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Spir, while those things are disadvantages some GMs have, it's still better to have them all consolidated instead of posting whenever you can think of something else.

Delta Wrote:I'd like to believe it's the case that the isolated cases where favouritism is exemplified are ones where the individual had showed themselves to be worthy of receiving whatever it is, either through maturity or antiquity or whichever quality is coveted. However, that gives the rest of the playerbase the impression that they are not considered to have those traits, when that isn't in fact true - by which I mean, 'I've only seen one person that unusual-model sword. Does that mean that they're the only mature player on the server?' It becomes very clear that other factors are at play.

'If not, why not?' is a question very much in need of answering with something other than, 'it just isn't.'
That is unfortunate. When it comes to unusual-model weapons, it may have been a case of a GM simply not thinking before handing out some custom weapon, or perhaps it was before I said "Don't give these out 'cause I'm making a vendor for them!" or something similar. I do not know without a specific example.
I can understand how one could have that perception, however, whether it's true or not.
And you people need to stop responding so fast - don't even have a chance to post a reply before two more are back up...

and in regards to vouching, it wouldn't be to get to Grunt or anything - it'd simply be... well, perhaps similar to the Thanks system. I don't know - I was simply presenting a suggestion.
Right I believe it was just a suggestion though. Anything and everything will be exploited. But what the vouching system stands for would be a good idea. Although I don't like the system as it was in place when I first joined and I Rped for long times with others who were vets at that time who commended me OOCly for my RP but I never received any vouches and it was to the point where peons chased grunts and gms to RP it was a mess.

Edit: Kretol beat my post. /shakesfist
Since we are to be brutally honest, I suppose there's nothing wrong in me giving my opinion.

Having seen and been part of lesser communities, in both a structure and role playing sense, I must say that CoTH as a whole is in a league of its own.
From what I've experienced, the GM's are helpful, kind, and inclined to help if simply asking them courteously.

They are putting their free time into helping players, who seems to oversee the fact that they deserve appreciation. After all, a simple thanks, or even a few kind words goes a long way. If you where the one planning events, proof-reading profiles and tending to players enjoyment, would you not want a word of thanks for your efforts?

Is the team, or the server perfect? no. Are the players and the community perfect? no, then again. Nothing really is, the delusion of perfection and the compulsion of constantly adding to and expanding what you have is simply human nature.

Take a good look at what the server team has made available to you, a whole world holding endless creative possibilities. Appreciate what you, as a player has been given, before complaining and asking for more.

Conflict and arguments are inevitable amongst ourselves, but at the end of the day we are all just people, with our own flaws and talents. Respect others, and respect will be given onto you in return.

Much love CoTH, I am thankful to have the possibility of being part of this community.
^.~ Mwahaha, sorry Kretol. We just love preventing you from posting.

Well, I don't know either. I never saw the system in action it just gave me a uneasy feeling. Perhaps before a player wants something done or anything that requires GMs, that person can be observed.. for a week, or two silently by multiple GMs and see how he/she handles themselves OOCly and ICly.

I'm just throwing out a idea before going to bed myself. Gnight and all. ^.~
*demands group hug*
Danalthar Wrote:*demands group hug*
Admitting there is a flaw is one thing.

Having the power to fix it is another.

Most of my opinions were stated though another medium at the meet and greet, and I apologize I was not able to be there myself.


It is present and I know it is something that for the most part may be subconsciously done. If someone you are friends with asks you to do something. Stop. Ask yourself, "Would I do the same for someone I'm not friends with?" If the answer is no, then that is a problem. You shouldn't be doing/allowing it at all.

It's not just favoritism to other players, it's also to yourselves.

Half the things GMs have done and still do are something that if a player suggested it, it would be shot down in a heartbeat. While the argument may be it's 'because you can trust another GM to do it', look at the fairness of it. Would you not be upset if you were told no, but there goes a GM parading around doing what you suggested? The main example could be prestige characters without a training thread, or unprofiled characters. I do fully understand about the profiles though, I only request that sometime in the future your level 80s get one put up.

I am NOT calling anyone out with this, it is something I have observed over time.

When it gets down to it. Players are afraid to talk to a GM about GMs because they fear they will be punished. It may be scoffed off and called a silly fear, but can you honestly blame them for such a thing? If GM A is friends with player A and player A has been rude and breaking lore, would you be afraid to tell GM A? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, because you don't want to call out their friends. It is a sad day when I have to see people deal with things that they shouldn't all because they think the person who is giving them an issue is too close to the GMs for anything to be done about it. Be frank with yourselves and honest. Would you want to know if one of your friends was doing something worthy of being banned for? Would you want to have to handle that yourself?

It's a sad day when someone has to be encouraged to report someone because that person is a friend to a GM.


It is an issue here and it pains me to say it. But it also seems like nothing will be done about it. Players are being driven away by it and nothing seems to be done about it. Now, I don't know what goes on behind the scenes as I'm only a player, and a fairly new one at that. But it's frustrating when it seems like it's not being taken seriously enough. Giving someone a stern "talking to" isn't going to do much.

