barbaric enemies. They have had first hand dealings in their history with all the Horde races in a negative fashion, Orcs, Trolls, Forsaken, Blood Elves.. and somewhat Tauren. There may be rare cases where they aren't forwardly aggressive with Tauren, but that's a rarity at best.

In addition, the humans see the undead as a sad, if not angering reminder of what has happened in the past. The Forsaken are a reminder of a brother city. A city that had fallen, and became something that is now and abomination.

When concerning Blood Elves, humans see them as traitors as much as Bloodelves see THEM as traitors.[/color]

Night Elves: A very reclusive race, they consider themselves to be the Guardians of the world mostly due to the fact they are the most ancient of all the races native to Azeroth. They are distrustful of most of the younger races (Even those of their own Alliance, there has been times where humans have been seen as brash and foolish). They've had bad encounters with trolls for most of the race's existence, due to the speculation that trolls devolved from them. They also had bad encounters with Orcs, when they invaded the forest around their homeland.

Blood Elves and Night Elves have hated each other for a long, long time, much like how they are enemies with the Trolls.

Of all of the Alliance races, and the Horde races, they may be the most apt to be favorable of -one- other, that would be the Night Elves and Tauren, through the Cenarion Circle. It's hypothesized that the Tauren even learned druidism from the night elves, given that they are both old races that were found on Kalimdor. However, this doesn't mean that the races are often friendly, speaking from their Alliance standpoint, they are still enemies and it'd be rare at best to see them interact favorably towards each other.

Gnomes: Being that they have lost their home, the Gnomes have come to call Dwarves their brothers. They are part of the old alliance, and would trust humans, and have a general mistrust of the Horde. This would come from years of fighting, as this would be their only interaction with them till recently.

However, they are very tolerant overall, and while weary of a lot of the Horde races, they would try to give them a second chance. This excludes Goblins.

Dwarves: A hardy race, and probably the most likely to accept others as long as they drink. They have been a part of the Alliance along with humans for a long time, fighting most of the same battles as them, and would share the same prejudices and views as their human allies.

Draenei: This race of Space Paladins would most likely come into believing the efforts of the Alliance, seeing them as the less barbaric alliance of the two. With the Orcs, there would be a severe mistrust, and with the undead, again, no questions asked, they would try to exterminate them. This would be brought on by the fact that they are a mostly Lawful-Good race.

While initially prejudice against the Blood Elves due to them sabotaging the Exodar, eventually Velen had a vision where the sentient races would all form a group to combat the Burning Legion. In this vision he saw the Blood Elves being redeemed, and saw this as a reason to give them the benefit of the doubt and aid them against Kael'Thas, helping form the Shattared Sun offensive. While the initial prejudice remains, the race as a whole keeps in mind this prophecy, and may be a bit more tolerant than others, while keeping in mind they are still engaged in battles with the Horde races.

Horde Races: Note, the Horde is quite mistrustful of it's ally, the Forsaken, and to bit of a lighter extend, the bloodelves. Mostly because of the shady nature that the Forsake operate under.

Orcs: Orc respect power. They respect intelligence. They have a long history of honor, and respect amongst elders. However, given the fact that humans had once enslaved them, they would be quick to mistrust any actions a human would do. They generally hate elves, but accept the Blood Elves as allies, and have warred with Dwarves and Gnomes that have stood next to their human allies. Given their histories with Draenei, it's needless to say they are also mistrustful of them as well.

They question the Forsaken's honor, mostly because of recent actions as of late. They try not to push them away however, as they are considered pivotal allies.

Trolls: Trolls, are just not to0 friendly most of the time. They tend to squabble amongst themselves, let alone with other races. However, the Darkspears are faithful to the Orcs, and have served in battle with them for as long as the Orcs have been around Azeroth.

In the case of Night Elves, they hate them because they speculate that elves devolved from them.

Tauren: The most widely accepted, and accepting, race in Azeroth. The biggest reason for becoming Horde was because of Thrall helping them push out the Centaur. They would consider themselves to be faithful followers of the Orcs, however, with their ties to the Night Elves, would be accepting of them as well. Unless they had a personal reason to dislike a certain race, normally, they wouldn't. However, they see dwarves, and a lot of other races that are tech/mining/land destroying driven, as rapists of nature. This tends to lead them to be a bit more hostile to Goblins, Gnomes, and Dwarves.

