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(05-26-2012, 08:17 AM)Aphetoros Wrote: [ -> ]Why do I get so much hate for having an account full of only necromancers? :(

Weird.. I read that as if it was a speech bubble from your avatar(which I love). <3

Hey, all, it's not just BElves. Gnomes are close behind, because Blizzard has labeled them as comic relief, so they're played as such and treated as such. Of course.. so I make it a mission to destroy that stereotype.. >.>

BUT, my own racial crusade aside, I will say that, back on the topic of BElves, it can definitely be disheartening at times to see tons of BElves on only and no other races. More power to people playing what they want, but I wish there was more diversity. Nothing against the players, just my own thing.

Moar unded and noamz and cows and rowrorcs and goats and <trails off into silly rambling>

Again. I just feel sometimes people don't branch out. You may think "Oh, I don't like this race" but they're only played them for a bit(or never at all) and just don't give it a chance. My first Forsaken way back when never got any RP. Now.. Atius is my most played character(at the moment).

Diversity, sons and daughters. Diversity. <sagenod..again> I think that's where a lot of ire and raeg comes from, is that the population is dominated then people are angry that their preferred race gets 'no RP' so they let it out in sometimes not-so-good ways. We need more hippy love OOC.. And racist hatred ICly. <sagenoddin' some more>
I know I told you this last night, but I think I will say it in a more PG form. :p

While I am not justifying what people do for say, or condone people harassing each other...You should probably learn to not care. Over the years I've had my share of being hated on for characters I played (Sprinkles anyone?), but I found dwelling on that stuff to be more harmful than anything else. If someone does it knowing you dislike it, well, they are obviously not worth your time.

On to the people who keep doing it.. Stop. You know people are sensitive to these sorts of things, so doing it knowing that makes you a bully and this momma isn't going to let her internet kids take that shit. Understood?

Good, now eat your Popsicles and play nicely.
I really don't have much to say, due to everything else being said. So, here's something for laughs:

(05-26-2012, 08:38 AM)Cressy Wrote: [ -> ]I know I told you this last night, but I think I will say it in a more PG form. :p

While I am not justifying what people do for say, or condone people harassing each other...You should probably learn to not care. Over the years I've had my share of being hated on for characters I played (Sprinkles anyone?), but I found dwelling on that stuff to be more harmful than anything else. If someone does it knowing you dislike it, well, they are obviously not worth your time.

On to the people who keep doing it.. Stop. You know people are sensitive to these sorts of things, so doing it knowing that makes you a bully and this momma isn't going to let her internet kids take that shit. Understood?

Good, now eat your Popsicles and play nicely.

Not everyone has that switch though. Honestly, part of not caring is also a sort of detachment, meaning you may end up distancing yourself from the server. Speaking from my own experience, this isn't always a bad thing, but a lot of people would rather have others just be a bit nicer.

I think it's good someone said "I don't appreciate this" rather than just blowing up at some point and saying "Screw it", which was the norm in the past.

I agree with you very much though... people need to play nice. Too much emphasis is put on what other people are doing right now. Mind your own stuff, leave others alone, and have fun. Quit sweating the details you don't control, because that's part of being a roleplayer... YOU DON'T CONTROL EVERYTHING.

Otherwise you'd just be a straight up writer.
People always have their own ideas and stereotypes regarding races and the people who play them. I can say, from my own experiences on retail and on several other private servers that there is stigma regarding Blood Elves and that tends to be; " People RP them because they're pretty and what not. ".

Stigmas will always exist with races, it'd be ignorant not to acknowledge them.

