Class Elimination Game
Quote:Versich is a quiet individual, rarely speaking up unless necessary. The exception to this rule is when he's around friends, and even then, procuring words can be a challenge. One should not take this for apathy. He is generally interested in what's being said, it's just that he prefers listening over his own talking. The echo in his voice is a cold reminder of what he has become, something he wishes he could forget.
He has a guilty conscious, attempting to redeem himself for past actions. Truly, none of these actions were really his own fault, as both were during involuntary service of the Lich King. But the absolute lack of mercy he displayed as one of Arthas' Death Knight terrifies him still, and he can recall every moment of his unholy service in disturbingly specific detail. While he can actually feel some emotion, any sort of extreme feeling is almost painful for him.
Though he literally can not be this forever, Versich does attempt to remain peaceful during conflicts. His blade is only drawn when it is the last resort. He will repeatedly disobey the law if it means doing the right thing in his mind, and while he is thankful towards both Darion and Sylvannas for his freedom, he can not follow the latter fully.

Quote:Jidaeo's mind has opened a bit further, and after the trials of being withdrawn and experiencing his family grow from a distance he appreciates his appearance returning. He still remains calm and observant and has a deep concern for his family as much as a Death knight can feel. Jidaeo also has a re-ignited connection with his Sin'dorei people as well as being mindful always of his undead state.
Jidaeo is analyzes most things he comes across, and is known to manipulate others to get what he wishes. Although he is trust worthy, he is driven to accomplish his own goals always. He is often perceived as stern, and hardly seems to have a sense of humor. He behaves much like an old noble, although a bit more cryptic due to his death knight nature. Since the return of his presentable appearance he has opened up a bit more in self expression ( if only a little ). He cherishes his family, although he can no longer adequately convey that to him.

Quote:The time under the Lich King has left Balgarn emotionally stunted in many ways. Balgarn was once loud, boisterous, and full of life, and was left a shell of his former self after his death. He now comes across as more cold and almost emotionless. While not truly emotionless, his ability to properly function in social interactions was damaged quite badly, and he simply doesn't have the proper context to have those emotions come out. While this can lead to him coming off as if he has bad manners at times, he does learn if corrected. This can easily lead to socially awkward situations with him, something that he's not entirely ignorant to.
Balgarn tends to refer to himself as he sees himself...more as a tool or weapon than as an actual person, and his speech ends up reflecting that. While he's not openly self-deprecating, he inwardly sees himself as less than a person than the living around him (especially when looking at other orcs.) As a result, he rarely, if ever, responds to insults at his person, and he tends to be selfless in combat, seeking to protect others with his own destruction if necessary.
He is a repentant man with a dark history thanks to the Lich King, and it's this that provides his primary motivation. He seeks to redeem himself through the only means open to him: bloody combat and serving his chieftain. He sees himself as his chieftain's tool, and hopes that through work for him and the Horde that he might be forgiven and join the ancestors again when he is finally destroyed. This has left him with self-doubt, as he isn't sure if it will ever happen, but it doesn't stop him from trying. Underneath his cold exterior is a good-hearted orc, though he's long stopped believing that anyone would look closely enough at him to see anything other than an undead monster.

Quote:Where she was once quiet, kind, and sympathetic, Zalthiel's personality has done an abrupt about-face since her death and resurrection. She is now cold and bitter, and has no respect for any of the living. Death Knights of all races begin on a good note with her, as “we are all kin in death.” Zalthiel utterly despises any sort of religion, particularly the followers of Elune. She will go out of her way to disrupt their activities, and take any opportunity to defile their shrines and blaspheme against their deities.
Zathiel has an odd, bordering on the disgusting, fascination with death, undeath, and disease. She is affectionate with her ghouls, which can be a rather disconcerting sight.
Zalthiel dislikes the mindlessness of the Scourge, but she does like the idea of slaughtering the living and raising them into undeath.
Quote:Though he may come off as slow in the head at most times, he's really that one person you know that always has a plan for something. He -does- have a bit of brain-rot, which effected some of his memories. He isn't quick to anger and can take much abuse and not care so much at all. Through living his life as he did, he has a high tolerance of lots of things that'd bug someone else. Through both of his deaths, he's grown tired of anything having him as an assassin while he'll still go through with missions that require him to kill a certain person, he won't like it too much. Being brought back twice made him think he's never gonna -truly- be dead, as the world will somehow find a way to bring him back. One thing that is always on his mind, did his daughter ever grow up to be happy and did his wife ever find happiness, after his death. Deep down, he wishes he could know the answer, but he also thinks he'll never get that chance.
Quote:Gavin finds himself in a personal struggle of where his place in the world is. Publicly, Gavin acts in a aggressive manner, often leading with insults aimed at others as a way to hide what he himself is like. On a more personal level however and despite the front he puts on himself, Gavin is not as steady headed as he claims. He is forever paranoid of being controlled, thanks to his time in the scourge, becoming aggressive over even the slightest hint of manipulation. The biggest driving force of Gavin is the drive to make a impact on the world, from the biggest wild scale situation to the smallest personal moment, for without it...what is there for him to savour in his unlife, filled with dulled senses and limited emotions? His views on the horde's races are mostly neutral, due to working alongside all races as part of the Ebon Blade. This excludes Gnomes and Dwarves however, whom he treats as too short to be taken seriously.
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
Warrior - 22
Paladin - 23 - Best rp I've ever had has always been on my Paladins. +2
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest = 23
Death Knight = 15
Shaman - 20
Mage - 22
Warlock - 26
Druid - 22
[Image: nFHwPlil.jpg]
I'd like to gesture Werewolf towards this page:

