Conquest of the Horde

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[WoW] Lore

Pages: 1 2 3 4


  1. Quick lore question for all you Trolls (3 Replies)
  2. A Paladin Code (13 Replies)
  3. Tanaris humans? (33 Replies)
  4. Help with a pre-Cata Gilneas timeline (4 Replies)
  5. Holy/Shadow? (10 Replies)
  6. Druid Stuff (20 Replies)
  7. Shadow Healing (85 Replies)
  8. Orcs - Subtle lore from the novels (5 Replies)
  9. The Holy Light and the Priesthood (0 Replies)
  10. Titan magic and stuff (17 Replies)
  11. Throm' Ka (2 Replies)
  12. Thalassian runes. (7 Replies)
  13. Mineral Magic (22 Replies)
  14. Shadows of the Sun: A Blood Elf Guide (15 Replies)
  15. Farstriders (Elven Rangers) (8 Replies)
  16. Tauren Animal totem question (6 Replies)
  17. Wildhammer Questions. (4 Replies)
  18. Auchenai! (3 Replies)
  19. Nightsabers and the undead? (33 Replies)
  20. Kurenai lore? (3 Replies)
  21. Help me, CotHi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. (55 Replies)
  22. NE Druidic Lore Questions (9 Replies)
  23. "Family Values": A story of orcs and draenei (8 Replies)
  24. Mists of Pandaria Talent (Controversial!) (31 Replies)
  25. How to female druid, for night elves. (39 Replies)
  26. The Light and the Mind (4 Replies)
  27. Druids speaking whilst in Animal form? (32 Replies)
  28. Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night (4 Replies)
  29. Item Imbuation (3 Replies)
  30. Demonic Diplomatic Deployment. (9 Replies)
  31. Familiars (14 Replies)
  32. Healing with the Light (39 Replies)
  33. In-game Lore-books from Acherus (9 Replies)
  34. Current lore..? (2 Replies)
  35. Timeline and Age Changes (66 Replies)
  36. Can Warlocks turn? (13 Replies)
  37. Warlock question (25 Replies)
  38. Draenei life span (8 Replies)
  39. Theory on Savagekin (5 Replies)
  40. Another Druid Sect? (10 Replies)
  41. About Tormentors and the Shadow Realm (9 Replies)
  42. Undead. (16 Replies)
  43. Worgen Death Knights. Dead and/or Living? (29 Replies)
  44. Draenei names (9 Replies)
  45. Weapon Age (6 Replies)
  46. The Highborne Empire (24 Replies)
  47. Night Elf Aging Given Solid Lore (13 Replies)
  48. Living Death Knights, Part 2 (137 Replies)
  49. Instance Lore and YOU! (10 Replies)
  50. Light Runes (34 Replies)
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