If someone whispers you, and directly gives you OOC harassment for the character/race you play, surely that infringes some form of anti-harassment or anti-bullying policy this server has? ( If one exists. )

If it's not done in /w's, and it's just in a public forum - then, well. I hate to say it, but you should just deal with it. People will always have opinions, be how crude or disconcerting they are. If said person bothers you with their OOC nonsense, then remove that OOC chat channel for awhile - or as Cressy said, ignore it and don't get worked up over it.
(05-26-2012, 05:22 PM)Theophilus Wrote: [ -> ]If it's not done in /w's, and it's just in a public forum - then, well. I hate to say it, but you should just deal with it. People will always have opinions, be how crude or disconcerting they are. If said person bothers you with their OOC nonsense, then remove that OOC chat channel for awhile

...I disagree. I tend to believe players should Respect each-other regardless of the chat channel they use - it's the #1 rule of CoTH, after all.

In this case, the most often-used one for berating people of a race, class, or race/class combination or another is say. You can't block says as far as I can tell, aside from /ignore-ing other players.

To paraphrase a little rabbit a certain someone has a liking for posting "If you're not going to say something nice, it's best you don't say anything at all."

Or, a the very least, neutral and civil. I'm fine with opinions, even blunt ones stated outright. I'm not fine with overt or covert bashing or flaming. Particularly not the last sort, in a cutesy tone that's -meant- to sting, under the pretense of "Just kidding".
I agree! At first it was fun, but after a while I get tried of the race I like to play being bashed over and over again.

...While on this topic, I -really- also would like the Mac vs Windows stuff to stop. It really...really grinds my gears that I can't even talk about it with other mac users without someone rudely butting on about a system they've never used before. Or, if they have used it, just downright trashing the system while I and others are trying to talk about it. We get it, you don't like them, but let us talk about it without feeling like we have to constantly defend ourselves.

All of my agreement is with Reigen. I destroy all sides since I'm a Windows AND a Mac user. How often does that happen? But if I'm in OOCC and trying to help someone with their Mac, I get very irritated with the "JUST GET A PC MAC HAS NO GAEMZ LOL" comments. And I collect Macs as a hobby and I get slightly offended when someone downtalks my hobby like that. Makes me sadfais and rage. Not a good combo.

Posted from my iPhone. DEAL WITH IT.
(And the Android vs iPhone can stop too, right?)
Respect is key here. Yes you can have your opinions but if they lead to discrimination of any kind or blatant spitting-in-your-face then it should stop.

I sometimes make Sin'dorei jokes in good humor. I also play many Sin'dorei. Now if people ask me to stop I kindly do. And that's all there is to do.
(05-26-2012, 08:48 AM)c0rzilla Wrote: [ -> ]I really don't have much to say, due to everything else being said. So, here's something for laughs:


>mfw the female Blood elf is literally Jami
(05-26-2012, 05:30 PM)flammos200 Wrote: [ -> ]To paraphrase a little rabbit a certain someone has a liking for posting "If you're not going to say something nice, it's best you don't say anything at all."

Oh, you mean this little guy? ;)

I was trying to keep him out of here, but I feel like I just got summoned!


@Sachi: Android is bad and it should feel bad. :( Four Droids in four months, and a replacement dying within two weeks. Back to a stupid phone and ain't lookin' back! All hail iPhones, or whatever. ;)

@C0r: What a delighful video, thanks, sugar!


people taking elf hate seriously

what is this
It's not if people are taking it serious or not, it's more people just getting plain sick of seeing it all the time.
(05-26-2012, 08:56 PM)Lunaxy Wrote: [ -> ]rofl

people taking elf hate seriously

what is this

It wouldn't be a big deal if that crap wasn't so prominent all over. Plus it's not just elves, at some point it became the "cool thang" to vocally abuse people who are playing characters people deem as...

Well, deem as whatever they don't like, think shouldn't exist, or just think is "FUNNY" to comment on.

It's about as funny as any other thinly veiled rude remark that's flirting the edge of "respect". Meaning, not at all and gets to wearing people down.

And if I'm not mis-steaking Xigo, you are poking fun at me! I do not find your particular argument moo-ving, and it's udderly repellant!

Ahem, now that I got that out of my system, there are lines. Sometimes, it's okay, sometimes, it just gets old. Sometimes, you can tell it's all in good fun, sometimes you feel like you are getting trolled or hated on.
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