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- Writing body language (0 Replies)
- My Skype group (1 Reply)
- Character themes and pictures (8 Replies)
- Good News Everyone! (29 Replies)
- Recently Missing Abilities (24 Replies)
- Race Elimination Game 2: Electric Nubaloo (17 Replies)
- Communication? (5 Replies)
- Uhhhh.... Did I break something? (3 Replies)
- A tentative return. (12 Replies)
- COTH Advertisement? (24 Replies)
- The quest for the Holy Grai-.. Empty house. (4 Replies)
- ... three years is a long time... (7 Replies)
- Dramatic Death Monologues in an Alternate Universe (3 Replies)
- Hi again. (6 Replies)
- Two Years (0 Replies)
- Day and Night Cycle (17 Replies)
- I'm not dead (Yet)! (2 Replies)
- Half a decade. Man, I'm old. (7 Replies)
- My community (2 Replies)
- Roleplay and adult themes (34 Replies)
- Heya (9 Replies)
- So, I heard you like romance... (3 Replies)
- Looking to find members of an old guild i am in (4 Replies)
- What do you think of GMI? (18 Replies)
- Wands-the surprisingly interesting magical sticks of Azeroth (3 Replies)
- What a Long Strange Trip it's Been... (5 Replies)
- Stratholme..? (3 Replies)
- Where do you see your character in x years? (39 Replies)
- Home sweet Coth (4 Replies)
- 1 year. (14 Replies)
- Mauri's Guide to Herbs (1 Reply)
- Random facts about our RP styles and signatures (21 Replies)
- Jonoth is Old School (9 Replies)
- Dk's, Can they forget certain racial things? (10 Replies)
- Blood elves and age. (13 Replies)
- Three-Hundred and Sixty Five Days (3 Replies)
- [CotH-aluation] The Server (13 Replies)
- Future expansions (7 Replies)
- [CotH-aluation] The Community (18 Replies)
- What races would actually become a Death Knight? (4 Replies)
- Missing you guys again. (7 Replies)
- The Camel throws off old passengers... (2 Replies)
- Favorite Type of RP? Part Something Something (16 Replies)
- (Follow up post) Furbolg (1 Reply)
- Your Favorite Character [To Roleplay] (47 Replies)
- Question Concerning Merchant Characters/Shops (4 Replies)
- Awesome YouTube Channel that Must BE SEEN! (7 Replies)
- Five years, maybe? (1 Reply)
- Which one of you made this? (10 Replies)
- [CotH-aluation] The Staff Team (12 Replies)