Conquest of the Horde

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Well yeah, sorry, that wasn't at all what I meant by that.
I hope you understand what I did mean, anyway.
I (and this is expressly my opinion, and reflects CotH as a whole in no way) believe that character warnings are rather redundant, restricting, and a terrible cop-out. In my experience, those who put themselves in situations that could kill them (e.g. fighting wild animals, fighting bandits, getting robbed, robbing people) should operate under the knowledge that they may die. It would hardly feel worth it (to me) otherwise.

There is most definitely a point to throwing it out. It makes things go much smoother. One thing that severely bothers me about character warnings is that it makes things restricting. If you don't give a character warning, the character will not die. If you do, you are giving the impression they -will- die. This puzzles me. I prefer using only logic and common knowledge to guide me. Will a forsaken kill a human? Yeah, probably. Will a Draenei Paladin go out of his way to smash his hammer into the face of Miss Innocent Bystander? I highly doubt it.

That's what makes the "no-character-warnings" clause so swell! Besides, I think Kretol might find this town to be a nice experiment to what could happen if character warnings were removed from a dangerous RP setting. If anything, at least give it a chance.
Well, as Anski said, noone is forcing you to go to this area. The "no automatic char warning" thing, IMO, would completely ruin the feel of it. If you don't want your char to die, then don't go there. Simple as that. Without guards, fights are bound to happen, and it's not like somebody would be like "Oh, hey, he's passed out. He'll totally never annoy me again, so I'll just go." Death is bound to happen if you piss somebody off.
Oh dear, wow. No Character Warnings is a very self-destructive idea.
Not that I like the idea of people being able to back out when you're all set up for a duel to the death, I really quite loathe when that scenario ends in a cop out. A responsible role player should not use Character Warnings as a crutch to bail out at the last second. However, that does not mean that they should be written off. From considerable past experience without a formal warning system in place, I can attest to the value of such a system. Regardless of how mature players may be, and how realistic we're hoping that a player may be about the results of shady character actions, character death more often than not leads to OOC drama. People don't like their characters they are attached to being killed unexpectedly, and everyone gets attached at some point. Feelings get hurt, people lash out. Things happen that later everyone regrets. Having it perfectly clear and agreed upon before the situation continues can save so many disagreements later, and keep the OOC atmosphere more friendly. People may still get upset, but a lot of the feelings can be directed back to the player's own agreement to continue instead of lashed out at other involved players or GMs.

Its worth mentioning, Character Warnings also protect characters against rampant killing - which generally doesn't leave anyone happy. Without them, some insane character is free to randomly jump people and take them out for no real reason. Or griefing possibilities are opened up, where you can take any character of yours and slay someone you have an OOC beef with for little to no reason. Or someone may use a character being in that area that has previously turned down being killed as an excuse to "finish the job". I do realize these examples sound extreme, but they really do happen. And it is unfortunate every time.
You should be able to trust players to be responsible about this stuff, yes. But realistically it is better in practice to have a safety system in place because sooner or later something will go wrong without it.
I'm not saying there should be no character warnings, but should there be a permanent character warning? Does it really need to be one of the two extremes, or should we let people make character warnings for the situations and rps, and not just for the sake of where you happen to be?
Drama regarding warnings already happen, Dark. Character warnings are pretty much a big red flag for some people, making them stop and just go "wat" at the screen. If anything, I think removing it would decrease OOC drama. After all, if people knowingly interact in dangerous activities, they can expect something like this to happen. Knowing you may die beforehand is much better than a sudden shock to the face, in my opinion.

And let's face it, this area would be dangerous. There is no enforcement of rules. If you drag a man into a back ally and shank him, you will likely not be hunted down and thrown in jail for murder. Why? There might not even be a jail. What I'm trying to derp out right now is it could cause more good than harm, with the reasoning I'm employing.

But I really don't know. That's why I'd like the "No Warning" rule to be implemented on the town - to see the results.

If they don't like the perma char warning, then just tell them to GTFO. If they want safe RP, then go to Ratchet or Booty Bay. If they want lawless RP, then go to the town. There are places where Char warnings need to be given, so why not have one exception? Why not experiment what it's like with none needed, instead of everywhere else, where one is needed?
The no character warning doesn't mean your gonna die as a result from a duel. It will just impart on you the seriousness of getting into trouble in a place like this. Say, you did happen to get into a sticky spot, and a rollfight ensued. When your down to about 2 health, your character is gonna be pretty roughed up, and unless they were suicidal, or a fool, in which case yes they would die, the character would likely make a break for it, try and run outta town to safety. IT would be humiliating, your character would likely be mocked and jeered at by the mob, but that's what'cha get for starting a fight. Character deaths are only gonna happen in this place if your character doesn't have the sense to know when they are outnumbered, outmatched, and generally in too deep, or continue to act like a smart-ass when a weapon is drawn on them. Fear makes characters interesting, and with the character wanring system, it means that people sometimes play characters who are totally fearless, and unphased when a weapon is drawn on them. People need to be gentuinely scared, and that's what this place would offer them.

To survive in this town, you don't waltz about safe in the knowledge that nothing can hurt you because of your lack of warnings of impending danger, and the beefy guards wandering about. You rely on your common sense and wit's, and even then you have to be pretty brave. That's the element I'm looking for, not the ability to run about murdering people, but knowing that there WILL be IC consequences for my actions. :)
I've thought of a location that might be viable. Tanglefoot Junction, Duskwood.

It's a location in the lore (though not in-game), and it seems simple enough. A small town in Duskwood in the centre of a forest clearing. I know it's a tempting idea to try and draw people away from the human lands and into other regions for RP, but IMO the best locations for RP are those that people are drawn towards naturally.

As for the town itself, it's a small grouping of houses and shops that's built up around a single shack, which would mean that an infrastructure to deal with crime and punishment probably wouldn't exist.
Duskwood isn't really viable for Horde characters, though.
Also Duskwood wouldn't be too viable for lawlessness, I can imagine. Stir up too much of a ruckus and the Nightwatch will go after you :v
Not to mention all the undead
And uglies that go bump in the night.
Drisburg Maybe?
[Image: Dustwallow-Marsh.jpg]

This general area is the best place I have come up with so far. If someone would like to add to it with specifications or (and I would love you for this) screenshots of that particular area, that'd be fantastic. It's halfway between Theramore and the Barrens, and out in the middle of where nobody of good sense should really go unless they were up to no good or really out of their money. Just sayin'.
It's a goblin town that was added in a WotLK patch I believe.
Very small though.
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