Other question about Druids!
Not related to the other thread. This one is more simple:

If a druid uses a form long enough, would the effects show in humanoid form?
Example: Snoring while asleep and have the snores come out sounding a bit bearish.
Timothy Willaims VI: I know what this is! You are all racist against bards! Its a conspiracy!
Rorbin: A bard isn't even a race!
Timothy Willaims VI: . . .racist.
Yes, if you stay in a form for to long you might even go feral, which most Savagekins do.
Mabra Dragonbasher- A battle hungry dwarven lady, hirable for personal protection and for larger tasks requiring violence.
I remember a part in Warcraft 3 where Malfurion goes to wake up the Druid of the Claw and he has to use a horn to bring them into their Night Elf form as they had been in bear form so long they forgot that they even were a Night Elf.

So staying in a certain form would have effects I'm guessing.
I'm asking because I want to make it more obvious to tell my druid is a Druid of the Claw.

IE: Some minor bear like facial features, a more brawny appearance...ect.
Timothy Willaims VI: I know what this is! You are all racist against bards! Its a conspiracy!
Rorbin: A bard isn't even a race!
Timothy Willaims VI: . . .racist.
grembomb Wrote:I remember a part in Warcraft 3 where Malfurion goes to wake up the Druid of the Claw and he has to use a horn to bring them into their Night Elf form as they had been in bear form so long they forgot that they even were a Night Elf.

So staying in a certain form would have effects I'm guessing.

Except those stayed in a form for over nine thousand years. Which is hardly the same, really. Which may also have been partly due to the emerald nightmare. And even savagekin don't take on animal attributes in their elven forms, that's primals you're thinking about.
Another question:

Was it all male nelfs that entered the emerald dream or just druids?
Timothy Willaims VI: I know what this is! You are all racist against bards! Its a conspiracy!
Rorbin: A bard isn't even a race!
Timothy Willaims VI: . . .racist.
Only the male druids have ever entered the Dream.
[Image: 2mhzmdy.gif]
They didn't, biggest example: Illidan
Mabra Dragonbasher- A battle hungry dwarven lady, hirable for personal protection and for larger tasks requiring violence.
All males were required to become druids, however, only leaving the dream to visit once every <insert big number here> years. I think new males that were born would also have to go into the dream as soon as they were old enough. And Illidan was being imprisoned, so he doesn't count. He's an exception.
Roobald2 Wrote:They didn't, biggest example: Illidan

Illidan wasn't a druid, he was an arcanist. He was too hasty to learn the arts of druidism and took the easier path instead, serving as a sorcerer for the highborne.

There were also other night elf males that weren't druids though. While the majority did become druids, there were plenty who showed no real promise in druidism, and were tasked with other things instead.
Theik Wrote:
Roobald2 Wrote:They didn't, biggest example: Illidan

Illidan wasn't a druid, he was an arcanist. He was too hasty to learn the arts of druidism and took the easier path instead, serving as a sorcerer for the highborne.

There were also other night elf males that weren't druids though. While the majority did become druids, there were plenty who showed no real promise in druidism, and were tasked with other things instead.

Still makes Illidan an example XD.
Mabra Dragonbasher- A battle hungry dwarven lady, hirable for personal protection and for larger tasks requiring violence.
While we're on the subject of druids I thought I might ask a question myself.
I'm sure I've heard a name for the druids that focus less on animal forms and more on restoration. Can anyone think what it is?
Hi... I'm the new guy.
Druid of Restoration?
Eddyward, I would just call them your friendly nature doctors, but there might be a name for it, idk.

A question: If a druid gets injured when they are in an animal form, and they shift back into their tauren/nelf/troll(soon) form, would they still have that wound? Would it stay in ratio to the body or would it be the same size as it was when they were in their animal form?

I have other questions but they are really weird, and I don't want to waste anybodies time, lolz.
[Image: anim_500.gif]
Scout Wrote:All males were required to become druids, however, only leaving the dream to visit once every <insert big number here> years. I think new males that were born would also have to go into the dream as soon as they were old enough. And Illidan was being imprisoned, so he doesn't count. He's an exception.

I thought I read somewhere about males who didn't become druids became craftsmen.
☃ This is my snowman. He's there to remind me how much I hate the snow.

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