05-04-2014, 10:36 AM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2014, 01:12 PM by Holynexus.)
Dwarven Pride --
More than half the characters I've ever played have been dwarves.
Holy Trinity
My three main characters (Drena, Melina, Emma) are respectively ranged, melee and magic based.
Drena the Explorer
Most of my characters are into exploration, literally or not, mirroring my own exploration of their personalities.
Spoony Bard
I need game OSTs to roleplay and convey a certain mood, and most of my characters have their own themes.
Stern Asexual
I have trouble understanding relationships and I find RPing them boring. I did try once, though! Plus, Drena was matched through the Love Exchange with herself, that's to say how hopeless she is!
Unswerving Female
For many reasons, I do not play male characters (dwarves do not count, kay). I find it extremely hard to relate to male-leaning genders.
Hypallage Wizard
I love to be clear and concise, but I do love using certain literary devices, as they make it easier and less dull to convey a whole range of emotions and expressions.
Braving all Odds
An aspect I love about tabletops is the real possibility of danger. Whether I am RPing, or DMing, I often like to put my characters under actual risk (and the thrill that comes with it), and many of my characters have died as a result.
In a Mirror, Darkly
Also from tabletops... Mindgames, manipulation : may it be Drena's bargains, or Melina's or Liliaena's plottings, or outright trapping people in dreamscapes, I love to deceive and surprise.
Meaningful/Relatable Names: Essentially, if I can't connect to a character's name in some way, no matter how esoteric or minor it may be, I can not get into the character at all. Names are very important to me, they help me anchor my feelings on the character.
Deconstruction and Reconstruction: I -love- playing with archetypes. More to the point, I love examining and playing with them, playing their virtues straight while fleshing out and exploring their nuances. Why is the paladin good, the dwarf greedy, the hero righteous, and so forth. While inverting or subverting archetypes can also be fun, I moreso just find them obnoxious.
Father And Son: Fatherhood and fathers are a somewhat unintended recurring theme of mine, almost always largely in part inspired or influenced by my experiences with my own father and his father, good or bad. Be it a character living in his father's shadow, wanting to impress their father or simply hold more common ground, or a father who is estranged from his son willingly or unwilling, I've probably explored it somewhere.
Emotional and Irrational: My characters are creatures of passion and emotion. They're not -completely- void of logic or reason, but rarely do they rely on it for their reactions. I find logical characters a bore as well as too easy to get meta-gamey with, I'd much rather strike up some fires (usually anyway).
Gotta Have Faith: Most of my characters are religious to some degree or another. I'm very religious myself IRL, if constantly struggling with how exactly I wish to come to understand it, so I find it essential to show my respect to faith through storytelling.
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things: While I have my share of female and non-masculine male characters (if not here on CotH), I'll always be known for my IC and OOC signature displays of machismo. Beards, large physiques, a love for steak and square jaws are always welcome here.
Manly Guys Doing Sensitive Things: I also enjoy tearing down or at least masculinising traditionally "feminine" things: these manly guys love literature and music, they cry about their feelings and aren't total meatheads (except for Gantrithor).
Got some change?: Every character I have is poor or, in the case of undeath, has no need for money, and just gives it away. I like my characters to have to struggle for coin and live in Inns (unless they crash with someone) rather than being able to buy whatever they want. This will have to change when I eventually make one of those nobles I planned.
Tell me about your mother: Not specifically the mother, but my characters never had good relationships with either both or one of their parental figures, either wishing they were dead (Jof'waz, Norell) or just not knowing them that well (Matthew, Garridan). The only characters I have that had a good relationship with their parental figures are David and Zagosh.
Coming out of their (plate) shell: Not referring to them being shy, but almost all of my characters wear plate armor or have the possibility of wearing plate armor due to their OOC class (Garridan). My characters are usually on the frontlines for combat. David is the exception, as he wears cloth and leather and is a hunter (hurk hurk).
Coming out of their shell: My characters have a hard time talking about their feelings, and will pretend nothing is wrong. Nothing is -wrong-, of course, so stop asking. Seriously, stop. Stooooop.
