Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Problem of Prestiges
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I say just remove the system all together and don't make a new one. This seems to happen every time. You (as in the admins/GM team) introduce a new system for all of a month, and then are like "lol, too many people are prestige! CLOSED!".

Well then ya know what? Just take it away Grakor. I don't need prestige to RP my characters. And frankly, prestige classes seem to just give people one more thing to complain about. When someone has it, "I'm not powerful enough". When someone doesn't, "That prestige is so OP!".

To me it seems that nobody will ever be happy, and it would make things worse to just say, "We're closing prestiges for now, we are working on a new system.". Well, that would cause a months long shitstorm, and every week or so a new thread will be brought up complaining that the GM's are taking too long, etc etc.

So just remove prestige's altogether. We'll have a shitstorm for like a week, and then everyone will go back to RPing when they realize it isn't worth it and it's just a video game.
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