Like the Trolls however, they serve the Horde faithfully, and that often means fighting against the alliance, and not being all buddy buddy with them except in extreme circumstances. They would be mostly close to Elves of the Alliance if any non-horde race, due to their ties with the Cenarion Circle.

Forsaken: Forsaken are typically a Chaotic Evil/Lawful evil race. They do -not- trust anything that lives. Period. They have fortified their main city, and set up the Deathguards to chase out most races. This is not discriminatory to either Horde or Alliance. They have done some horrible things as of late, and have been vilified for it, by Thrall as well as the Alliance. However, they remain allies with the Orcs, and visa-versa BECAUSE of the convenience, they know both sides would not succeed without the other. ((Sidenote: Just for a reminder, the alliance between the Horde and Forsaken has been very, -very- shaky. So for Alliance races to not tolerate them outright is not strange at all.))

Before most of these events, they were seen as aberrations of the light, which led to the hate from most every natural or holy race, ranging from Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Draenei, Night Elves (Pretty much the entire Alliance there), and even to a degree, Tauren, despite them being invited in by them to try and help cure undeath.

Bloodelves: Here is a shocker. Bloodelves hate humans. They want them to die. They blame them for all of their problems. As well as for destruction of their city. -In- addition, Bloodelves -despise- anyplace that isn't their home. To them, Silvermoon is the mecha of style, and poshness. They'd be disgusted in most towns, and probably wouldn't travel to them. Along with this, they are pretty intolerant of all other races, and tend to act as if they are better in many senses of the word.

They have a strong bond with the Forsaken, aiding each other in any way they possibly can, mostly because they've had to fight the Scourge together.

Bloodelves do NOT like Night Elves. It's very uncommon to see one that does.

The Farstriders however, are very intolerant of undead, including Forsaken.

Yes! There is more out there than just your typical Alliance and Horde. This section will go over these.

The Steamwheedle Cartel: Probably the most shifty and ruthless organization, the Cartel is a group of shrewd businessmen too clouded with the need for money to give two cares about petty race squabbles. They are very open, as long as you can make money.

It should be noted here too that the Cartel is a GOBLIN organization. Goblins generally mistrust Gnomes, however this doesn't stop them from working with them or allowing them to move up the ladder. Most squabbles are over who's technology is more superior. However, there are a few that go as far as to get into fights over this.

***Extra special side note, pertaining to ALL races! I've edited this part heavily. I won't say this is how GM's play NPC's anymore, because that's up to the GM's to agree or disagree with things in the guide. However, I will say that all this information has been pulled from WoWwiki. This is -true- for this setting. Cross faction is usually a shaky, tense thing that's not the norm for either the Alliance or Horde.

When Cata comes around, the war is very up-front. The races are shown fighting each other frequently, undead fighting all over the place, Night Elves and Humans having to keep the Orcs from killing them.. and large battles in areas that span over entire zones, in some cases.

This guide's purpose is to show what happens most of the time in this situation. Thoughts or comments welcome! I don't wish this to turn into some debate, though, I will say that.

WITH this guide, I leave you with something Varian said to the Pandaren joining the Alliance. While it may not directly relate currently... it's a good indicator to how the factions feel about eachother as a whole.

Varian, To the Pandaren Wrote:King Varian Wrynn says: Walk with me. All three of you.
King Varian Wrynn says: I understand that you want to join the Alliance.
King Varian Wrynn says: We always have need of allies. I'd be a fool to turn you away, especially in times of war.
King Varian Wrynn says: But first, there are a number of things that I want you to understand.
Aysa Cloudsinger says: Yes. Go on.
King Varian Wrynn says: First: the races of the Alliance look out for one another.
King Varian Wrynn says: You are expected to provide aid to Alliance members in need, whether they be human, gnome, draenei... or a pandaren like yourself.
King Varian Wrynn says: It is a simple guideline, but a meaningful one. Do you understand?
Aysa Cloudsinger says: Certainly.
King Varian Wrynn says: Good. Because that brings me to my second point.
King Varian Wrynn says: Not all pandaren have chosen the same path as you three.
King Varian Wrynn says: Some have sided with the Horde.
King Varian Wrynn says: They, along with the other barbarian clans of the Horde, are your new enemies.
King Varian Wrynn says: Those whom you once considered friends, or even those you might have loved, are now your sworn adversaries.
King Varian Wrynn says: I am deeply sorry, but the battle lines have been drawn. I will NOT tolerate any fraternizing with the enemy as you could expose our Alliance to danger.
King Varian Wrynn says: Do I make myself clear?
Aysa Cloudsinger says: Yes... of course.
King Varian Wrynn says: Very well. We are nearly finished, <name>.

