Hello, CotHians! Reigen here with a change in policy concerning nobles.
Recently it was brought up the nobility is far too easy to obtain and after thinking on it, this was seen to be true. Another problem would be that nobles would often do things that should garner the attention of the authorities and faced no punishment for such deeds because there was no way to report it ICly or OOCly [murdering someone in cold blood, talking about illegal activities in the street, prancing slaves around in areas slaves were forbidden, ect]. It also came to our attention that there was no listing or way of seeing what noble houses were around, what they did and if they were open to members or not. Thus we aimed to fix two problems in one go.
So what does this mean?
Starting now, all noble houses must have an application filled out by the leader of the house at the time of its creation. Characters joining a noble house also have an application to fill, though it's not as intensive as creating the house. It also ensures that permission was given for the character to be created by the leader of the noble house.
This is also retroactive. Older noble houses must have the leader post the application and the members of the noble house post the one relevant to them up as well. However, you are able to continue RPing the nobles even as the application is up and pending, as we're not going to hold the characters back. This is more so we can have the house logged and provide them with a wiki page so that the leader may edit it as they wish provided the core information is still provided.
Applications for new noble houses and new noble characters are to go up with the character profile in the special profile section of the private discussion. Old houses and characters merely need to post their applications in the normal private discussion area, no profile needed unless a new character is joining the family. Old members need not worry about resposting their profiles.
Below are the applications needed for noble characters as well as how to get to the house listings.
Head of House: Who, ICly, is the leader of the house and makes the prime decisions.
How did the family rise to nobility? Give a bit of a summary here as to how the family rose above the rest to be deemed nobility? Did an ancestor sacrifice himself for the ruler of the time and this was the reward for the surviving family? Forged documents from ages ago that prove some sort of claim? Detail this as much as possible.
How does the family sustain its wealth? How does the family not fall to ruins with over-spending, what is their source of income?
What sort of assets does the family have? How big are the lands? What sort of structures are on said land? Do they have a guard force? Personal army? Fleet of ships? If an asset is not listed, it cannot be claimed, however a PD can be posted later asking if a new asset can be added.
What is the family known for? Is the family a group of cruel tax collectors that works their servants like dogs? Are they a military family the produces fine soldiers who rise in rank quickly? Magic users? What makes them known?
How old is the family? How long has the family been nobility?
What can be obtained by creating a new family over joining one already in existence? Simply put, what does this family bring that isn't provided by others? Activity is not an acceptable response. Note: Noble Families already approved do not need to answer this question.
Is the family open for members to join? If so, let them know how to contact you here as well as what you're looking for.
Do you agree, accept and will abide by the above: If yes, simply say yes. If no, explain why. A no answer can be held against the character and profile. Note that the above code section does not need to be in the application, only this question!
Head of House: Who, ICly, is the leader of the house and makes the prime decisions.
Do you have the leader's permission to make this character? You must have the current leaders permission in order to make a character for the family.
What relation is the character to the family? Are you the daughter of the heir? The step-brother of the head?
What powers/permissions does the character have? Are they allowed to order the guards around? Do they act as the head in the event of the leaders absence?
Do you agree, accept and will abide by the above: If yes, simply say yes. If no, explain why. A no answer can be held against the character and profile. Note that the above code section does not need to be in the application, only this question!
What's this about a wiki page?
Noble houses will have a page for the house on the wiki so that others who are looking around can see what's available and join one if membership is open. Houses can also see who may be good to set up an alliance with. Rather than making a whole new house, some might even choose to join one that they might not have known about otherwise. Houses are split up by Horde and Alliance, and then further by race. Upon acceptance of an application, a wiki page will be created with the case info and then PMed to the house head so they may edit it as they like.
Here's how you get to the listings:
Step one:
![[Image: rCUMPLI.png]](http://i.imgur.com/rCUMPLI.png)
Step Two:
![[Image: QKaicSL.png]](http://i.imgur.com/QKaicSL.png)
Step Three:
![[Image: Ix1Y6Y1.png]](http://i.imgur.com/Ix1Y6Y1.png)
Here is an example on what can be done with a Noble House wiki page. I threw up info on my own noble house as an example of the type of stuff you'll see, how to present the information and how to organize it.
That is all I have for this announcement. While I know a few of you may groan over more applications, it will help in the long run.
The GM team.