Oh right... voting.

Warrior - 22
Paladin - 24 (+1 Because Paladins are awesome in my eyes. Mixing melee fighting AND Magic? Yes please!)
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest = 23
Death Knight = 15
Shaman - 19 (-1 because every time I see a shaman they're always so.... passive. Like they don't have any personality beyond 'elements, world exploding, makes me slightly annoyed.)
Mage - 22
Warlock - 26
Druid - 22
“Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed.”
— G.K. Chesterton

[Image: tumblr_n9hl98KKPd1r4fnslo1_500.gif]

Have a puppy Ruby and a nice day.
Warrior - 22
Paladin - 24
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest = 23
Death Knight = 17 (+2 I love playing DKs, don't ask me why. As for Werewolf's statement. I must entirely disagree and @Kage can vouch for that. Back in Wrath I had a DK who was friendly as can be. Depression? Not in this big guy. Yeah he lost everything he once had but he learned to live with that.)
Shaman - 19
Mage - 22
Warlock - 26
Druid - 22
I will not be forgotten. This is my time to shine. I've got the scars to prove it. Only the strong survive. I'm not afraid of dying. Everyone has their time. Life never favored weakness.

Welcome to the pride!
Being this Class Elimination game, I think I might just keep downvoting until some classes get eliminated, then I'll start my upvoting. Anyhow.

Warrior - 22
Paladin - 24
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 17
Shaman - 19
Mage - 22
Warlock - 24: As far as RP is concerned, I dislike this class. Of course not all warlocks follow certain stereotypes, but I feel a good number do. While this class gives the ability to be a cackling demon-raising brain-melter, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should be that. I don't mean to sound like I'm making too many assumptions about the class itself, but I've just seen a lot of this in the past when I encountered warlock RP. Doooooownvote.
Druid - 22
[Image: 4ab673a110e5324a7acf57e330a6c8eb.jpg]
Warrior - 22
Paladin - 24
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 17
Shaman - 19
Mage - 22
Warlock - 24
Druid - 24 Druids! Balance, nature, animals, good stuff.

By the way, there's a kind of flaw in this system. If everyone heals, the numbers will just go up. Shouldn't there be an upper limit, after which the class has effectively won/becomes immune?
(10-24-2013, 03:13 AM)Delta Wrote: By the way, there's a kind of flaw in this system. If everyone heals, the numbers will just go up. Shouldn't there be an upper limit, after which the class has effectively won/becomes immune?

I had considered that!

... On the bus to school. D:

When I get home today (which will be a long whiles away, I have the final football match of the season today) I'll make edits in the OP to reflect the new rule.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free
(10-23-2013, 08:09 PM)Xigo Wrote: [selections from DK profiles]

"Guilty conscious," "stern," "manipulate others to get what he wishes," "emotionally stunted," "cold and bitter," "quick to anger," "personal struggle of where his place in the world is," "aggressive."

These comprise the psychological profile of a Death Knight, and it's so clear-cut that five (six?) separate profiles on the wiki all adhere to it.

Now, mind you, this isn't a polemic on any of the people you quoted or their individual characters; this is a polemic on the class itself. I, for one, do not like a class when rolling it means your character is automatically expected to be cynical, stone-faced, and self-confused.

And @maarten777 @MstrCorvus of course there will be exceptions, just like on the Race Elimination Game thread there were all kinds of exceptions to the stereotype of "orc smash" or "uppity belf." But the point is that the stereotype does exist, and it's very firmly rooted, and the overwhelming majority of Death Knights in the community (not just CotH community, but the world community) are played right to this formula.

Needs moar slopes imo
Needs moar archaeology imo
(10-24-2013, 02:29 AM)Valicor Wrote: Being this Class Elimination game, I think I might just keep downvoting until some classes get eliminated, then I'll start my upvoting. Anyhow.