Here's some more quotes from Varian during Cata, and it's events. (Thanks Psychyn!)

Varian during Cataclysm Wrote:"Look around you, brothers and sisters. Open your eyes! Look at what they have done to our kingdom! How much longer will we allow these savages free reign in our world?"

"I was away for too long. My absence cost us the lives of some of our greatest heroes. Trash like you and that evil witch were allowed to roam free, unchecked. The time has come to make things right. To disband your treacherous kingdom of murderers and thieves. Putress was the first strike. Many more will come.

"At the Wrathgate, the Horde's partnership killed more of our men than the Scourge. I'm done with your Horde. May this death god take you all."

And, here's Garrosh's point of view. I especially like how he's like, "YEAH, even blood elves can do something." Makes me snicker.

Garrosh speaking with the Pandaren Wrote:Garrosh Hellscream says: You've made a wise decision to join my Horde.
Garrosh Hellscream says: There are some that would call us barbarians... the "mongrel races" of Azeroth.
Garrosh Hellscream says: They are ignorant, and blind to reality. Look around you, pandaren.
Garrosh halts in front of Sauranok the Mystic.
Garrosh Hellscream says: You will find no better partner in battle than an orc.
Garrosh walks over to Gotura Fourwinds.
Garrosh Hellscream says: The tauren have made themselves useful. Look - this one is a shaman.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Even a blood elf can hold a sword.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Do you see it? Everyone in my Horde earns their keep. You and your friends will be no exception!
Garrosh Hellscream says: Do you understand this, pandaren?
Ji Firepaw says: Yes, warchief.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Hm. Good.
Garrosh begins walking towards the door.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Moving on. I know that you are not the only pandaren to escape from that island.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Some of your kind chose to join the Alliance.
Garrosh Hellscream says: They are now your enemies.
Garrosh Hellscream says: You may have had friends and kin who chose to cast their lot with the enemies of the Horde. They are no longer your friends... no longer your family.
Garrosh Hellscream says: The minute they put on that Alliance tabard, they died. I will NOT tolerate any lingering ties across enemy lines. Traitors to the Horde will die a traitor's death!
Garrosh Hellscream says: Do I make myself clear?
Ji Firepaw says: I... I believe so. Yes.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Good.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Meet me in the Valley of Honor. I have a gift for you.
Garrosh exits the Hold and mounts onto an armored wyvern, flying away towards the Valley of Honor.

I'll end with that, saying that's how the two factions feel about each other after the events of Cata. To some degree, they feel that now, but it starts to become more and more intense as time passed. Food for thought, if nothing else!
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


CotH Edition

Humans are a race of justice and goodness, and never do anything wrong. Everything they do can be justified. They all have elf fetishes.

Dwarves are drunk. They do not like others that don't drink.

Gnomes are weird.

Night Elves are either incredibly giggly schoolgirls or drop dead serious amazon warriors who will rip your genitalia off sooner than sleep with you. Depends on the moon.

Draenei believe in A UNION OF PEACE LOVE AND BASS. OOO-OOO-O-OOOOH! They're all super understanding and don't hate you for your past crimes ever, as soon as you say you're sorry.

Orcs are tough guys who like to fight. If you fight them, they like and respect you. Unless you kidnap one of them, which happens surprisingly frequently. Then they slaughter enemies without mercy. You think their foes would learn.

Trolls are jerks. If you needed water, they would drag you to Tanaris and force-feed you sand that a dragon just did his business in. This is why no one likes them.

Undead hate everything that breathes. They exist to kill things that breath. They live, eat, and breathe killing breathers. Why? Because the only member of their 'race' who still has a bodacious intact body told them to. Coupled with the fact she's an elf, and even in death humans have an elf fetish, she controls their every thought.