The best books have Fabio on the cover: Even if they don't admit it, all my characters read romance novels. The ones with half-naked men on the cover.
Manly Guys Do- Damn it, Cappn: I play men. Yep.
Behind the curtains: I personally don't like making my characters the heroes of an event or story, preferring they stay as side characters or background characters.
It may sound strange but the best way for me to RP is to base my characters off of a part of my personality that I just focus on when I am said character :
Daegen: He basically represents my compassion for all living things, even the people who share different ideals/values. However, because I was afraid of him being a typical nice character I gave him all the personal turmoil that I myself share (but have dealt with).
Mauri: I like to think of him as my cynical side, willing to go to extreme measures to achieve his goals, no matter how twisted they are. To tack onto his cynicism I decided to also incorporate my love of unity, a group of people who all share the same goal in life.
Ciddry: Ciddry is one of my favorite characters as he is rather destructive, not in the sense of blowing things to nothing, even though he will do that, rather his love of breaking everything down to individual parts. I like to do this with both materials such as technology and social structures alike.
Zaluto: Zaluto is a weird one to think about as he's not necessarily racist but he isn't one that likes to be influenced by outside sources. Zaluto and I share that in the sense that we're both rather hard-headed but accepting of the fact that other people will do things another way all the time but we don't like it affecting our own paths.
TL;DR I make my characters off of different parts of my own personality, almost like playing Multiple Personality Disorder with the characters if you will.
Hopefully some people share these qualities or wish to experience these elements will PM so we can get stuff going!
Let's have a Party!! I love Party RP, not like celebration party, but old table top. My #1 goal is to bring characters from different backgrounds, make them bond or create bonds through mutual situations and go to explore and adventure. ( a la One Piece, Lost, any D&D scenario or turn based RPG )
Combat Warcraft baby! If you hang around me long enough things will die.
I'm a fan! If I like your toon, the story will/may take a turn around that person.
Storytelling Before I used to have my characters be the focal point because it was easier to move stories with them. Over the past years I've really just wanted to actually DM ( be a dungeon master ) for storylines. I have many alts that are used only to display elements of the story I could not do with a singular character. This works well with chars I am a fan of as I love putting them through situations.
Family They don't have to be nobles, and honestly after Novalights I've tried to steer away from Nobles, although I do want an alliance house. I think family is the best way to bring characters together because they can have deep connections without the same affiliations, morals and class restrictions that some guilds and scenarios have. You can be an evil warlock independent of my law abiding paladin but still we are brothers, or father and son and that connection always opens up to Rp with creative freedom. Save for logical intertwining back story, and race.
One Sword Keeps Another In The Sheathe - Many of my characters will often follow a strict philosophy, or an ideal that follows a rather dated way of thinking - think Socrates, Confucius, Euclid, Aristotle, and so on. While many philosophers often had relatively stupid ideas in relation to what we know now, it's undeniable that ancient philosophers had an intellect above your common man.
I Am The Water Street Butcher - I like serial killers. Therefore, some of my characters think like a serial killer. If you don't quite understand what that means, I'd recommend you watch a film called "The Poughkeepsie Tapes."
05-17-2014, 03:18 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2014, 03:26 AM by Sorum.)
Small group: I prefer small groups and 1on1 roleplays. I dislike large groups where emotes vanish shortly after they are written. I prefer keeping to a very small group where the emotes are better thought.
Meanie: Most of my mains are inclined towards the darker side. I prefer the evil subtle antagonists.
I put my trust in you: I prefer trust over rolling. Mostly because I trust most people's RP skill and I trust that no godmodding will be present in a fight.. But that doesn't mean I am bothered by roll fights.. it's just that I prefer trusting.
I take my time: I am not that fast at writing, or at least I don't hit enter right away. I prefer to check what I am gonna emote and all before pressing enter. That results in somewhat slow replies.. I confess however.. I do alt tab pretty often as well.
You lose me easily: I get bored of RP rather easily if there's nothing captivating in that session. And then I just leave.. Not trying to offend when I do that, just that I'd rather not slack for no reason. Ye' know? <3