Warrior - 22
Paladin - 24
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 17
Shaman - 19
Mage - 22
Warlock - 24: As far as RP is concerned, I dislike this class. Of course not all warlocks follow certain stereotypes, but I feel a good number do. While this class gives the ability to be a cackling demon-raising brain-melter, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should be that. I don't mean to sound like I'm making toor many assumptions about the class itself, but I've just seen a lot of this in the past when I encountered warlock RP. Doooooownvote.
Druid - 22

Bah, you're just jealous!
Warrior - 22
Paladin - 24
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 17
Shaman - 19
Mage - 22
Warlock - 26

Sent from the Polish Space Station via my TOASTER279071.999(?)
[Image: jon_pall_sigmarsson_b35428d97635b2e7c405...2df3c3.gif]

[Image: SQ0XvlU.gif]
A snippet from my Death Knight Maegwyna's Profile. I should get her re-approved. Also maybe play less snark-tastic characters.

Quote:Personality: Usually donning a wide, pearlescent grin. Nothing quite so white as the bones of the dead. More prone to joking, snarking, and flirting. Granted, this is all a defense mechanism to distract her from the ever present hunger. She does not kill unless entirely necessary, however.

Her thieving is a remnant of her old life. While she used to purloin coins to support her family, she now thieves to preserve memory. That, and Old Town is still starving. She is quite happy to startle the jewlery off a lost noble while she moves in the shadows, then turn it over to charity.

When alone in her "lair", she enjoys recordings of violin and cello music on a Gnomish player. Accompanied with a sip of red wine that likely has an associated hole in a wine-rack in a noble's manor.
[Image: tumblr_nfm4t0FZcT1rtcd58o1_r1_500.gif]
Warrior - 22
Paladin - 24
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 19 Because they're being voted down for the worst of reasons. You're taking broad strokes instead of recognizing the minor nuances that make these Death Knights unique when you actually roleplay with them. Sure, they have regret and all these other 'horrendous traits that make them all the same'. But I've only picked Death Knights that I myself have roleplayed with, and I would never confuse one of them for another. Meanwhile I lose track of all the snarky paladins we have sometimes.

And by no means do you have to be "cynical, stone-faced, and self-confused," though yes it is the expectation. You could totally make a happy death knight. You'd just have to explain it. It's just that the Death Knight's shared background offers for such a richly morbid character that few people pass that up.
Shaman - 19
Mage - 22
Warlock - 26
Quote:[8:53AM] Cassius: Xigo is the best guy ever. he doesn't afraid of anything.
Should I bring in Drezz? I think I should.

Quote:Drezz has fully taken in his roll as a Death Knight. He has no delusions of attaining a better life, or even a 'life'. Anything from his past life is ignored. Brothers, sisters, lovers, friends. All have been left behind. He is a tool of who ever will use him, be it the Scourge, the Ebon Blade, or the Horde. His loyalty is to who ever bests him.

Surprisingly he isn't actually aggressive. Well, isn't suppose to be (Bad Kage).

Warrior - 22
Paladin - 24
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 21 These guys. Oohhh these guys. Crazy things aren't they? But, no matter how OP it seems to be, keep in mind that DK's can be -shredded- by a paladin. They don't feel pain to normal attacks, sure, but you sever a muscle in their arm, the arm wont work like a normal person would be.

Feeling no pain doesn't mean they're unstoppable. Cut the Achilles tendon and watch them fall like anyone else.

Shaman - 19
Mage - 22
Warlock - 26
Someone up there snipped Druids off. Don't think you can rid yourself of them so easily!
(10-23-2013, 11:53 PM)MstrCorvus Wrote: Shaman - 19 (-1 because every time I see a shaman they're always so.... passive. Like they don't have any personality beyond 'elements, world exploding, makes me slightly annoyed.)

Should meet Seena. She melts people with lava
Warrior - 22
Paladin - 22: Sadly, most paladins are victims to the "Holier than thou" disease. While priests suffer almost the same exact disease, there are slight differences in the classes. As far as RP is concerned, priests are used more for monk-like characters, and characters that are usually calm and collected. On the other hand, paladins have the chance to turn into bustling flame-balls of righteous fury, which kind of turns my head away. While this entire class isn't at fault, some of these paladins are downright wacko in their 'righteous' ways. I could also say how sometimes they're victim to being self-centered and pretentious, but I haven't seen too much of that. Anyways. Downvote.
Hunter - 21
Rogue - 20
Priest - 23
Death Knight - 21
Shaman - 19
Mage - 22
Warlock - 26
Druid - 24

Keep in mind guys, and I'll say this now; I love all WoW classes. I love all of them. I could roll ANY of them and play them, PvE/PvP/RP. That being said, I'd like to clarify. Yes, a lot of my downvoting will be based upon sole assumptions and things that I've experienced.
While this does sound as if it makes it unfair for me to judge, I have to judge. As I posted before, I will eliminate until a few classes are gone. Since I love every class, it will be quite difficult to downvote classes and find logical reasons to do so, so keep in mind while reading my downvotes that I'm trying hard to find reasons to eliminate.

Let the game continue.
[Image: 4ab673a110e5324a7acf57e330a6c8eb.jpg]

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