Tauren are like the draenei. Hooves, honestly.

Blood Elves are either snooty or sex-fiends. Take your pick. Most have human fetishes.

((... On a more serious note, I like the guide!))
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
(02-15-2013, 09:33 AM)Rensin Wrote: Forsaken:Foresaken are typically a Chaotic Evil/Lawful evil race. They do -not- trust anything that lives. Period. They have fortified their main city, and set up the Deathguards to chase out most races. This is not discriminatory to either Horde or Alliance. They have done some horrible things as of late, and have been vilified for it, by Thrall as well as the Alliance. However, they remain allies with the Orcs, and visa-versa BECAUSE of the convenience, they know both sides would not succeed without the other. ((Sidenote: Just for a reminder, the alliance between the Horde and Forsaken has been very, -very- shakey. So for Alliance races to not tolerate them outright is not strange at all.))

(02-15-2013, 11:17 AM)Xigo Wrote: Undead hate everything that breathes. They exist to kill things that breath. They live, eat, and breathe killing breathers. Why? Because the only member of their 'race' who still has a bodacious intact body told them to. Coupled with the fact she's an elf, and even in death humans have an elf fetish, she controls their every thought.

...Exactly the same. Nicely done.
[Image: tumblr_nfm4t0FZcT1rtcd58o1_r1_500.gif]
Should probably toss in that blood elves are racist towards everything including themselves. Just sayin.

Quote: Night Elves are either incredibly giggly schoolgirls or drop dead serious amazon warriors who will rip your genitalia off sooner than sleep with you. Depends on the moon.

I have never seen this. Ever. The other half I have.
(02-15-2013, 11:22 AM)c0rzilla Wrote:
(02-15-2013, 09:33 AM)Rensin Wrote: Forsaken:Foresaken are typically a Chaotic Evil/Lawful evil race. They do -not- trust anything that lives. Period. They have fortified their main city, and set up the Deathguards to chase out most races. This is not discriminatory to either Horde or Alliance. They have done some horrible things as of late, and have been vilified for it, by Thrall as well as the Alliance. However, they remain allies with the Orcs, and visa-versa BECAUSE of the convenience, they know both sides would not succeed without the other. ((Sidenote: Just for a reminder, the alliance between the Horde and Forsaken has been very, -very- shakey. So for Alliance races to not tolerate them outright is not strange at all.))

(02-15-2013, 11:17 AM)Xigo Wrote: Undead hate everything that breathes. They exist to kill things that breath. They live, eat, and breathe killing breathers. Why? Because the only member of their 'race' who still has a bodacious intact body told them to. Coupled with the fact she's an elf, and even in death humans have an elf fetish, she controls their every thought.

...Exactly the same. Nicely done.

1. in an exact manner; accurately or precisely
2. in every respect; just it is exactly what he wants
sentence substitute
1. just so! precisely!
not exactly Ironic not at all; by no means

... I don't think they're exact. But thanks!
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
(02-15-2013, 11:43 AM)alpharius Wrote: Should probably toss in that blood elves are racist towards everything including themselves. Just sayin.

Quote: Night Elves are either incredibly giggly schoolgirls or drop dead serious amazon warriors who will rip your genitalia off sooner than sleep with you. Depends on the moon.

I have never seen this. Ever. The other half I have.

[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


Made even more edits, thanks for the additions and help, Sol and Cara!
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


Blood elves hate humans?! Whaaaat?! I thought Garithos and Kael'thas were bros and may have steamy fanfic written about them? What a shock!

In seriousness, I'd throw down that Farstrider/working class blood elves tend to be a little more relaxed in their snobbiness and may tolerate other environments/races better.
Farstriders amongst the Blood Elves also tend to hate Trolls with a passion. Since they've been dealing with the Amani since the Troll Wars. While they'd probably be a wee bit less posh, that's just something to note. They just really don't like Trolls (generally; of course there are exceptions and those who know Amani and Darkspear aren't the same, but nevertheless...).
Next up: Regional cultures

Westfallians love moonshine, those from the Loch love alligator meat, and the Barrens is a big f*cking mess on all sides. There. I just saved you a few more minutes of work. You can pay me later Rensin.
[Image: 54079-Dr-Evil-air-quotes-lasers-gif-A6nY.gif]
(02-15-2013, 02:45 PM)Vladdy Wrote: Next up: Regional cultures

Westfallians love moonshine, those from the Loch love alligator meat, and the Barrens is a big f*cking mess on all sides. There. I just saved you a few more minutes of work. You can pay me later Rensin.

