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10-25-2013, 08:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2013, 08:29 AM by Werewolf.)
(10-24-2013, 04:03 PM)Xigo Wrote: Quote:an association with a 'dark' character leading to a stereotype of a pompous, egotistical, "emo" player precisely what I'm talking about. The rest of the page focuses on other idiocies of the class (particularly relating to game mechanics) that for the purposes of this discussion aren't particularly relevant, but the point of the example is to provide evidence that this unshakeable trope of the "emo DK" is in fact as pervasive as I'm saying--such that it's been documented in practically the exact same words, year after year, on innumerable, separate sites across the web.
In fact for the lulz I just googled "emo death knight" and many of the results were quite amusing, if somewhat asinine.
(Note that the WoWPedia page provides that there can be DKs played properly. Again, there can be belfs who are not pompous "belf master race," and also orcs who are more multidimensional than Garrosh-style "ORC SMASH 4 da herd." Similarly there can be Death Knights who don't act like angsty teenagers, and I'm happy to see that several people here on CotH have chosen to make a DK who's a little more mature. But a few good players on one niche server cannot cleanse the foul stain on the class left by the broader community.)
(10-24-2013, 05:26 PM)Valicor Wrote: You know, I really hope this entire game doesn't consist of you guys stabbing back and forth about Death Knights...If you know the guy you're arguing with is going to +2 the same class to cancel out your -2, is it really worth it?
I think it is! Death Knights are probably one of the most controversial classes around. And by arguing, we aren't simply voting up or down, we're putting out our reasoning (isn't that the point of the game?) so other people can decide to which side they stand more closely.
That said, for the sake of diversifying my votes, I've been doing +1/-1 votes, with the -1 on DK and +1 on some other class.
But at the moment it seems we've run into one of those scoring discrepancies so I'm not going to vote at all lest I muck it up more.
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10-25-2013, 08:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2013, 08:35 AM by c0rzilla.)
I humbly request the debate be taken elsewhere. The people voting here having been on this server a good long while, and have Death Knights of their own, likely. They've done the research and know why they like or dislike the class.
I also wonder what you mean by "emo" and angsty teenager. I know I'd be "emo" and "angsty" if I were risen from the dead to kill my loved ones, and then be forced to adhere to a new master (Acherus).
But I'd rather not that discussion spiral as this one has.
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.. The warlock does have 28. I'm at a loss myself.
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Quote:an association with a 'dark' character leading to a stereotype of a pompous, egotistical, "emo" player
Quote:pompous, egotistical, "emo" player
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
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(10-25-2013, 08:38 AM)Xigo Wrote: Quote:an association with a 'dark' character leading to a stereotype of a pompous, egotistical, "emo" player
Quote:pompous, egotistical, "emo" player
I see what you did thar...and I liek it :C
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(10-25-2013, 08:33 AM)c0rzilla Wrote: I also wonder what you mean by "emo" and angsty teenager. I know I'd be "emo" and "angsty" if I were risen from the dead to kill my loved ones, and then be forced to adhere to a new master (Acherus).
My answer to your wonderings has been clarified in previous posts of mine over the duration of this thread. I've said just about all that I can on Death Knights anyway, so I won't be repeating myself. Instead it's time to hear what other people have to say about them.
To that end, I'm not particularly certain where the score discrepancy currently is. Is it safe to continue voting?
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10-25-2013, 09:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2013, 09:58 AM by Vladdy.)
All this thread needs now is a sissy slap fight between the two factions and all will descend into chaos.
In all seriousness though, knock off the arguing. At this moment, what I hear is crying. If I want to hear crying, well, I've got kids to look after. I'm fine with all of you arguing, but take it to the PMs. Mkay? We're here for a friendly game of elimination, not a pissing contest.
(Please don't respond to this post. Just get along and we can all be amicable. Right? Right. This isn't an attack on anyone. It's an honest response on my part telling the lot of you to knock it off. Arguments end at this post.)
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Guys, guys, back to topic, kay?
Warrior - 23
Paladin - 21 Waaaay too strict for my tastes.
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 20
Shaman - 19
Mage - 23 Who wouldn't like to be the Avatar master of elements. Pretty badarse.
Warlock - 28
Druid - 24
"Excellence is when failure becomes improvement"
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Warrior - 23
Paladin - 21
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 20
Shaman - 19
Mage - 23
Warlock - 30 We've hit the big THREE-OH. Beat that, other classes.
Druid - 24
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(10-25-2013, 09:56 AM)Vladdy Wrote: We're here for a friendly game of elimination
I've never heard the words "friendly" and "elimination" in the same sentence before.
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Warrior - 23
Paladin - 21
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 20
Shaman - 19
Mage - 23
Warlock +1 (They get an extra minus now Altaine)- 27 If we're going to have to start eliminating, I'm gonna pick warlocks for this round. They tend to be careless in the sense that they use demons. It's a power beyond mosts understanding and can normally backfire.
Druid - 24
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(10-25-2013, 11:51 AM)Nymus Wrote: (10-25-2013, 09:56 AM)Vladdy Wrote: We're here for a friendly game of elimination
I've never heard the words "friendly" and "elimination" in the same sentence before.
Me neither.
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(10-25-2013, 12:09 PM)Kage Wrote: Warrior - 23
Paladin - 21
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 20
Shaman - 19
Mage - 23
Warlock +1 (They get an extra minus now Altaine)- 27 If we're going to have to start eliminating, I'm gonna pick warlocks for this round. They tend to be careless in the sense that they use demons. It's a power beyond mosts understanding and can normally backfire.
Druid - 24
... I feel stupid, how did you go down from 30 to 27 if we also gained an extra?
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Read the OP  Nymus made a new rule.
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