I will talk to GM's that have requested individual feedback when I get the chance too, I also have more to post soon, but want to get this out of the way. My computer is making the "OHGODIMGONNADIE" noise on me and I don't want to retype this all.
I'll edit this as I think of more stuff.

Krilari: You bullied a certain person for a certain someone. You are letting this relationship with this certain someone get to your head. You are letting your emotions control you. GMs being friends with players is great, but not when players can use GMs against other people they may be miffed with. You need to take a step back away from the emotions and -see-. Really really look hard and see the people behind what's going on. You are young, so I understand the emotions behind this. I went through something like this.

I remember when you, AlianaS, and a few others all chatted together.

I remember being good friends with you.

Since you've become a GM, I don't really know who you are anymore.

Since you've become a GM, you just aren' anymore. So, stiff and touchy. We'd be snarky and you'd jump on us. We'd have a neat idea for RP, and you'd quash it despite good arguments and evidence. I've even heard you taking part in making fun of me on Vent.

I'm downright afraid of talking to you now.

Where did the Krilari of old go? I've heard power corrupts, but really?

Lox: Well, I have you on MSN, so no point in this. You're the sweetest person ever. Perhaps a bit too sweet. You've really helped me since I got all rage-y. I really don't know the statistics behind your approvals on introductions and profiles, but you DESPERATELY need to be stricter. More strict? Pfft, grammar. Giving everyone a chance is good, but people need to be guided. Sometimes guidance hurts, but no pain, no gain, right?

Stuff: Annnd like everyone else ever...favoritism.
I do not deny the accusations, but I only hope to make up for them. Once I get in game later tonight, C0r. Mind chatting for a lil' while?
Sure. When's later? I'll be on all night, mostly.
I do have one last thing to say to the GMs.

Thank you.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for taking the time out of you day to do such a thankless job.

You do your best, and stuff like this hurts to hear.

But thank you for what you've done.

We all contribute to CoTH's treasury by coughing up a few silver pieces, so here goes nothing:

Is there an issue with the Character Profiles forum or the likes? Perhaps with the new call of more stringent measures stagnanting the entire Character Profile's bureacratic engine and bringing it to a screeching halt? Because it does seem like the last character approved was quite some time ago. . .

But what saddens me most is this fact. . .
Quote:Half the things GMs have done and still do are something that if a player suggested it, it would be shot down in a heartbeat. While the argument may be it's 'because you can trust another GM to do it', look at the fairness of it. Would you not be upset if you were told no, but there goes a GM parading around doing what you suggested? The main example could be prestige characters without a training thread, or unprofiled characters. I do fully understand about the profiles though, I only request that sometime in the future your level 80s get one put up.

Thats all! >_>
I'll throw some stuff up here.

1. Favoritism

- Beating a dead horse. This stuff happens, there's not much we can do about it. It's just a fact of being human. However! If the GM's remind themselves that, 'Hey, I shouldn't let my friend do this, it sounds kinda OP.' then perhaps some of it can be avoided.

I'm guilty of this, simply because if I want something done, I go to a GM that knows me. I know I'll have a higher chance of being approved, and I abuse it.

How can we fix this? Well, my suggestion is that if an idea from a player is showed to a GM, that GM needs to post it in the GM forums for all the other GM's to see. That way, everyone can get an opinion on it, rather than just one GM. I noticed that this method has been used, but not effectively, it seems.

I had an idea that a GM submitted to the GM forums maybe.. Two months ago? Not a word back on it. Might've been forgotten about, or denied and I haven't been informed. Which ever the case, GM's need to improve on this!

2. Character Profiles

- Again with the dead horse, I been watching the character profile list for a few days. We been stuck on one profile for a handful of days. Maybe a week.

Now, perhaps the profile isn't one many GM's want to touch. (No offense, I like the character. Calia and Celes RP was awesome. <3) But, it needs to be done. Because being on the waiting list when you have a few other characters that you want approved is annoying, because you have to wait another week -after- the profile is approved to post a new one.

How to fix? Well, GM's just being active would do it. However, another idea is interesting to say the least.

What if we let certain players be able to approve profiles? Like, a forum GM without any commands in game? They could have their own method of approving profiles, such as having at least 3 of the "GM's" give the thumbs up for it. Of course, we don't have to have these new forum GM's, and just allow the Grunts to do this. Just some food for thought.

3. GM... Power-Abuse?

- To me, it seems GM's have a lot more say and freedom when they wish to do something regarding their characters. I mean, they can spawn up NPC's, fly, customize and claim areas for themselves, and other things.

I'll venture to say that GM's who have prestige characters have -more- power than player prestige characters, simply because of what a GM can do, and the freedom they have because of it.

Now, I know the GM's work hard for a job that no one wants, and they are just told to 'Hey! Do more work! Get my profiles approved! Teleport me to GMI! Answer my ticket!" day in and day out. I respect them for their task, and they have earned their rights of having special commands to help run our server better.

Just keep in mind that players sometimes feel little when a GM changes up an area for their own needs, or get approved for something that they wanted to do badly.

My two coppers! :3
IDEA: We have two separate teams of GMs that switch off, say, monthly. If we do this, it keeps the work stress for the GMs relatively small, whilst still getting stuff done.
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