Conquest of the Horde

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Sexual orientation has nothing to do with personality except for generalised stereotypes that tend to become the standard for X sexuality. If you are a man who is sexually attracted to other men does not mean you speak with a high pitched voice, say "fabulous" a lot or wear lots of unbuttoned Hawaiian shirts. The reason gays are looked at as they are is because the media in our world portrays them as such.

There is no stereotype for sexual orientation in Warcraft. That's all there is too it.
(06-05-2012, 03:31 AM)Vee Wrote: [ -> ]Sexual orientation has nothing to do with personality except for generalised stereotypes that tend to become the standard for X sexuality. If you are a man who is sexually attracted to other men does not mean you speak with a high pitched voice, say "fabulous" a lot or wear lots of unbuttoned Hawaiian shirts. The reason gays are looked at as they are is because the media in our world portrays them as such.

There is no stereotype for sexual orientation in Warcraft. That's all there is too it.

Naturally. All I'm saying is just that I'm distancing myself from that stereotype. As it's pointless and everyone knows it's fake, anyway.
Not everyone actually, sadly, but this still diverges from Sin'dorei issues @.@
It was already diverging from Sin'dorei issues when people felt like they could relate to it with gnomes or undead. The point wasn't so much that it's about sin'dorei, but people who are overly mean or complain a lot on a certain character setup.

I do think we should focus on making our thoughts and criticisms more constructive than just a complaint. I think people don't like being the center of a complaint but everyone loves to hear rants. If there are certain ways you can articulate your thoughts so that your ideas and input are something constructive and to help improve the situation, then I think we'd have less of this simply b---'in 'bout blood elves. Respect goes a long way.
Personally, I don't like complaining about someone when they're not around. If I don't like something someone does, I tell them, and try to get my meaning across in a diplomatic way, and I sometimes try to suggest what could be a better thing to do. On an ideal day. Sadly, I'm as human as the next man, and I make mistakes, or others make mistakes and I let it make my mood sour. It happens to all of us, and I hope people understand that.
People keep complaining about "thread derails" as if you have to follow the initial post to the letter and not diverge even slightly from it. The talk about sexuality and everything else is just as on topic as the original post because they all have to do with the core issue; people talking down to others because of what sort of character they portray.

I think it's getting to the point where people are trying to get others to stop bringing up issues that revolve around this main core issue... and I think people should keep drawing attention to it. If this has happened to you on CoTH, please share your feelings on the matter. Please, continue to post, because it's -not- off topic and people need to know that it's not tolerable to do this, because even though it's not outward rule breaking, it's something that flirts the edge of doing so, and is very harmful to the cohesiveness of the community. If we are going to keep getting along with each other, we need to know people's feelings on the matter, not "stop" the topic because a few people are crying "derailment" when this topic is STILL relevant to what's originally posted.
I thought the topic of this thread was "Things that bothers the players of COTH that most were too afraid to speak up about because of backlash, but now that it's been said, lets bring to light other issues that can help us evolve as a community."

It's like a train, really. When one person speaks their mind, others will follow and it brings things to light that not only get some thoughts off the players mind, but it helps the community become aware of what can be done to make coth a much more pleasant place to be. If an issue is never publicly known, then there really is no way for people to know what they might be doing to cause displeasure in others. Tis an experience one can only learn and grow from.

Back on the topic that I personally believe this thread to be about:

Can all the 'girly man belf' comments stop? They're chuckle worthy at first, but now it's just a bit of a bother. Sure, blizzard gave them horrible jokes to promote this, but they don't look like females at all. They look more appropriate to modern day humans than...well...the humans do, the males at least. I can take the IC comments, because it would be a logical insult from a human to an elf, but after it gets said in OOC for the 50th time when a male belf comes in it just sorta makes me cringe.

Doran still does not count as a male, however. <3
Luckily, I've only heard a few negative comments about my manly girl elf.

I agree there Reigan. I rolled my elf finally, good ol' Odalis. By all means he's supposed to be a "manly" good ol' boy sort of elf, but because of the simple fact he's an elf everyone says "MANLY, ELF? PFFT. HAHA. RIGHT." Which is fairly... well, counter productive. Then I have to sit there, and take the jokes. If I say something like "He is" it's still met with the same old tripe.