Well, okay, but I'm a forum helper. I get payed with broken glass, rusty nails, and shattered dreams.

And that's just the Christmas bonus.
[Image: desc_head_freemasons.jpg]

△Move along.△


(02-15-2013, 02:47 PM)Rensin Wrote:
(02-15-2013, 02:45 PM)Vladdy Wrote: Next up: Regional cultures

Westfallians love moonshine, those from the Loch love alligator meat, and the Barrens is a big f*cking mess on all sides. There. I just saved you a few more minutes of work. You can pay me later Rensin.

Well, okay, but I'm a forum helper. I get payed with broken glass, rusty nails, and shattered dreams.

And that's just the Christmas bonus.

...What do you get the rest of the year?
[Image: 54079-Dr-Evil-air-quotes-lasers-gif-A6nY.gif]
Quote: is the mecha of style
You sure it's not mecca of style?

This all fits well with start-of-TBC views. However.

Blood Elves and Draenei can be cool with each-other, as seen in the Shattered Sun Offensive. Most erryone that follows the views towards which the BElves have been shown to be moving come the end of the Burning Crusade(Y'know, with the restoration of the Sunwell by having -VELEN- plunge the heart of a Naaru in it, and Liadrin, the leader of the Blood Knights, going all Light-worshippy, alongside Voren'thal the Seer, etc.) won't hate Draenei. Consider that it's a Draenei(Velen) that offered the Blood Elves the path to redemption, that would "rebirth the soul of a nation", as it were. The reverse can also be true. However, as a downside to their increasing movement towards the Light, both races' hatred of undead may be exacerbated(Or they may pull a 'The Light is about peace, acceptance, etc.' - But that's up to individual characters).

But yes, I would see their better sides interacting much in the way in which Night Elves and Tauren do. Just as they can be friends within the Cenarion Circle, these two races can be friends in the Light/Shattered Sun/serving the Sha'tar/etc.

Also, come Cataclysm, Night Elves are one of the few races that are -super-cool- with Worgen. Mainly because Worgen get blessed by one of the Night Elf Ancients - Goldrinn. And anyone who's cool with Goldrinn is cool with the NElves. The reverse is also true. Any sane Worgen would show an amount of reverence towards the creatures favored by the Ancient who allowed them to keep their sanity and shift shapes at will, mitigating the curse and turning it into a blessing.

And, yup. What Loxy said - BElves tend to hate Trolls. Farstriders absolutely so, to the point at which they ally with HElves come the end of Cataclysm. Halduron Brightwing makes it a point to be bros with the Silver Covenant. Yay for BElf x HElf alliances, say I.
[Image: 2hhkp3k.gif]
Recommended reads: Divine and Arcane. Also, elves.
Wanna refer me in Tribes: Ascend? Clickies!
(02-15-2013, 02:58 PM)flammos200 Wrote: Blood Elves and Draenei can be cool with each-other...Consider that it's a Draenei(Velen) that offered the Blood Elves the path to redemption, that would "rebirth the soul of a nation", as it were. ...'The Light is about peace, acceptance, etc.' ...

(So, can I quote you on this? No particular reason.

It's not relevant to my interests at all.

<.< )
[Image: 0f084241-4e8f-4ebc-9f46-e942e4c544a8_zps7e42bd8f.jpg]
(02-15-2013, 02:47 PM)Rensin Wrote:
(02-15-2013, 02:45 PM)Vladdy Wrote: Next up: Regional cultures

Westfallians love moonshine, those from the Loch love alligator meat, and the Barrens is a big f*cking mess on all sides. There. I just saved you a few more minutes of work. You can pay me later Rensin.

Well, okay, but I'm a forum helper. I get payed with broken glass, rusty nails, and shattered dreams.

And that's just the Christmas bonus.

... You get paid? Forum Helpers these days. Back in my day, we were lucky if we were worthy enough to have the GM team's cigars put out on our skin.

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