Conquest of the Horde

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Ehh you're right. Sorry I got irritated again and sidetracked. I'll just remove my stuff <.<

Originally I was just using it as a cautionary tale, but then I got angry about it again.
It wasn't actually me throwing it, but nevermind.
Alright, let's get back on topic!
To be honest in my opinion the town isn't Lawless. Despite Coriv claiming he isn't the leader he's setting down rules "Screw around and we'll stab you" That may not be the ISLAND rule but it is a rule, his own rule and if you break it you get punished. To me both OOCly and ICly he appears as a leader who calls himself a citizen. People come to him with questions and what not and generally view him as the first guy there. Meaning that if anyone wanted ownership or power they'd swing at Coriv and his gang. A lawless town which is literally lawless do whatever you want -will never work- the reason for this is because people are jerks (no offence people- well I don't really, you know, care, but still) they'd bomb the buildings (already happened I believe in the pre-island phase) they'd kill everyone they wished and generally be dicks.

Even in the wild west the towns had mayors and "the badge" to lay down the rules and punish those that broke them, even the gang run towns probably did. It's lawless in the sense no major faction owns it, but at the same time it's not lawless at all.
I heard rumor there may be an NPC faction established as "the badge." I don't know much about whether or not this is true.
@JackyBlades: Well, it's not really my fault, but yes - we will need a "sherif".
If they call it the badge I will facepalm...thats MY idea! I copyright it as of now...forever. And yeah but people are still jerks and probably won't listen to the Sheriff
JackofBlades Wrote:If they call it the badge I will facepalm...thats MY idea! I copyright it as of now...forever. And yeah but people are still jerks and probably won't listen to the Sheriff

Well, people don't listen to cops either, so don't feel too bad.
Well they do listen when they have a gun/sword/blunt object in their hand, but electing a Sheriff for the town seems like a disaster, a friend picks friend kind of thing.
Cladorn could be Sheriff...... <3 *disturbingly evil laugh* "GLORY TO THE OLD GODS!" <--- Cladorn on his first day on the job.
We don't need a sherrif. If there is one psychopath on the island trying to kill people. Lynch mob. If there are several psychopaths on the island working together to kill people, I question why they are not trying to kill each other, if they lack any kind of self-control to want to kill random people in the first place.
Also, Vigilante's would be good. And you might finally have a use for mercenaries as bodyguards on that island.
Sadly, we would likely actually require one. It's against human nature to allow lawlessness to happen. It creates a power vacuum. And we all know people want power. So without a leader of some kind, you have people jockeying to create this position of power. It just doesn't work. Lawlessness only works when you remove the human element from the equation.

On a less serious note, *puts up campaign posters throughout the town* "CLADORN FOR SHERIFF. HE LIKES THE OLD GODS."
What I mean is, We don't need a sheriff. If someone has the power and influence to control things, then let them try. It could get them enemies, it could even get them killed, but if they are willing to risk it, then by all means let them
Coriv is willing to risk it. And by sherif, we don't mean cops - we mean those who try to organize the place -a little-. Tell people to kill others outside of the tavern, who do public executions. Like, if a necromancer came to town and tried to kill everybody, he would encourage people to kill them.
The problem with this all is is your giving players power that used to be off limits before I heard of this town. Which kind of confuses me.
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