So what? I can't make a character that's as manly as Rensin is? What? I need a character model that's coated in rediculous looking muscle to make that statement true? Or how about adding in severe hunches and what looks like mutated limbs?

If I could, I would. But I can't. I want people to trust me when I say he's rough and tough, and is well-built, instead of seeing what they always want with elves.
I believe you, after seeing him in RP. :)

(You'll never guess who I was, though.)
I just found this topic and after sifting though near over 100 posts.. we'll I'm glad there are others who feel the same way I do. I try to play a wide gambit of different characters so when someone bashes my particular choice, I do take it pretty hard. Hey, I've spent some time thinking about this character, more time into a profile probably, maybe even a storyline.. Oh hey how about an outfit, profession.. predetermined relationships if any.. a history and then I am all set for some RP and I am greeted with "y so belf bro?"


I just like exploring the vast variety across the entire spectrum of role-playing; I'd like to think I'm still pretty new at this. Please don't hate at me for my current RP choice.
Welp, here goes the. Something that bothers me is that races are too nice. It might of been said before, but just the other day there was a line of Horde on one side of a river, and a line of Alliance, all geared and ready to kill one another in strait up war rp. Course no one wanted to start the war by crossing the river. Start crossing the river and your an easy target right? So lots of talking happened. Then suddenly, the two sides who were -completely- hating one another and ready to spill blood became friends. Literally shook hands and blew it off as if nothing had happened. This took place in Ashenvale. Lots of Orcs, lots of Night Elves. They -hate- one another based on a lore stand point behind what was going on in Ashenvale, and instead of the Orcs fighting for their kind (Despite the fact that they started the war) They shook hand with Night Elves who (By the way, deep seeded hatred is there. For quite a lot of them based on their reaction to the large group of Orcs on the opposite bank) shook hands back. I'm not saying that there should always be war, or that they can't make up, but they were out for blood then. going to -kill- one another, then suddenly it all ended with them being nice and going to drink in a tavern.

Anyway, I'm just saying that cause it bugged me some. So don't start hating on me o.o; And I'm sorry if that hurt someones feelings, I wasn't trying to direct it and be rude D:
I know what you mean.

...I don't really have anything constructive to say at the moment, sorry XD

P.S. If I was there I would've tried to instigate something. Moreso-- my character would have. Did I leave before it, or after? (Koramul)
Also, to the guys who don't want war, try like I do all the damn time with Kag'rin, for instance: My Orc Blademaster prefers diplomacy over killing. He usually treats his enemies with respect, and expects the same in return. So, when he's faced with a Night Elf willing to listen, he encourages a peaceful solution, and then he orders a retreat. It's not a fight, while it's not a bunch of hugs and kisses, either. It's a peaceful, but nonetheless resentful agreement between two sides not to fight.

I think that might avoid people getting annoyed by it, too.

Also; I didn't mean to say "do like me", what I meant to say is "this works, so try it, too". It's constructive, I hope. :3
Personally, I find myself doing OOC comments once and a while about certain races. I'm one of those people that would stop if you asked me to. I might throw little nit-picky comments every now and then, but again, remind me to stop and I stop. And now, after a while of that, I'm just what we're all supposed to be in a community like this;


We aren't here to yell at each other for what races they pick. We're here to RP with the characters we set forth on our screens. Whether that character be a Male Gnome that acts like a woman, or a Female Belf that acts like a man, or a Draenei that's scared of the Naaru... The list is endless, and the possibilities also. I believe that sometimes -ALL- of us just need to learn when to set aside the OOC and get some IC going. Is it really so hard to get along, follow the polite instructions of others, and then RP on an RP server? On the matter of comments and people asking you to stop; You should stop if they ask you to stop. Especially if it seems like they're ticked or having a bad day. It may be funny to you, but it's just giving that other person a more crappy day than they already were. Sometimes ya gotta think about the other person.

It's just that time when people need to realize the gap between 'It's just a joke' and 'It's just a joke that ticks everybody off'. Needless to say, I'm probably the fifth person on this thread to repeat the good ol' saying; if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

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