Recently it was brought up the nobility is far too easy to obtain and after thinking on it, this was seen to be true. Another problem would be that nobles would often do things that should garner the attention of the authorities and faced no punishment for such deeds because there was no way to report it ICly or OOCly [murdering someone in cold blood, talking about illegal activities in the street, prancing slaves around in areas slaves were forbidden, ect]. It also came to our attention that there was no listing or way of seeing what noble houses were around, what they did and if they were open to members or not. Thus we aimed to fix two problems in one go.
So what does this mean?
Starting now, all noble houses must have an application filled out by the leader of the house at the time of its creation. Characters joining a noble house also have an application to fill, though it's not as intensive as creating the house. It also ensures that permission was given for the character to be created by the leader of the noble house.
This is also retroactive. Older noble houses must have the leader post the application and the members of the noble house post the one relevant to them up as well. However, you are able to continue RPing the nobles even as the application is up and pending, as we're not going to hold the characters back. This is more so we can have the house logged and provide them with a wiki page so that the leader may edit it as they wish provided the core information is still provided.
Applications for new noble houses and new noble characters are to go up with the character profile in the special profile section of the private discussion. Old houses and characters merely need to post their applications in the normal private discussion area, no profile needed unless a new character is joining the family. Old members need not worry about resposting their profiles.
Below are the applications needed for noble characters as well as how to get to the house listings.
For making a new family
For making a new family
Head of House: Who, ICly, is the leader of the house and makes the prime decisions.
How did the family rise to nobility? Give a bit of a summary here as to how the family rose above the rest to be deemed nobility? Did an ancestor sacrifice himself for the ruler of the time and this was the reward for the surviving family? Forged documents from ages ago that prove some sort of claim? Detail this as much as possible.
How does the family sustain its wealth? How does the family not fall to ruins with over-spending, what is their source of income?
What sort of assets does the family have? How big are the lands? What sort of structures are on said land? Do they have a guard force? Personal army? Fleet of ships? If an asset is not listed, it cannot be claimed, however a PD can be posted later asking if a new asset can be added.
What is the family known for? Is the family a group of cruel tax collectors that works their servants like dogs? Are they a military family the produces fine soldiers who rise in rank quickly? Magic users? What makes them known?
How old is the family? How long has the family been nobility?
What can be obtained by creating a new family over joining one already in existence? Simply put, what does this family bring that isn't provided by others? Activity is not an acceptable response. Note: Noble Families already approved do not need to answer this question.
Is the family open for members to join? If so, let them know how to contact you here as well as what you're looking for.
Nobility will be monitored a good deal more than having a normal character. By making a noble character, you are consenting to this monitoring. You are also consenting to allow other characters to [ICly] report the actions of your house regardless of the amount of proof provided and that such reports can and will be acted upon [ICly]. OOC evidence, however, is required for the GM team to bring out the appropriate NPCs unless the noble in question gives consent to have them act only on rumors.
Noble characters found to be consorting with the enemy outside of a factionally neutral setting [Argent Crusade, Cenarion Circle, The Earthen Ring.] are at risk to losing their claim to nobility and may be either ejected from the family, forced to step down as the head [if character is the head], or revoking nobility from the whole family. This includes, but is not limited to, protecting them from others who would do them harm and/or being romantically involved with them. This does not include neutral mercenaries.
Nobles seen being romantically involved with a friendly faction, but still outside their own race, can be subject to ridicule. It may effect IC trade from puritans [a vast majority of NPCs really] as well as harm reputation in the eyes of the other houses. This is not to say it cannot be done, but keep in mind the repercussions of dating outside your characters own race.
Holding conversations with the enemy faction is fine, so long as it is done in a location that is neutral. Speaking with an orc in elwynn and not reporting it to the guards will be an issue. Employing mercenaries is allowed, so long as it is clear that anything that leaks through them becomes your responsibility.
Noble characters seen violating laws, publicly bragging about murders or other such things will be brought in for IC questioning and face consequences depending on what can be proven. ‘Not being there’ will not be a shield. If it becomes widely reported, punishment will be issued. This includes loss of nobility of the character or the whole family depending on the severity.
Yes, this means having a human noble date a blood elf puts them at risk of losing nobility. Should it be found that the whole family knew of it and did nothing to stop it, they too will be punished. A characters actions represent the whole family, so keep an eye on those who create characters of relation.
Reports can be contested ICly, not OOCly [unless Metagaming is suspected]. If something becomes publicly known and is spoken around guards or other NPCs, expect it to reach the ears of city officials.
As always, if you suspect meta-gaming, report it to the GMs right away.
Do you agree, accept and will abide by the above: If yes, simply say yes. If no, explain why. A no answer can be held against the character and profile. Note that the above code section does not need to be in the application, only this question!
For joining a family
For joining a family
Head of House: Who, ICly, is the leader of the house and makes the prime decisions.
Do you have the leader's permission to make this character? You must have the current leaders permission in order to make a character for the family.
What relation is the character to the family? Are you the daughter of the heir? The step-brother of the head?
What powers/permissions does the character have? Are they allowed to order the guards around? Do they act as the head in the event of the leaders absence?
Nobility will be monitored a good deal more than having a normal character. By making a noble character, you are consenting to this monitoring. You are also consenting to allow other characters to [ICly] report the actions of your house regardless of the amount of proof provided and that such reports can and will be acted upon [ICly]. OOC evidence, however, is required for the GM team to bring out the appropriate NPCs unless the noble in question gives consent to have them act only on rumors.
Noble characters found to be consorting with the enemy outside of a factionally neutral setting [Argent Crusade, Cenarion Circle, The Earthen Ring.] are at risk to losing their claim to nobility and may be either ejected from the family, forced to step down as the head [if character is the head], or revoking nobility from the whole family. This includes, but is not limited to, protecting them from others who would do them harm and/or being romantically involved with them. This does not include neutral mercenaries.
Nobles seen being romantically involved with a friendly faction, but still outside their own race, can be subject to ridicule. It may effect IC trade from puritans [a vast majority of NPCs really] as well as harm reputation in the eyes of the other houses. This is not to say it cannot be done, but keep in mind the repercussions of dating outside your characters own race.
Holding conversations with the enemy faction is fine, so long as it is done in a location that is neutral. Speaking with an orc in elwynn and not reporting it to the guards will be an issue. Employing mercenaries is allowed, so long as it is clear that anything that leaks through them becomes your responsibility.
Noble characters seen violating laws, publicly bragging about murders or other such things will be brought in for IC questioning and face consequences depending on what can be proven. ‘Not being there’ will not be a shield. If it becomes widely reported, punishment will be issued. This includes loss of nobility of the character or the whole family depending on the severity.
Yes, this means having a human noble date a blood elf puts them at risk of losing nobility. Should it be found that the whole family knew of it and did nothing to stop it, they too will be punished. A characters actions represent the whole family, so keep an eye on those who create characters of relation.
If you are joining a noble family, you understand that the leader may retcon your characters relation to the family should they find your character to be harming the family and have made requests about the character before. Communicate often with the leader to make sure your character is in line with their vision.
Reports can be contested ICly, not OOCly [unless Metagaming is suspected]. If something becomes publicly known and is spoken around guards or other NPCs, expect it to reach the ears of city officials.
As always, if you suspect meta-gaming, report it to the GMs right away.
Do you agree, accept and will abide by the above: If yes, simply say yes. If no, explain why. A no answer can be held against the character and profile. Note that the above code section does not need to be in the application, only this question!
Wiki Page
Wiki Page
What's this about a wiki page?
Noble houses will have a page for the house on the wiki so that others who are looking around can see what's available and join one if membership is open. Houses can also see who may be good to set up an alliance with. Rather than making a whole new house, some might even choose to join one that they might not have known about otherwise. Houses are split up by Horde and Alliance, and then further by race. Upon acceptance of an application, a wiki page will be created with the case info and then PMed to the house head so they may edit it as they like.
Here's how you get to the listings:
Step one:
![[Image: rCUMPLI.png]](http://i.imgur.com/rCUMPLI.png)
Step Two:
![[Image: QKaicSL.png]](http://i.imgur.com/QKaicSL.png)
Step Three:
![[Image: Ix1Y6Y1.png]](http://i.imgur.com/Ix1Y6Y1.png)
Here is an example on what can be done with a Noble House wiki page. I threw up info on my own noble house as an example of the type of stuff you'll see, how to present the information and how to organize it.
That is all I have for this announcement. While I know a few of you may groan over more applications, it will help in the long run.
The GM team.
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